查過cd 都沒有人 po 過 雖然是西部少見學校 也不是什麼大牛學校 還是來分享一下 就算自已感覺砸鍋 還是要為後人著想呀 面試的人 還滿nice的,問問題的速度都還可以理解 都是基本的面經 1.why mba why now 2.Describe your job 3.Describe your company and how do you help the company ( for example, innorvation ) 4.What is your strengh or skill that you can help your classmate or help yourself in MBA program 5. What do you like to do for fun 6.If you can't come to study in Fall, what would you do for your career? Would you change job or...? 7.What do you think Leeds can help you in your goal. 大部分都是著重在工作經驗跟未來規劃的問題 面試過程太緊張..一整個說話都有點太快 有時還會停頓 但是 跟她說話 我還有聊到一點地方有逗到她笑...也不知道這樣有沒有差 at least, I didn't feel bored. 雖然最後她說 You sound attactive in this interview 天知道是不是 安慰的話...