刚刚发现kellogg不能waive toefl for u.s. graduate students,这个在magic7是唯一不能waiver的 请问在美国毕业准备申请的弟兄有什么打算?现在离round1 deadline只有一月,难道再费精力去考toefl?而且为了一个kellogg考toefl也很不值的 一朋友发email问adcom,告之不可waive,必须考toefl 想听听大家有什么打算? 有个naive的想法,发email去争取争取,像7月的移民法案一样,不知道有没有效... link http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/admissions/admissions/faq.htm#international Who is required to take the TOEFL? All non-US Citizens or non-US Permanent Residents who received their undergraduate degree from an institution where English was not the only language of instruction must submit a TOEFL score. The Office of Admissions reserves the right to request a TOEFL score from applicants if deemed necessary |