potential 作名词,不直接跟TO,要么跟FOR,要么跟OF。下面是LONGMAN和WM的解释和例句。(EXHAUSTIVE!) potential 2 noun 1 the possibility that something will develop in a particular way, or have a particular effect potential for The company certainly has the potential for growth. Consult a doctor to minimize the potential for health risks. potential of the potential of the Internet to create jobs WM 11TH: 1 a : something that can develop or become actual *a potential for violence*
我觉得答案更象是C, E显然有问题 potential for 后面跟名词, 指有潜力/可能 成为什么 E 如果改成 an effect that may limit the potential of such analgesics for relief of pain 是可以的. the potential of sb to do sth = sb's potential to do sth 这种用法比比皆是 请指正!
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-18 13:04:19编辑过] |