OG11紫色那本东西,SC部分第44题选项C那句话实在是不知道怎么理解,希望有人指点一下:^^ has come to signfy means that it stil signfies, but has signified suggests a completed action and thus alters the meaning 意思是说has come to signfy表示动作延续,但是has signfied就不是吗? 彻底搞昏,因为现在分词不是就是指动作延续到现在吗? 那么这两个短语究竟有什么不同? 同样地,OG11紫色SC第3题,解释说: had been is an incorrect verb tense, suggesting that the Native Americans were no longer part of the the culture. The original sentence uses the correct verb tense (were) to indicate an onging action in the past,=>我的理解是说,Native Americans were part of the the culture. 但是这两个动词不都表示Native Americans 已经不是文化了一部分了吗? 反正搞不懂。 请高人相助。 |