Q32: PP61. Among lower-paid workers, union members are less likely than nonunion members to be enrolled in lower-end insurance plans imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see more patients, and spend less time with each. A. imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see more patients, and spend B. imposing stricter limits on medical services, requiring doctors to see more patients, and spending C. that impose stricter limits on medical services, require doctors to see more patients, and spend D. that impose stricter limits on medical services and require doctors to see more patients, spending E. that impose stricter limits on medical services, requiring doctors to see more patients and spending
答案是D 我觉得如果有选项:that impose stricter limits on mdeical services, requiring doctors to see more patients and to spend 会不会更好 觉得require是limit的内容,为什么跟它并列呢 |