以下是引用josiesun在2003-12-9 13:54:00的发言: G分660, 还要继续申请吗? 目标是TOP20-30. 工作经验是FORTUNE500前20的美企, 请问还后戏吗?
I don't really think it is a very low GMAT score. You might have a shot at top 20-30 programs, but your chance largely depends on other parts of your application, such as your working expereince, essays and recommendations. I know a friend who got into a top 20-30 program with a GMAT score between 630-650. However, she has 4 years working experience, solid essays and good interview.
I'd suggest you to put more focus on writing your essays first. If you still have time after you are done with the essays, then consider retaking GMAT then. |