You have been given $1 million to set up a philanthropic organization. What would it support and why? 我有两点疑惑:1、我一个朋友是做NON-PROFIT的,说慈善是不能要求回报的--我原本打算设立一个MBA基金,超低息无条件贷款,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,就不合适了。我想确认一下,请哪位大侠给个意见? 2、这是要求设立一个组织,那就不能只考虑如何把钱花出去了?还要考虑如何运营的问题吗?越想越复杂了
1) I think to create an organization for MBA student loan should not be considered as "philanthropic" activity, since most of us are living in much better condition than those need help.
2) Yes, organization skill is also very critical here.
I asked this before. and others told me I should focus on what and why, not how
以下是引用chipmunk在2003-12-1 3:26:00的发言: 1) I think to create an organization for MBA student loan should not be considered as "philanthropic" activity, since most of us are living in much better condition than those need help.
2) Yes, organization skill is also very critical here.