Charlote Parkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urban apartment hourses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities. (A) including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities (D) that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities. 答案D 问题1. 但是D中的格式为call for A that..and for B with sth. done. 两个的格式不对称的。A是用定于从句修饰,B是用介词短语修饰。 这题出在白勇的平行结构上..前面的题都是要必须格式完全一致才可以的。 问题2. 我的想法是有可能因为他修饰两个东西,所以A和B可以用不同的修饰方法,如果单单修饰A的话,可不可以出现例如A that..and with..之类的结构的? 问题3.白勇在前面的总结中有写过副词和with之类的介词短语是可以同时修饰一个东西的,比如answer sth. promptly and without mistakes.但是没有写出可以定语从句和介词短语同时修饰一个东西,那到底是可以还是不可以的呢? 恩..其实问题2和问题3是问的差不多的问题~~ 谢谢各位NN们啦!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-1 11:40:38编辑过] |