1. What are the applicant's most outstanding attributes?
2. What are the three areas of the applicant's professional performance that have improved the most in the time you have known him or her? 3. What do you perceive to be the applicant's weaknesses? 4. Please address the following components of the applicant. Cite specific examples where possible. a. Intellectual ability (e.g. analytical and quantitative skills, communication skills, creativity, curiosity) b. Career performance (e.g. responsibilities and progression relative to others in the industry, impact on organization) c. Career focus (e.g. clarity of post-degree plans, active participation in his or her own career development) d. Interpersonal skills (e.g. maturity, listening skills, team skills, sense of humor, respect for different viewpoints) e. Leadership experience and potential (e.g. ability to influence others, initiative, contribution beyond expected responsibilities, integrity) |