下面是一些大神的解释 不是特别懂
Compared toGMAT, GRE is much easier. (incorrect!!) "Comparedto/with" should be used with ... ... the TWO THINGS that are INTENDED TO BECOMPARED ... NO OTHERCOMPARISON INDICATOR
我的疑问: 这个地方说句子错了是不能用easier了吗应该改成easy?
来自prep 的一个题
141. (32450-!-item-!-188;#058&006160) The federal rules aimed at protectinghuman subjects of medical experiments were established to ensure that patients must be warned ofpotential risks and an independent panel would evaluate the experiment before it was conducted. (A) must be warned of potential risks andan independent panel would (B) must be warned of potential risks andthat an independent panel (C) are warned about potential risks andthat an independent panel (D) will be warned about potential risksand an independent panel would (E) would be warned of potential risksand that an independent panel would
我的疑问: would 和will 我还是想不通 看ron的解释是根据事态 尼玛必然不能只看时态不是? 我比较赞同的是看 事件是否是certain的 但是这个题目感觉后面的事件是certain 的 咋就选would了呢。。。
请大家指点 谢谢