哪些学校一定要开银行资金证明呢?大家一起把这些学校列出来。偶知道 Duke 的 Fuqua 去年是要要资金证明的,后来偶义愤填膺的写信去问为什么要这个咚咚,结果院长说今年会取消这个要求(并不是因为偶的信)。下面是院长的来信,偶以前曾经贴出来过,题目是:“咱们穷人也可以申请这所巨牛的商学院了”,现在找不着了:
[Dean's letter]Here is the response from our admissions director. She describes why they did this. We have learned that this is not a good idea and we are not going to do this next year. We appreciate your interest in Fuqua!
[Director's letter]Last year we asked students to provide their financial documentation with the application for admission last year. We initially thought this would help with visa processing for admitted students and we would also be able to get a sense for how many international students might need the loan program. Bottom line, we shot ourselves in the foot because the international students felt that we were using their financial status as part of the admission criteria.
For the upcoming year, we are not asking for any proof before an offer of admission is made so this will hopefully help to alleviate some of these concerns.
耶鲁要求资金证明的原文如下(在线申请的系统): I have the following funds available for study at the Yale School of Management. List only funds that are guaranteed and available, and mail to the school, documentation verifying bank deposits and letters of support from your sponsors. All international students must complete this section. Source of Funding Name of Sponsor/Source Amount in US$ Assured for 1st Year Amount in US$ Assured for 2nd Year Student's Personal Assets Sponsoring Family Members or Other Individuals Sponsoring Agency, Government, Employer Total Resources 从这里看,耶鲁并不需要银行资信证明,但是有一个朋友写帖子说耶鲁要银行资信证明,偶把耶鲁的东西从头看到尾,并没有找到这样的要求,请各位找出来给偶看看。谢谢!
以下是引用Shuzhen在2003-11-24 0:24:00的发言: 耶鲁要求资金证明的原文如下(在线申请的系统): I have the following funds available for study at the Yale School of Management. List only funds that are guaranteed and available, and mail to the school, documentation verifying bank deposits and letters of support from your sponsors.