以下是引用ashram在2007-5-27 18:13:00的发言: 1.Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor card was demonstrated and with its superiority to the horse being
proved, much of the early hostility to it in rural regions disappeared. (A) and with its superiority to the horse being (B) and its superiority over the horse had been (C) and its superiority to the horse (D) its superiority over the horse (E) with its superiority to the horse having been 白勇的答案是B,我觉得从并列句式考虑,应该选C才对,B用了had been,跟前面的was demonstrated不对称啊
2.Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road
. (A) into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road (B) into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road than at present (C) for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road (D) in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on the road (E) in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than presently on the road 白勇的答案是D 我觉得选项E中,for developing......用来修饰research,为什么不可以呢?
我最近正在看白勇语法分词和不定式的内容,不是NN,说一点我的看法: 1)首先,句子主干是the economic and social usefulness of the motor card was demonstrated and...,独立主格结构 阅读划线部分得知主句的逻辑关系是被动并且考察的是并列问题。and 前后一个说的是被显示,另一个说的是被证明,排除C。 另外,gmat的语法规则是在有充分根据的情况下并列成分可以使用不同时态。所以选择B。 2)正如楼上所言,动作的目的要用不定式to do表达。除此之外,E选项中,暂且抛开that使用是否合理。句子的逻辑意思是说(以后)效率更高的汽车(名词短语)与现在的汽车(名词短语)的比较,比较对象要对称。E选项错在把"效率更高的汽车(名词短语)"和" on the road(介词短语)"作比较。D选项的those是those cars的省略形式。并与前半句的cars并列。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-4 12:24:12编辑过] |