题型30-25-55 writing: Businesses should hire their employees entire life. Do you agree or disagree.
listening 11个短对话,1个conversation, 5个lecture 短对话不记得了,请大家原谅 conversation:大概意思 gg要上课了但没有书,到书店去问一个mm,mm说.....(不记得了,但不重要,没有考题),然后mm建议gg去问manager(有考题,请仔细听) Q1:问gg为什么要问mm关于书的事情 Q2:问mm建议gg去找manger问什么 lecture:(现在一时想不起detail,等一会想起来再说) 1. 美国首都为什么迁到华盛顿 2。一种动物奇特的冬眠方式
words: rival(2)--competing indispensable ---- essential alternative pose as---pretend to be
1:wasp----ant前人的贴子很详细,请参考 1.Two main points: how scent is important to wasps and ants; how wasps can survive in the ants' nest 2.how can wasps enter the ants' nest: they can hide on ants' bodies. 3.pose as = pretend to be 4.rival= compete (同一考试中第二次考到该词) 5.why the passage mentioned the generosity of ants.--------because the behavior of wasps is opposite to the generosity of ants. 6.句子插入题 7. prosper=flourish 8.文中黑体句子的意思---- the ants will expel the wasps that they detected.
2。the mangrove of Florida.前人JJ,我给转贴了 1. Main idea: the ecological impact of the mangrove 2. the influence of the mangrove----they add the forest land to florida. 3. the characteristics shared by the mangrove and buttomwoods: salt-tolerate 4. considerate (distance)=large 5. one character that does not belong to mangrove----they are easily destroyed by hurricane. 6. after destroyed by the hurricane, what happened to mangrove?----they send out new roots and grow up again. 7. "In fact" refers to what? ----mangrove is important to preserve the shoreline of Florida. 8. main point of paragraph 3----- the ability of mangrove to build up land. 9. 代词指代题. they---mangrove.
3。AMERICAN NATIVE MUSIC Q1: difference between american native music and european music(answer: 大概意思european music was an artistic or as recreation) q2: indispensable--- essential q3:文中选那句话表明song是inaccurate ----选了有legend这个单词的那句 q4:文中那里讲了关于women和song得。。。(记不住了题目了,但是答案再最后一段最后几句)
5。将chicage的交通工具的发展(答案和问题都是大概意思) q1:马车为什么不好? 因为造成环境污染 q2:locomotives为什么不好?因为噪音,容易引起火灾,还有一点想不起来了 q3:再问中找出描述chicago t...(不记得这个单词)的一句?再文中最后几句找,实在想不起来了
Good luck
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