FRESHMAN YEAR 1. Register as Pre-Law with the Dean's Office. 2. Take Core classes. 3. Take courses of interest; do not restrain yourself in any way. Take courses that interest you and that may not necessarily have to do with your future profession. SOPHOMORE YEAR
1. Focus on learning how to write effectively! 2. Think about what you would like to major in and register for that major. 3. Take courses (in any department) that involve writing about, devising, and deducing arguments with evidence and proofs. The more technically-inclined your major (e.g. math or science), the more important it is that you take courses that improve your writing style. You must be sure to include such courses as part of your elective selection. JUNIOR YEAR
Spring - Register with LSDAS.
- Prepare for LSAT (Practice Tests, Course, Prep Book).
- Plan to take LSAT in June- register by early May.
- Read the Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools (available at the Career Resource Library, 38 Commonwealth Ave.) and consider the schools to which you might apply.
- Think about who might write your faculty letters of reference.
Summer - Send transcript to LSDAS.
- Decide on competitive, safety and long-shot schools to which you will apply.
- Draft a generic personal statement.
- If possible, visit the law schools that interest you.
September - November "Early" Application Period - Secure application materials.
- Talk to potential references about your interests and choices.
- Attend a Law School Application Workshop at the Career Center.
- Take or retake the LSAT in October if necessary- register by late August.
- Attend one of the group presentations on application strategies (sign up in Gasson 109).
- Complete Law Recommendation Worksheet and submit it to an Associate Dean in Gasson 109 to assist in preparing the Dean's Recommendation.
- The Law School Admissions Council sponsors the Boston Law School Forum where admissions officers from more than 100 law schools are available to speak with you. Visit the Boston Law School Forum website for more information.
October 15 - December 15 - Visit the Career Center - Explore materials in the Career Resource Library (38 Comm Ave.) on law careers.
- Use the Career Center's career assessment software to help define your interests and goals.
- Attend a Resume Workshop and an Interview Skills Workshop.
- Take advantage of the opportunity to videotape and critique a practice interview to help you refine your expression of your interests.
January 15 - Send transcript with fall grades directly to law schools.
February 1 - April 1 Wait
April 1 - Visit schools to which you have been admitted and send a deposit to one school only.
- Update the schools at which you have been waitlisted on your latest GPA, honors, senior thesis, extracurricular activities, etc.
The Law School Application Schedule was developed by Associate Dean Joseph Burns, College of Arts and Sciences. For more information, see Applying to Law School. |