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发表于 2008-3-22 15:21:00 | 只看该作者


             I’m not an expert, but a beginner


另外,以我在美国生活的体会,我觉得语法并不如同国内认为的,对美国人不重要。实际上,我觉得非常重要!有很多immigrants包括部分native speaker说得溜溜的,听也没问题(因为生活长了自然就没问题),但是写出来之糟糕。语法对应的是写作,写得更好标志着今后在工作上你写的report可以唬住美国人。而写作对应的是思维,有条理,有见地,口语才更有逻辑性,在工作中做presentation才能胜人一筹。所以,比起考试,有些深层的东西更重要,不是我自信,我说了我也只是初学者。那些哪里哪里老师的模板,you know, it just doesn’t make any sense to your skill of English.

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”     

                                                                                                               Charles R. Swindoll

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.    

                                                                                                               Henry Ford             



字典:我看到很多人推荐Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,我想说,其实在美国没有人用这个字典。对于我们这种second-language student,我有三个老师都强力推荐的是Longman Dictionary of American English,因为里面的意思非常明了,不拐弯抹角。如果你对字典的能力再高一点,已经对全英文字典很comfortable,而且你比较注意例句和单词后面介词的习惯性用法(这是字典的另一最大用途),可以考虑Longman Advanced American English.

纸字典的一大disadvantage就是没有真实发音,Longman Dictionary of American English是有附加光盘的,不过我从来没打开过,也不晓得有没有发音。我一般查单词会想听听发音,混个耳熟,所以我用online-dictionary多过于paper one, 我个人比较了网上字典的经验是比较喜欢MSN sponsor


ETS official website里面的对toefl整体考试的media, 有详细介绍四个考试部分的结构和考试界面的模式,还有sample。值得一看,特别是像我这样没时间也没耐性去看完OG整本介绍的人,花不了几分钟,标准美语,对听力也是小练习。




今天花了一点时间做了ETS网站的TOEFL IBT Sampler ( ETS网站直接预订TOEFL考试的才可以有一次机会做这个题,只是sampler, 所以没有4个小时的完整题目,而且writing and speaking 都是不能练习的),这次的联系对我熟悉它的环境和调整我的方向都有很大的作用。


昨天下午借了barron's toefl ibt 2007(1book, 10 discs)(就是2006-2007题库),kaplan TOEFL iBT with cd-rom 2007-2008, The Princeton Review Cracking the TOEFL iBT 2008, 还有Barron's how to ...(11th edition).

今天目标,a.一样做一点点,自己感觉一下 b)把我以前的grammar的一些笔记拿出来review 一下。(新增语法方面的tips在第7楼和第10


昨天晚上到12点我才有了个安静环境做会儿题,时间有限,只作了听力,做的是Barron's TOEFL IBT 2007,model test1: pretest,非常受打击,共9篇,50道,错了10道,到后面我真的想睡觉了,连笔记都不做了。对我来说,比较困难的肯定也是lecture, 这套题里面有Geology class, Art class, Astronomy class, Economy calss, Psychology class, Environmental science class and Philosophy class.






1)把昨天晚上听的再听一遍,想想我为什么没有把握住整个lecture的框架。这些老师一般是喜欢什么样的结构来阐述他们的观点呢?我是不是应该在边听就边期待他下面可能要讲什么,对应地知道什么时候应该more concentrate on?因此,我要在这几天扭转自己局面,尽量变被动为主动


3)今天把书上的take notes那一节也看一遍,看看对我的听力笔记strategy有没有比较有用的建议.3楼有更新这部分)



1)做题找感觉肯定是必要的。2) 把听力的原文自己朗诵并且跟着录音用同等速度读一遍,也是找感觉。3)口语的PLAN还是要继续练,要对45-60秒有个感觉大概每说多久就应该有一个TRANSITION到另一个POINT. 3)

(Mar. 26)

今天就把ETS OG的阅读和听力全部做了。听力比BARRON简单很多,但是阅读,怎么讲,文章不难,但是问题的选择太有迷惑性了。我都超了2分钟,看来时间都是我要CONCERN的因素了!

中午和朋友去吃饭,逛街了,觉得心情顿时舒畅很多阿~!对女人而言,hanging out还是最好的释放压力的办法。希望晚上做题更有效率!


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-30 13:12:54编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 15:22:00 | 只看该作者


(Mar. 21)



a. TOEFL口语考试不是一般的朋友对话,而是critical thinking, logical thinking, 应该是更趋向于presentation. 1 minute 很快就过去了,不计划是说不出个重点的。那些判官应该不是想听我的口音有多标准,他们更想知道我的英文逻辑思维有没有到college level, 看我有没有什么idea可以appeal to them.

因此,在1530秒的准备时间里,我应该迅速发挥brainstorm, 像写in-class academic essay一样,赶快想几个要点,以及statement.
顺序是,一个statement. 然后针对statement想几点points to support it(无论中英文,几个单词就行).有这样的outline, 很有逻辑性地说1分钟应该是没有问题的。

B.7天的时间里面,想背很多我不认识的单词对我的口语考试没有任何帮助,何况我也不是那么勤奋的人。在刚才的impromptu speech 里,我发现我有时会因为一些介词的用法表现得hesitated, 比如我在说到I'm really fasinated ...的时候,我停了一下想后面是of or with,介词非常重要,我需要review一遍。嗯,明天抄上来。另外就是时态问题,我有时候在说现在时的时候,不小心说成了过去时。事态的unneccessary stwich会非常confuse those americans. 
或许我应该去翻翻ets official guide看看有啥好的idea. 


这个TOEFL samplerspeakingwriting部分只是demonstration用途,所以我没办法review,我只能凭我很烂的记忆了。一个是两个学生之间的对话,对于如何对付考试的困难,男学生给了女学生两个建议,一个是去跟instructor谈谈,一个是try the efficient schedule。然后要你复述他们的strategies and talk about which one you prefer. 另一个先给篇文章讲mammal的被驯化和家养的过程(是不是过程我有点记不清了),然后有一段听力讲两种mammals在驯化时的不同表现,horse antelope. ETS没有给我机会去演习,但是他给了几篇代表性的真实的考生答案,并且分析为什么给这个level。我觉得很受启发,我已经记不清楚到底有几个考生的答案了。只能泛泛地说一下。第一个答案是一average level的,ets的解释是他slow, choppy pace affected his score. 事实上,这个考生的答案(在我听来)非常多的间隔(还不算短的),他只是抓住了非常泛泛的意思,ETS就给了他中等的成绩。另一个给了Low level的却是一个发音还挺不错,速度也不算慢的人,理由是,他的词汇的贫乏和语法的错误confused 判官。说白点,就是这个人没有抓住要点,讲不清楚东西,说了半天,别人都没明白说什么。

我的体会就是:发音不是问题,速度不是问题。如何表达idea才是问题1530秒的准备时间不足以让我准备整个presentation,但是足够让我理清自己的思路,1.先回想整体轮廓(就是一句话表达听到了什么,以第二个例子为例,我的大纲就是domestication of mammal animals。第一句话就是The main idea of both the passage and the lecture is the domestication of mammal animals2。迅速想两个论点(60分钟的说的时间,2个论点完全okay了。我的论点就是a.文章谈了什么b.听力讲了什么。只要我有非常逻辑性的structure and I will catch the MAIN IDEA,只要有基本的语法,让判官一听就明了,我肯定就赢了

Tips: 对于speaking, 我觉得做笔记会对15-30秒的准备有很大的帮助。以这个integrated task为例,前面看完文章,我了解了意思,马上,文章就没有了,变成听力,完了要准备的时候,才发现我好像不太记得我阅读的具体内容了。所以,口语里面的阅读和听力一样是要做笔记的。另外,我也只是认识domestication的意思,并不记得怎么写,做笔记是很有必要的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-25 2:13:18编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 15:22:00 | 只看该作者

2) 听力

(Mar. 21) 

还能说什么,听新闻啊! 不过还是看电影舒服。我借的Sabrina好像还没看。

听我一般不怎么online听,不过我倒是online 看电影挺多的。tudou.com其实就有各种英文电影(罪过,罪过,我不是宣传盗版),但是缺点是有中文翻译,我prefer英文subtitle 或者没有。youtube.com也有各种vedio,但是绝对不会有整部整部电视电影,因为犯法的。不过上面有obama h.cliton的演讲啊啥的。一search就有了。然后就是新闻网战都有vedio可以听的,cnn的是


今天的toefl sampler里听力只有两篇,一篇是老师跟学生的对话,这种日常交谈就不做深入研究了。我比较有体会的是第二篇,astronomy,讲Pluto为什么不能算做planet。这是前两年非常popular的话题。对一些时事的了解绝对让我听这个觉得简单了很多。我绝对有理由相信,ETS的这个sampler是很有代表性的。  


今天练习完 Barron's Toefl iBT internet-based test2007里面的taking notes section, 很受启发,她教的是非常efficient and positive的方法去做笔记,而且这对以后在真实课堂的学习也是很有帮助的。用她的方法,我不再满篇notes根本看不出任何connection, 就算不能完全听懂那些lectures,但是这个笔记的方式对理解professor用的是哪种方式narriate他的观点很有帮助。

*When the topic for a lecture is state, the lecturer may either pause just before saying the topic or stress the topic by raising the volume or using very clear pronunciation.

* When you hear a major point, write it on the left. When you hear a minor point, write it on the right. The main idea is on the top, and your thoughts and ideas are at the bottom. (the structure likes 汉字里的



*Use key words to identify what kind of passage they might be found (and expect what kind of note will be used in turn)

Definition (what it is)

Is known as                   is called                     is         Refers to                     means


Description and example (what are the characteristics)

Consists of                 adjective              for example     for instance      Namely           specifically       that is


Classification (which group does it belong to)

Kinds of         types of            classes of               groups of        Parts of          properties of              characteristics of         Varieties of


Sequence – chronology or process (what is the order-first, second, and so on)

First, second….            Next, then, last              finally     Before    after        at the same time       meanwhile    Now           as soon as        later        subsequently     Eventually         step        stage         phase


Comparison and contrast (how is it the same or different from something else?)

Like               similar to                  differ from         compared with     In comparison        similarly            in the same way    in contrast      Whereas              although         but          conversely         In spite of             even though             however             instead      On the contrary         on the other hand            despite


Cause and Effect (how does it cause something? What happens?)

As a consequence               as a result                  thus       Therefore             because(of)                for this reason       Consequently          since                    so


Problem and solution (why is it a problem? What is the solution?)



Persuasion and Evaluation (why should it be supported or rejected?)

First, second….                   Should,must,ought to          Therefore       In conclusion, in summary


* Know when to mark “*” when professor says “pay particular attention to, be sure to, especially important is, and this is important, and this is the key point

* Create some abbrs. (or symbols, diagrams) which make sense to you for common words

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-25 7:50:30编辑过]
发表于 2008-3-22 15:45:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 16:22:00 | 只看该作者



(Mar. 21)

我非常疑惑,阅读能在7天内提高?还是算了吧!我需要做的是become used to managing the reading time as the test required. 所以,做几套题熟西环境是必要的。

题外话:我觉得靠做题提高英文能力是行不通的。Toefl只是考察学生的skill 是不是到academic level, 所以呢,并不是你真正的水平提高了。阅读,很多人的方式是看online新闻,比如cnn international, 我比较喜欢的是。在国外,了解时事新闻是非常重要的!我个人比较喜欢看的是gossip scandal.比如纽约市长的丑闻啊,britney spears又堕落成什么样子了啊。其他的我也不爱看。但是我很喜欢历史,所以我学了美国历史,附带宗教和欧洲的一些历史。也学了美国的political sicence. 我也喜欢看书。历史啊,宗教啊。我根本就没有时间背单词,最多看完了查几个最重要单词的意思,又接下去看,久而久之,不用背你也知道意思。即便是有几个的意思很让人confused,也绝对不影响对整篇文章内容的把握。

我上面啰嗦的意思就是每个人都有自己的兴趣,除了读书!在自己的兴趣上面读更多的英文原著,一方面对你的英文有帮助,更重要的是,在去国外留学后,你需要非常非常多的topics跟人聊天,来塑造你的人格魅力。说真的,美国人最喜欢show off的就是他们觉得自己什么都知道。你要证明给他们看你知道得更多!


这个ETSsampler只有一篇文章,是13道题,讲的是原始社会的cave painting. 在之前我做过两次official guide 的阅读,我觉得很简单,因为都对了。而这篇在我自认为自己都对了的时候,我居然错了3道。我实在太自以为是了!而且我这是第一次在电脑上模拟toefl 考试,我有时都有点找不到提问的原文在哪里,因为都没有highlight出来,不太方便。我对阅读的归纳是:a.必须认真阅读,在答题的时候,最好review一下内容,我做得太快,大概花了15分钟做完的,没有检查就直接跳到另一个环节,白白浪费了时间。b.熟悉界面。对于阅读,无话可说,就是调整速度,用最佳的速度理解每一个问题以及问题针对的句子

(Mar. 21)

我非常疑惑,阅读能在7天内提高?还是算了吧!我需要做的是become used to managing the reading time as the test required. 所以,做几套题熟西环境是必要的。

题外话:我觉得靠做题提高英文能力是行不通的。Toefl只是考察学生的skill 是不是到academic level, 所以呢,并不是你真正的水平提高了。阅读,很多人的方式是看online新闻,比如cnn international, 我比较喜欢的是。在国外,了解时事新闻是非常重要的!我个人比较喜欢看的是gossip scandal.比如纽约市长的丑闻啊,britney spears又堕落成什么样子了啊。其他的我也不爱看。但是我很喜欢历史,所以我学了美国历史,附带宗教和欧洲的一些历史。也学了美国的political sicence. 我也喜欢看书。历史啊,宗教啊。我根本就没有时间背单词,最多看完了查几个最重要单词的意思,又接下去看,久而久之,不用背你也知道意思。即便是有几个的意思很让人confused,也绝对不影响对整篇文章内容的把握。

我上面啰嗦的意思就是每个人都有自己的兴趣,除了读书!在自己的兴趣上面读更多的英文原著,一方面对你的英文有帮助,更重要的是,在去国外留学后,你需要非常非常多的topics跟人聊天,来塑造你的人格魅力。说真的,美国人最喜欢show off的就是他们觉得自己什么都知道。你要证明给他们看你知道得更多!


这个ETSsampler只有一篇文章,是13道题,讲的是原始社会的cave painting. 在之前我做过两次official guide 的阅读,我觉得很简单,因为都对了。而这篇在我自认为自己都对了的时候,我居然错了3道。我实在太自以为是了!而且我这是第一次在电脑上模拟toefl 考试,我有时都有点找不到提问的原文在哪里,因为都没有highlight出来,不太方便。我对阅读的归纳是:a.必须认真阅读,在答题的时候,最好review一下内容,我做得太快,大概花了15分钟做完的,没有检查就直接跳到另一个环节,白白浪费了时间。b.熟悉界面。对于阅读,无话可说,就是调整速度,用最佳的速度理解每一个问题以及问题针对的句子

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-25 2:06:22编辑过]
发表于 2008-3-22 21:41:00 | 只看该作者
tanks a lot
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-23 06:40:00 | 只看该作者



academic essay 一般就是几个框架了。(而且是必须follow的)

首先,第一段,introduction. 在第一段的最后一句或者两句,通常是这篇文章的statement(中心思想)。在academic essay里面必须遵守的一个原则是,statement必须是arguable, debatable, 就是说,有些人可能赞成,有些人可能反对,never be a fact. 举个例子,写什么好呢?写你最喜欢的电影明星好了。你得statement可以是:她精湛的演技和高尚的人格魅力让我青睐不已(因为有人可能不同意你的观点)。而绝对不是:我最喜欢的电影明星是Audrey Hepburn. 另外一个重要的原因是,前一个statement(演技和身姿)让你有topic可以写下去,而latter one只是事实,你根本没办法从这个思想上引申出什么来.

第二,三or more段都是body.所有的中间段落都是用来support statement,而且必须紧扣statement(一定是statement里面提过的)。接着上面的例子,第二段就写演技。要注意的是,第一句或者第二句(保守点的话就是第一句)一定是这一段的中心思想,并且arguable. 以此类推,第三段写人格魅力,她做了什么事情。

最后一段一般是conclusion,就是把statement 变个花样重新emphasize一遍。不过2030分钟的写作,可能也就三四百字,如果是在一个大段落里面,conlcusion并不是必要的。全篇的重点是statement.




在整个sampler里面给我上了最好一课的竟然是作文。So ironic! Sample里面只有一个题目,integrated task, 先读,讲的是什么来着?let me think. 对了,是讲的动物和人类都有牺牲精神,not selfish, can sacrifice own interests to benefit another one or group. 这是有一个词的,我不记得也不认识,但是这么难的词是你是不需要知道的,读完整篇文章你就完全知道那个词的意思了。我以为自己了解了内容,对听力都不专心,忙自己事情了。等我看到学生作文范例的时候,我才发现,原来听力里面的lecture是完全否定阅读里面的内容的,也就是说,这个作文题目的形式其实应该归纳于comparison对比的文章)! 如果我没有听明白听力,以为两者之间是一样的,我不可能写出compare两者的文章,那我就彻底没戏了!另外,我看了他给出的真实的比较好的学生作文。这个作文其实并没有按正规的academic essay的要求来写,我想判官们还是比较generous 的,因为以后学生到了美国后,都会教的。不过我仍然觉得用正规格式是一个advantage因为表达起意思来能让reader更容易抓住你的要点

Tips: 写作的模式跟口语不一样,integrated口语是要做阅读和听力的笔记的,而写作里面只需要做听力笔记,因为阅读最后又会出来的



I. That was the first time I tried the(cross out this definite article) noodle(noodles, noodle always use plural复数) in a(don't forget the article冠词) special flavor, and furthermore, it was cost (cost, cost don't have passive voice(被动语态)) couple of times more than the average price. I always missed that taste. Until I found an opportunity, several years passed before I visited this city again. While stepping into the restaurant, I suddenly found it was not as clean as I thought. And when I had the noodle(noodles) which I missed(miss, miss don't have past tense, because the feeling continues…) so much, I couldn’t find any difference with(between, wrong preposition介词 others. 


II. Culture is a kind of habit. It derives from your background, your education and your belief(beliefs,这里应该用plural), .  From the childhood(childhood, 任何人生里的状态都不能加article, adolescence, old age, adulthood), it has been slowly forming the concepts in your mind to direct you what you can do and what you can’t. If you live in a society surrounded with people of a(don’t forget article) same background, you maybe(may, maybe is adverb副词, here should use a modal verb情态动词) feel very comfortable to deal with them.

III. The reason why I sympathize with the second one is that I was raised from(in, a typical wrong use of preposition) a similar culture(cultural, this one is a typical wrong form,  there needs a adjective, not noun.) environment.

IV. Original: Do you think how many percentages of Iranian people have the same angle of view like yours of Iranian history? If most of them consent to your opinion, why do they still support this regime?

Revised: what percentage of Iranians do you think have the same point of view as yours of Iranian history? If most of them share your opinion, why do they still support this regime?

V. Original: In last century, Mexican government promoted the mural art to public, which made Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco and David Siqueiros become world famous from then. Especially Siqueiros, he introduced a new material named acrylic in paint to help the painting stick on the wall much longer.

Revised: In the last century, the Mexican government promoted mural art, which made Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco and David Siqueiros world famous. Siqueiros, introduced a new material named acrylic in paint to help the painting last on the wall much longer.(总结:最简单,直接,不用过多罗索的语言是写作的王道)

VI. Original: Undoubtfully, the truth is always hard to accept. When she underwent the death of her uncle Anoosh, she got the ability to tolerate anything which is stressful.

Revised: Undoubtedly, the truth is probably hard to accept. When she experienced the sadness of the unfair execution of her uncle Anoosh, she was able to endure anything which is stressful.

VII. She still is very intelligent to know how to deal with her enemies. (我非常典型的中文翻译写法)

Revised:  she still very intelligently dealt with her enemies. (英文思维写法)

VIII. On the other hand, when she confronted with the guardians of revolution, she was very brilliant to get herself out of dangerous condition.

Revised: On the other hand, when she was confronted by the guardians of the revolution, she cleverly got herself out of the dangerous condition.

如同大多数second-language speaker一样,我在写作文的时候,很容易忘记Article(冠词),而这在美国人看来是非常非常重要的。另外,也跟大多数中国学生一样,有一些non-English的写法,如何学会用美国人的方式写作文,我需要更多的说和阅读

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-25 2:05:03编辑过]
发表于 2008-3-23 08:48:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-23 22:11:00 | 只看该作者

Epic                                                         narrative poem

Thermoregulation                                     keeping steady temperature   


Metabolism n.                                             [ mə tábbə lìzzəm ] 

1. life-sustaining chemical activity: the series of processes by which food is converted into the energy and products needed to sustain life

2. chemical activity involving particular substance: the biochemical activity of a particular substance in a living organism

 (Metabolize vt.)

(metabolic adj.)                                                                                          






Endotherm                                            warm-blooded animal: an animal that is   

endothermic                                      able to maintain a constant body temperature

                                                      despite changes in the temperature of its  

                                                       environment     [ éndə thùrm ]  


 thermo-                                                 1. heat

                                                           2. thermoelectricity  thermocouple


Thermogenesis                                       heat production in bodies


Shiver                                                vt. or vi.

tremble: to tremble or shake slightly because of cold, fear, or illness

2. transitive and intransitive verb flap or make sail flap: to flap, or make a sail flap, when a sailing vessel is too close to the wind


Insulation         n                                

Insulate   v.                                         protect or isolate somebody:


vaso-                                                  / vàyzō/  blood vessels, vascular

vasodilation                                          血管舒张

vasoconstriction                                    血管收缩


gradient                                            slope;
physicsmeasure of change;

                                                                        (biology) rate of growth


Evaporation                                       becoming vapor; change liquid to vapor


Evaporative                                      / i váppə ràyt/


Dissipate                                           /díssə pàyt/ cause something to fade or disappear;

                                                       waste something         


pouch                                               [ powch ]   small soft bag; pocket of skin in


Saliva                                             [ sə làivə ]      唾液


Secrete                                          [sə ‘kreet ] to produce and discharge a substance 分泌

Secretion                                        process of secreting; secreted substance


Vulnerable                                      1. without adequate protection; 2. extremely

  /u/                                              susceptible: easily persuadable or liable to give in to

                                                     Temptation 3. physically or psychologically weak


Ambiguous                                     [ am bíggyoo əss ] 1. having more than one meaning

                                                    2. causing uncertainty: causing uncertainty or


ambiguity                                       [ àmbi gyoo ətee ] 1. doubt about meaning 2.

                                                    statement with more than one meaning


omit(vt.)                                        ---omission (n.)


neuro-                                             nerve, neural

neuroticism       ----neurosis(mild psychiatric disorder)  affected by neurosis; overanxious or



Tributary                                       [ tríbbyə tèrree ] stream feeding larger body of water: a

                                                    stream, river, or glacier that joins a larger stream, river,

                                                    or glacier, or a lake


medium                                         11. arts type of art: a method that an artist uses or a

                                                    category such as sculpture in which an artist works

                                                    12.  arts artist's materials: the materials that an artist

                                                     uses in creating a work


guillotine                                        machine for beheading people断头台


Render                                        Definition: 1. to give help or provide a service  2.                                                

                                                  translate something: to translate something into another

                                                  language e.g.: fragments of poetry, hastily rendered into

                                                  English 3. (arts) portray something artistically: to portray

                                                  something or somebody in art, literature, music, or acting

                                                  4. give decision: to deliver a verdict or decision officially

                                                  5.  submit something for action: to submit something for

                                                 consideration, approval, or payment eg: render an invoice

                                                  for payment 7. give something as due: to give what is

                                                  due or appropriate to somebody who has authority or

                                                  power 8. verb put somebody or something in particular

                                                  state: to make somebody or something be or become

                                                 something e.g.: His actions rendered us powerless. 10. (vt.

                                                  & vi.) give up something: to surrender something 12.    

                                                  return something: to give something back  13.

                                                  construction cover wall with plaster: to cover masonry

                                                  with a thin coat of plaster

                                                noun  1. construction coat of plaster: the first thin coat of

                                               plaster applied to masonry 2. history tenant's payment: a

                                               payment in goods, services, or money made by a tenant to

                                               a feudal lord


subsidiary                                 [ səb síddee èrree ] . adj. 1. of lesser importance: having

                                               secondary importance, or occupying a subordinate position

                                               n. 1. somebody or something auxiliary: somebody or

                                               something that occupies a secondary or subordinate



diameter                                   [ dī ámmətər ]



orbit of planet                          n. path of planet, satellite, or moon

                                              vt. move around astronomical object: to move around an

                                              astronomical object in a path dictated by the force of gravity

                                              exerted by that body





[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 8:35:38编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-24 11:58:00 | 只看该作者

The mosaic of the grammar reminders


The mosaic of the grammar reminders



1. Preposition phrase(介词短语) is never a subject.

Under the table has a cat. WRONG!

Revised: There is a cat under the table.

注:to+… could be a subject, but under that situation, it’s not PREPOSITION PHRASE, but INFINITIVE PHRASE(分词短语)

2The use of MOST

Most of people have the same problem (WRONG!)

Revised: Most people have the same problem.

Or Most of THE people have the same problem.

3. Noun.

I wasn’t feeling well after taking an eight hours bus ride.  (WRONG)

I wasn’t feeling well after taking an eight-hour bus ride (when number+noun work as adjective, the noun must be a single not plural.)

4. The use of SAME

I think both of us operate on a same system. (WRONG)

I think both of us operate on the same system
always “the” + SAME…

Tips: The others words which need to follow THE: The rest of the information, the other report, the former report, the latter subject.

5. Time clause

In future time, never use “future tense” in the “time adverb clause”, instead of it, use “simple present”

When she writes about this subject in the future, she will include examples of everyday language use.

注:前半句为time adverb clause时间副词从句(状语从句?我不太记得是怎么个叫法),后半句才是independent clause, 是必须要用future tense.

6. Gerund (现在分词)

Have a great time + -ing (习惯用法)

We had a great time skiing.

Gerund, verb-ing form typically is used as a noun.

  1. As subject.      Playing tennis is fun. 注:Gerund 后的verb一定是single.

  2. As object.        We enjoy paying tennis

  3. He’s excited about playing tennis (preposition 后面,一定跟的是-ing form, never be infinitive)

  4. Gerund always follows prepositions (如果在介词后面有verb,一定要把verb变成gerund,即加上ing)

I might apologize for doing…    Be interested in doing….   Be excited about doing…

Look forward to doing…    In charge of organizing…     Talk about going…

  1. Base form(动词原型) or gerund follow the TO?

区别:if “to” acts as a infinitive, followed by base form

If “to” acts as preposition, followed by a Gerund. Gerund is used as the OBJECT(宾语)of a preposition.

Examples: I’m used to sleeping…        I’m accustomed to sleeping…   I look forward to going…

The object to changing…

*** We talked about not going to the meeting, but finally decided we should go. (“not” always precedes a gerund)

7. A few use of Article.    

Street: no article before the street name.

The Market Street (Wrong), Revised: Market Street

Park: no “The” before the park name. The golden gate park (Wrong), Revised: Golden Gate Park
Bridge: Depends on which bridge you refer.

The Golden Gate Bridge (THE); London Bridge (THE)

8. REMEMBER, AGREEverbs, always be present tense, DECIDEverb, always be past tense.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-25 2:01:46编辑过]
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