Epic narrative poem Thermoregulation keeping steady temperature
Metabolism n. [ mə tábbə lìzzəm ] 1. life-sustaining chemical activity: the series of processes by which food is converted into the energy and products needed to sustain life | 2. chemical activity involving particular substance: the biochemical activity of a particular substance in a living organism |
(Metabolize vt.) (metabolic adj.)
Endotherm warm-blooded animal: an animal that is endothermic able to maintain a constant body temperature despite changes in the temperature of its environment [ éndə thùrm ]
thermo- 1. heat thermochemistry 2. thermoelectricity thermocouple
Thermogenesis heat production in bodies
Shiver vt. or vi. tremble: to tremble or shake slightly because of cold, fear, or illness | 2. transitive and intransitive verb flap or make sail flap: to flap, or make a sail flap, when a sailing vessel is too close to the wind |
Insulation n Insulate v. protect or isolate somebody: 绝缘孤立 vaso- / vàyzō/ blood vessels, vascular vasodilation 血管舒张 vasoconstriction 血管收缩
gradient slope; steepness;( physics) measure of change; (biology) rate of growth Evaporation becoming vapor; change liquid to vapor Evaporate Evaporative / i váppə ràyt/
Dissipate /díssə pàyt/ cause something to fade or disappear; waste something
pouch [ powch ] small soft bag; pocket of skin in animal Saliva [ sə làivə ] 唾液
Secrete [sə ‘kreet ] to produce and discharge a substance 分泌 Secretion process of secreting; secreted substance
Vulnerable 1. without adequate protection; 2. extremely /u/ susceptible: easily persuadable or liable to give in to Temptation 3. physically or psychologically weak Ambiguous [ am bíggyoo əss ] 1. having more than one meaning 2. causing uncertainty: causing uncertainty or confusion ambiguity [ àmbi gyoo ətee ] 1. doubt about meaning 2. statement with more than one meaning
omit(vt.) ---omission (n.)
neuro- nerve, neural neuroticism ----neurosis(mild psychiatric disorder) affected by neurosis; overanxious or obsessive
Tributary [ tríbbyə tèrree ] stream feeding larger body of water: a stream, river, or glacier that joins a larger stream, river, or glacier, or a lake
medium 11. arts type of art: a method that an artist uses or a category such as sculpture in which an artist works 12. arts artist's materials: the materials that an artist uses in creating a work
guillotine machine for beheading people断头台
Render Definition: 1. to give help or provide a service 2. translate something: to translate something into another language e.g.: fragments of poetry, hastily rendered into English 3. (arts) portray something artistically: to portray something or somebody in art, literature, music, or acting 4. give decision: to deliver a verdict or decision officially 5. submit something for action: to submit something for consideration, approval, or payment eg: render an invoice for payment 7. give something as due: to give what is due or appropriate to somebody who has authority or power 8. verb put somebody or something in particular state: to make somebody or something be or become something e.g.: His actions rendered us powerless. 10. (vt. & vi.) give up something: to surrender something 12. return something: to give something back 13. construction cover wall with plaster: to cover masonry with a thin coat of plaster noun 1. construction coat of plaster: the first thin coat of plaster applied to masonry 2. history tenant's payment: a payment in goods, services, or money made by a tenant to a feudal lord
subsidiary [ səb síddee èrree ] . adj. 1. of lesser importance: having secondary importance, or occupying a subordinate position n. 1. somebody or something auxiliary: somebody or something that occupies a secondary or subordinate position
diameter [ dī ámmətər ]
orbit of planet n. path of planet, satellite, or moon vt. move around astronomical object: to move around an astronomical object in a path dictated by the force of gravity exerted by that body
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 8:35:38编辑过] |