OG11 中的一道题(sc),NN指导一下
黄本P40 诊断测试 第39题 According to scholars, the earliest writing was probably not a direct rendering of speech, but was more likely to begin as a seperate and distinct symbolic system of communication , and only later merged with spoken language.
A was more likely to begin as
B more than likely began as
C more than likely beginning from
D it was more than likely begun from
E it was more likey that it began
the solution provided by OG is B
但是不理解,为什么。 而且more than likely 是什么意思, more likely 好像更顺一点, OG说必须要有than ,不理解??
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-30 23:03:32编辑过] |