在这个版上潜了n久,每天都会趴在电脑前流着口水看nn们的offer,无语凝噎……看到有个undergraduate成功申请PHD的例子,心情就会备受鼓舞,食欲大增;看到某个nn说就算是米国的本科生想直接申请PHD of Acc也几乎是不可能的,然后就觉得非常非常沮丧,真的是为PHD消的人憔悴~~昨天看到有一个Duke的acc phd,差点控制不住就%%#@了,那是我多么梦寐以求的啊!
Lz is already in its late junior year... How is your quantitative background? It is easy for us to encourage you, but you have to really understand the fiereceness of the application.
If you really go for acct phd, go apply for 08 fall to see if you are lucky enough. But you may also want to see if you can get into a master program in HK or Singapore or even NJU. You can use the next two years to do some make-up work.
it is definitly true that i have reliazed the "fiereceness", and i have prepared me for the fierece battle~~ "hope is a good thing", always~~now that LS mentioned the word luck, well, i admit, it's a gamble with the god, and i choose to join it~~there are only two semesters left, i wanna share them with CDers, may the god show his mercy on me, and everybody : )
Well, by God there is nothing impossible. Try your best and you will not regret no matter what the result turns to be. Keep here updated if you like and I think people here will be happy to give you help.