OG11-105 Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology. (A) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, (B) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having(OG认为修饰了pollutants) the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission (C) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, (D) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it, (E) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced X-ray emission, 答案是A OG11-116 Out of America's fascination with all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub. (A) things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing (B) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing (C) things that are antiques has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring (D) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing (E) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring 答案是B 对于这两题,我不太明白到底定语从句修饰的先行词应该是就近原则还是什么,就像以前还有个A of B 这种结构,后面有定语从句是不是先行词基本上都是A?或者说定语从句的先行词一般都是前面名词词组的中心词(我是指不能从原句子主谓一致角度判断,而是OG要考察主谓一致的情况,像116题这样的)? |