和众多GG、MM一样,偶也在备战,AWA实在没底,练习了几篇,也没个改进方向,苦闷…… 在这里献丑了,希望大虾们有时间题写意见来噢,谢谢! Essay: In the statement, the speaker asserts that it should be each individual person, rather than government that the responsibility for preserving the natural environment should ultimately belong to. In my view, individuals actually play an irreplaceable role in the preservation of the micro environment, yet the government is on the primary duty of preservation of the macro environment, consequently, bringing much greater influences. Judging from our experiences, the methods used to preserve the natural environment could be abstractly described as “big ones” (like the environmental project in China’s developing of the west) or, in contrary, “small ones” (such as clean your garden). When an empty rolling can stops by your foot, it can’t be easier for you to pick it up and threw it into garbage. But you just have cleaned a very limited area compared to the whole country. That’s “small ones”. Extended to the whole country, suppose that, a nation wants to explore part of its land(take China as an example )without a intention to do harm to the environment there , what is a separate person able to do then? In this situation, one of the reasonable ways is starting an environmental project that relies on the financial capacity and technical power of government. Obviously, the project will influence the country very much. That’s “big ones”. Further, though everyone would wish a tidy and wonderful living environment ,while confronted with the conflict between personal interest and environment protection, by and large, people would rather sacrifice the latter . What’s worse, someone even might do something profitable regardless of the harms it will bring to our environment. When this happens, it will be necessary for government to stop it in legal methods based on the nation’s power and force. In total analysis, I concur that it was government that should take the primary responsibility for preservation of the natural environment, while individuals take subordinate ones. |