truly certified copy到底是指什么,公证处出的公证书可以吗?是指原件吗?我寄材料的时候只给了公证书的复印件,SAI说不行,该怎么办? Thank you for your interest in the Master's Program offered by the French Graduate Schools of Management for which the selection tests are managed by the International Admission Service (SAI).
We acknowledge receipt of your application form and the pieces within. However these pieces are not true certified copies of original ones. By way of consequence the review of your application is currently pending.
Please bear in mind that mere photocopies of original documents are not considered valid by the SAI. In order for application forms to be taken into consideration, these pieces MUST be truly certified photocopies.
Please send us ASAP (and before the 25th of March) true certified copied of the following:
- Birth certificate - Degress - Transcripts
Yours sincerely,
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-7 1:11:29编辑过] |