以下是引用joywzy在2003-10-29 20:54:00的发言: 说实话,我一见with/without 的修饰就怕。不知如何判断该修饰谁????举OG以下几例,请大家帮助。
Og 146, ... will find it difficult ot prove damage without anther doctors' testimony about....
OG 167, N had a vocal tract resembling an ape's , and so were probably without language, a shortcoming that ..
OG 179, During the early years of ... that was viewed as "wilderness" by the newcomers, N A, with their intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land, helped to rescue,,,
OG 251, ....has survived a close brush with extinction...这句话是什么意思啊?
LZM P201,11-9 The Forbidden City ... was a site which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission.
LZM P201, 11-11 .... that they can raise prices by this amount without provoking strong public reaction.
og146. 'without' modifies " to provide damage". 壮语 og 167. " without" after " were" ---- 表语 og 179. " with" modifies " Native Americans", 定语 og 251. brush -- alarming encounter. LZM P201,11-9. ‘without‘ modifies " enter" 壮语 LZM P201, 11-11. ' without' midifies " raise " 壮语