大全89(补充72). Although Ms. Bakara had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other Black people, she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree with her. (A) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree (B) speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would have agreed (C) so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority people, even most, would likely agree (D) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, if not most, would agree (E) do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people, and even most, would likely agree A中的likely most 有什么不合适?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-27 10:16:04编辑过] |