Q41: The first English settlers to establish a permanent colony in America did it not at Plymouth but along the shore of the James River west of Chesapeake Bay. - it not at Plymouth but
- so not at Plymouth but
- not at Plymouth but instead
- not at Plymouth but did so
- it not at Plymouth but rather
ANSWER B) 請問大家, 這邊的did so 是只前面establish a permanent colony 的 establish 嗎? 對於這個so的用法最近讓我頗為迷惑 , 其中(A)(D)中的it指代不明可排除,那其他選項各位如何判斷呢? 謝謝回答~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 15:01:14编辑过] |