Entrepreneurship: 1 IE Business School (Instituto de Empresa) 2 The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 3 Harvard Business School 4 Stanford University Graduate School of Business 5 Sloan School of Management, Massachusett Institute of Technology 6 Babson College 7 Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley 8 The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 9 INSEAD 10 The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University 这是欧版COPY来的TOPMBA给商学院各专业方向的排名,你需要的就是ENTREPRENEURSHIP这一项了,这个方向越强的学校,自己干的同学就越多.不过国内似乎还没有哪个学校在这方面很强. 要不就EMBA算了,世界前20名中国有四个:凯洛格-香港科大EMBA(第三),华盛顿大学-复旦EMBA(第八),香港中文大学EMBA(第15)和中欧EMBA(第17).不过,说实话,对EMBA的课程没怎么研究过,只是有位中欧的EMBA说管的挺严,上课还点名的. 还有就是选择网络教学,例如INSITUTO DE EMPRESA的GLOBAL COMMUNITY MBA,一定时间集中一次,纽约/上海/马德里轮流转,也行啊.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 4:57:58编辑过] |