202. After the Civil War, contemporaries of Harriet Tubman’s maintained that she has all of the qualities of a great leader: coolness in the face of danger, an excellent sense of strategy, and an ability to plan in minute detail.
(A) Tubman’s maintained that she has
(B) Tubman’s maintain that she had
(C) Tubman’s have maintained that she had
(D) Tubman maintained that she had(D)
(E) Tubman had maintained that she has
(1)解释说T已经足够了,T's是多余的,但是我们平常说话不都是“a friend of mine”吗?按照此题的说法,不是应该都说“a friend of me”?
查了下薄冰语法,说双重属格(of n's)表示部分,of属格则表示同位关系,此题说来就是表示同位关系了,是不是这个原因 T比T's好?请NN认定一下。
the phrase contemporaries of Harriet Tubman presents a complete possessive without adding an apostrophe (e.g., Tubman’s).
(2)of 属格 和's 属格后面是否都不可以加doing?
比如“The boy's feeling happy makes me happy?”
比如“I appreciate you/your keeping a secret”
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-27 23:46:47编辑过] |