以下是引用nidm在2006-9-22 23:31:00的发言: D -- "hard question is Jounalist's job, it's not inapporaite." 我同意,但是题干里没有, 我也不认为这属于COMMON SENSE范畴. 就象我前面说的"加入了自己的感觉" Rather, it dictates that there are situations in which the expression of potentially offensive, disturbing, or controversial ideas is inappropriate and that, where appropriate, the expression and discussion of such ideas is to be done in a civil manner. Clear cut. All the law restriction is smoke screen IMO. Importantly, the Etiquette talk has to be apporiate and civic for situation, and equally importantly there is alternative inapproriate for the same situation. It's not free willed common sense, this all come from stem which happens to confrim with common sense. Like be quite in the library, which is appropriate for the situation and the alternative is being loud. A struck me as a good answer initially until I saw E. A's problem was like you say unfriendly talk dont fit in offensive... and it's hard to think there is really a alternative to A's situation being appropriate and civic unless it says troubled neighbor should settle problems in a civic manner in stead of gruffing. But that's not what A is about.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-23 4:46:33编辑过] |