138. As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts conclude that evidence of a recovering automotive market remains slight. (A) As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts conclude (B) Since sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent in late February, and many analysts conclude (C) With sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6 percent in late February, with many analysts concluding (D) Because sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent in late February, many analysts concluded (E) Because of sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6 percent in late February, therefore, many analysts concluded 答案D中前面condcluded的时态,和后面remains的时态不一致啊!!!!
147。At a recent session, the French government has decided that Paris needs a second, larger opera house to complement the famous Paris Opera.(A) has decided that Paris needs (B) decided that Paris needs (C) has decided that Paris will need (D) decided that Paris has a need of (E) has decided that Paris needed 答案B中decided和后面needs的时态也不一致啊??? (A) has decided that Paris needs (B) decided that Paris needs (C) has decided that Paris will need (D) decided that Paris has a need of (E) has decided that Paris needed 答案B中decided和后面needs的时态也不一致啊???
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-13 15:23:46编辑过] |