我看过之前关于so..as to和so that的用法的帖子,似乎是明白了点 可是我又看到OG12-37上直接对so..as to这种用法给出的解释就是is not a correct idiom OG12并没有说这种用法在具体的某种context下是不正确的,而是直接就说The construction so..as to is not a correct idiom 这样是什么意思?是把所有的带so..as to的用法都给否定了吗?如果是这样的话,那么以前做的那些认为so..as to是正确的用法都错了吗? Good ones: 10. Climatic shifts are sogradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in theweather. (A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable (B) so gradual they can be indistinguishable (C) so gradual that they are unable to bedistinguished (D) gradual enough not to be distinguishable (E) gradual enough so that one cannot distinguishthem A
14. Although one link inthe chain was demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require therecall of the automobile. (A) demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficientlyso to require (B) demonstrated as weak, but it was notsufficiently so that it required (C) demonstrably weak, but not sufficiently so torequire (D) demonstrably weak, it was not so weak as torequire (E) demonstrably weak, it was not weak enough thatit required D
22. The Emperor Augustus,it appears, commissioned an idealized sculptured portrait, the features ofwhich are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an “artificialface.” (A) so unrealistic as to constitute (B) so unrealistic they constituted (C) so unrealistic that they have constituted (D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute (E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute A 如果按照OG12的解释那么上面这些都错了吗?可是这样又讲不通了啊….因为上面的题其余选项也有明显错误。拜托大牛出现指教啊!!
我查了一下OG12中关于so..as to 的题就两道。 37Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal, it is so debilitating that it has become an economic drain on many developing countries. (A) it is so debilitating that it has become an economic正确 (B) it is of such debilitation, it has become an economical (C) so debilitating is it as to become an economic 解释:The construction so..as to is not a correct idiom (D) such is its debilitation, it becomes an economical (E) there is so much debilitation that it has become an economical
39 In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn. (A) so as to marry 解释:So as to marry is not idiomatically correct (B) and so could be married to (C) to be married to (D) so that he could marry正确 (E) in order that he would marry
我注意到一点,就是原来OG对于39题A选项的解释是Awkward and imprecise 而现在直接改成了is not idiomatically correct 这是不是以为着关于so..as to 的用法改了?有这种用法的都是不对的。 我也不是很清楚,拜托nn们指点