The Theory of military deterrence was based on a simple psychological truth, that fear of retaliation makes a would-be aggressor nation hesitate before attacking and is often sufficient to deter it altogether from attacking.
Clearly, then, to maintain military deterrence, a nation would have to be believed to have retaliatory power so great that a potential aggressor nation would have reason to think that it could not defend itself against such retaliation.
这样一个论证其结论其有效性实际上是基于前提与结论之间的Semantically Relation,也就是说,Conclusion is Semantically implied by Premiss;具体点,fear of retaliation是military deterrence的基础,这意味着前者对于后者是必要的;同样,be believed to have retaliatory power so great that….对于fear of retaliation而言是必然蕴含的(对于我们都不相信其存在的东西,谈不上害怕;当然,“害怕”鬼神的跟这里的“害怕”不是同一回事),因此,它同样对于maintain military deterrence 而言是必要的。简而言之,如果A对B是必要的,并且B对C也是必要的,那么A对C同样也是必要的。
(A)实际上是说,(a nation’s) knowledge that it would be destroyed in retaliation是deterring a country from attacking的必要条件;原文中唯一与此相关的是结论:“to believe” necessarily means “to have certain knowledge of” 但是,很遗憾,我们从结论只能得出这样的推断:
to maintain military deterrence, a nation would have to make a would be aggressor have certain knowledge of its having retaliatory power….
换而言之,我们只能断定(a nation’s) knowledge that it would be destroyed in retaliation对于maintain military deterrence而言是必要的。如果我们要从结论得出(A),我们必须假设这样的命题:
to maintain military deterrence is the only way to deter a would-be aggressor nation from attacking.
而这是得不到相应的支持的,因为它至少要排除其它可以deter a would-be aggressor from attacking的手段。因此,(A)是错误选项。
(B)实际上讨论的是另一个话题, different though subtly:整个Stimulus涉及的是如何阻止潜在的进攻者进攻,而(B)却在大谈要不要进攻别人。
(C)是有相当的迷惑性的。原文中与此相关的同样只有结论。如果我们要从结论推出(A),我们不但要假设military deterrence is the only way for deterring a wold be aggressor from attacking,还要假设a nation that fails to attack another nation is a potential aggressor,因为原文所有关于military deterrence 的讨论都是限定于a would-be aggressor nation的。
Since, making a potential aggressor aware that a would-be attacked nation has retaliatory power is necessary for maintaining military deterrence;
Maintaining military deterrence is the only way to stop a would-be aggressor from attacking; (assumption)
Making a potential aggressor aware that a would-be attacked nation has retaliatory power is necessary for deterring a would-be aggressor from attacking.
That means,
If a would-be aggressor fails to attack another, that establishes that the would-be aggressor believes that it could not withstand a retaliatory attack from the other nation.
到这里,很明显,除非我们再假设:all nations failing to attack another are would-be aggressor nations,否则我们得不出选项(C)的。
(D)是正确选项。它同样是Semantically Implied 。原文的结论说了,….be believed to have a retaliatory power so great….对于maintain military deterrence而言是必要的;同样,“be believed to have a retaliatory power so great….”必然地蕴含着这样的命题“such a retaliatory power is awared by a potential aggressor nation”(对于我们没有意识,感知到的东西,我们怎么去相信呢?)因此,我们可以得出结论
making sure that a potential aggressor nation aware of retaliatory power is necessary for maintaining military deterrence.
….to maintain military deterrence, a nation would have to make a potential aggressor nation aware that it has such retaliatory power.
而选项(D)只不过是对这样的命题的另一种说法而已:既然一个国家要maintain military deterrence,而making a potential aggressor nation aware of its retaliatory power对于这样的目标是必要的,那么它对于有这样的目标的国家而言当然是利害攸关的(it is in the interest of ….)
(E)同(B)一样转移了论题,因此我们无法加以断定:对于maximum retaliatory power以及如何实现它的问题原文没有相关的信息,原文讨论的是retaliatory power与military deterrence的关系。
第一, 此题及正确答案的逻辑结构。
the fear of a retaliation by a potential aggressor nation is necessary for maintaining military deterrence;
a potential aggressor’s fear of a retaliation necessarily implies that the aggressor believes that the would-be attacked nation has a retaliatory power;
making a potential aggressor nation believe that it has the retaliatory power is necessary for a country who wants to maintain military deterrence.
since a country’s believing that another nation has a retaliatory power necessarily implies that it is aware of that nation’s possession such a retaliatory power,
making a potential aggressor aware that it has such a retaliatory power is necessary for a nation who wants to maintain military deterrence.
第二, 要注意命题的断定范围。选项(A)(C)是很有迷惑性的;但是如果我们能够始终注意到maintain military deterrence与deterring a would-be aggressor from attacking以及sufficient conditional statement与necessary conditional statement之间的区别的话,那他们将不构成困难。
第三,在逻辑思考时,永远要注意“true(probable)”“false(improbable)”“undetermined”这三种可能。特别是“undetermined”大家很容易与“false”搞混。思维起源于对未知的敬畏呀! |