几天前收到UNC SHARON关于R3放榜消息的信,信的内容全文如下, 不知道诸位申请UNC的同志是否都收到这封信呢?请大家都来顶一下,说说自己的情况。
Dear *****:
Greetings from UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School!
Thank you for applying to our full time MBA program. As you know, deadline 3 application decisions will be released on Monday, March 13. Decisions will be available no later than 5:00pm. You will receive an email when your decision is available; this email will include a link for you to view your online decision letter. If your address has changed, please let me know today since the mailings will go out on Monday also.
Best Regards,
MBA Admissions Kenan-Flagler Business School The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sharon_moore@unc.edu