面试在一家不错的酒店的咖啡吧里进行.我提前到的,挑了一个靠窗的位子,可以看到酒店后园子里的假山,喷泉和池塘.面试开始时,咖啡吧里还有很多人在喝下午茶,我还把遮阳帘子拉下来.我们离开时,已经开始提供晚餐了,天都暗下来了. 校友是个很认真,很严谨的人.问题细到我每个时间段的每个细节,结束时我说:you have already asked everything happened in my life, (note: the thing we could really consider it a thing). 他说,这是件很重要的事,对你对学校都一样. 最后十分钟我的提问时间, 谈到读MBA的感受,他说: 他去时年龄稍大,所以对他的职业生涯帮助没有想象中大,建议读B-SCHOOL要趁早.但即使如此,他认为无论如何都是非常值得的,对今后20年都会有影响. 闲言少续,问题有不过大多数人估计都面完了,留言在此供明年的申请人参考吧) 1.introduce youself (the only traditional question) 以下分阶段提问: 第一部分: education. 1. what's your average grade? 2. why isn't it above 95? 3. which subject you like most? why? 4. which subject you hate most? why? 第二部分:working experience 1. what's your position in your organization? tell me about your organization. 2. one project you involved and impressive most. 3. how is your performace when interviewed by your third company. 4. style of leadership. 5. how do you understand Excel? 6. do you ever touch any field related to finance in your daily work? 7. why do you choose such career goal. 8. who is the general manager you admire most? who is the second one.(the current CEO of my comany was ever the CEO of his company). 9. tell me something you know about your CEO.