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发表于 2003-9-18 11:31:00 | 只看该作者


1 5 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 71.25 69.92
2 1 Dartmouth College (Tuck) 71.00 75.15
3 2 University of Michigan 70.80 71.64
4 4 Northwestern University (Kellogg) 70.47 71.13
5 6 University of Chicago 69.25 68.81
6 3 Carnegie Mellon University 69.16 71.34
7 10 Columbia University 68.64 67.95
8 9 Harvard University 67.54 67.99
9 8 Yale University 66.99 68.49
10 12 University of North Carolina 66.81 66.83
at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
11 11 Purdue University (Krannert) 65.64 67.48
12 14 Indiana University (Kelley) 65.61 65.82
13 7 University of Texas at Austin (McCombs) 65.35 68.51
14 15 University of California at Berkeley (Haas) 65.27 65.04
15 26 Vanderbilt University (Owen) 65.25 62.67
16 27 Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios 65.20 62.56
Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
17 25 Duke University (Fuqua) 64.56 62.79
18 22 University of Rochester (Simon) 63.86 62.89
19 16 University of Maryland (Smith) 63.6964.9 1
20 19 Cornell University (Johnson) 63.43 63.53
21 13 Michigan State University (Broad) 63.17 65.90
22 30 Massachusetts Institute 63.07 62.22
of Technology (Sloan)
23 17 Emory University (Goizueta) 62.82 64.43
24 28 Instituto Panamericano de Alta Direccion 62.51 62.33
de Empresa (IPADE)
25 18 Ohio State University (Fisher) 62.44 63.91
26 38 Brigham Young University (Marriott) 62.42 60.83
27 23 Wake Forest University (Babcock) 62.41 62.82
28 32 Washington University (Olin) 62.22* 62.11
29 20 University of Virginia (Darden) 62.22 63.29
30 39 Stanford University 62.11 60.35
31 31 University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) 61.90 62.21
32 29 Southern Methodist University (Cox) 61.53 62.22
33 N.A. University of Pittsburgh (Katz) 61.47 N.A.
34 34 Thunderbird, the American Graduate 61.43 61.47
School of International Management
35 N.A. University of Florida (Warrington) 60.96 N.A.
36 43 Instituto de Empresa (IE) 60.60 59.90
37 24 New York University (Stern) 60.5962.79
38 36 University of California at Los Angeles 60.46 60.91
39 45 University of London 60.3959 .69
(London Business School)
40 35 University of Southern California (Marshall) 60.25 61.22
41 44 College of William and Mary 60.22 59.87
42 N.A. American University (Kogod) 59.95 N.A.
43 41 University at Buffalo, 59.85 60.15
State University of New York
44 N.A. University of Denver (Daniels) 59.42 N.A.
45 N.A. Boston University 59.36 N.A.
46 33 Escuela Superior de Administracion 59.32 61.81
y Direccion de Empresas (ESADE)
47 N.A. Texas A & M University (Mays) 58.78 N.A.
48 N.A. HEC School of Management, Paris 58.74 N.A.
49 N.A. University of Minnesota (Carlson) 58.68 N.A.
50 40 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 58.65 60.24
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-18 11:33:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2003-9-18 12:16:00 | 只看该作者
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