Wharton Interview- On Campus
I had the interview on Fri afternoon, but I tried to arrive in the morning, I found it’s really worthwhile for 3 things at least to interview on campus,
(1) Talking to several first year students on everything you can think of about the school and the program.- This really eased out some nervousness …
(2) Listening to other applicants (who are to be interviewed) ask all sharp questions –some real deep questions.
(3) Had a tour of the site to understand the place, a place to stay for 2 years
As to the preparation, the simple but effective thing I did is to have printed out almost all materials available (50 pages- curriculum of pre-term, core and elective/ programming/ majors/ faculty/ community and club life etc.) from the school website and went over them. I have found many new aspects of the program which I did not think of during my application preparation. In the mean time, I was able to prepare for questions to ask, a few relatively in-depth questions of Wharton MBA.
During the chat with 1st year students, the most favorite topics discussed about are:
(1) waiving of core course
(2) study load and time to attending various clubs and activities
(3) what you want to change most about the program now
(4) grade non-disclosure
(5) one major or more majors
(6) space issue in Huntsman Building- competing with undergrads in some areas
(7) class size
(8) course auction and bidding
(9) leadership ventures
(10) family life
(11) what is the misconception before and after entering Wharton
(12) women in Wharton
(13) accessibility to professors
(14) ….
The good thing to mention about all the above is that in most cases the students offered two sides of an issue and then gave his/her opinion. For example, as to waiving of the core course, some hold the opinion that it’s better to stay with the learning team to go through all the courses. Some think you can waive as many course as you want, for you learn more interesting electives in 1st year.
As to the course auction and bidding, I used to think that there might be chances not being able to register a certain course, then it turned out not to be the truth. What is meant is that you need your points if you want to attend a course offered by the most famous professors, the points limit the chances you can register for all such courses in a way to be fair to all students.
One of the students said about one of the most things he wanted to change about the school is that he prefers career services/ information sessions to be started in the 2nd quarter instead of first quarter, and they are overwhelming! (Probably GOOD NEWS for us prospective students). Several other students agreed.
As to the interview, I think it went well and it can always be better I got out the interview room, hard questions (to me), …..your leadership style…..your setback in your life……….
The interviewer is really a nice guy, outgoing, not like the director as other CDers interviewed with in Shanghai.
If one can visit the campus for interview, the best day is Thur, for one can have a class visit, and there is a pub every Thur evening, and we went there during site tour, VERY STRONG SMELL of beer/ wine!
Anyway, no matter what will be result coming out on Dec 22nd, that’s some experience to share with the later rounds applicants to Wharton.
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