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- 2022-1-29
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- 1970-1-1
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先放BG:国内排名8-12左右的985本硕+T111+G330+两篇AOM(投到了或准备投FT50 for review)+一篇中文一作(under review),另外还有一篇中文发表,目前在欧洲top2 school remote RA以及和Foster一位senior教授合作(项目还在early stage),还给一位教授做了TA | 推荐信是RA的教授(AP)+一位新加坡的AP+一位本校教授(Assoc)
一、CUHK OB - Interview (HKPFS)
11.30 通知,12.6面试
1. Self-introduction
2. Talk about a research project
3. Strengths and weaknesses
4. How likely will you accept our offer
5. Any questions
二、HBS OB - Conversation with doctoral office (first round)
1.6 通知,1.10面试(本来是1.11,因为面试官有事改了时间)
1. What are you up to recently?
2. Discussed a project I'm working on recently.
3. A time when you struggled with a project
4. A time when you struggled interpersonally on a project
5. How I envision myself as a supervisor (how will i mentor students)
6. What are you excited/concerned about transitioning from RA to doctoral student
7. Any questions
没有进入final round (final round基本就是录取了)
LZ是reapply,去年其实也面了HBS doctoral,问题很多是类似的
三、SMU OB - Offer
1.31 通知面试并且发了一篇文章让我读一下,2.1 面试,2.3 offer
Interviewer: coordinator + 一位POI
Interview questions:
a) 关于发给我的文章:
1. How do you like the paper?
2. What are the limitations?
3. A couple of follow-up questions by POI based on the limitations I suggested (e.g., how you would address that limitation)
b) 关于研究的经历和兴趣
1. 介绍研究项目的相关内容,侧重介绍了一个目前在做的POI很熟的教授的RA项目—基于我的介绍又和POI讨论了一些他提的问题
2. Where do you see yourself publish? (Research interests)
3. Where else did you apply to and where did you hear from?
4. Any questions? (花了一些时间介绍他们的项目多好啥的hhh)
四、NTU OB - Conditional offer (depends on whether I'm still keen on the program)
1.31通知, 2.7面试
Interviewer: PhD Program Coordinator+ one POI
1. How did you get to this point (applying to PhD in OB)?
2. What are your research interests?
3. What do you think are the biggest challenges/limitations of xx area (one of my research interests that overlap with interviewer's)?
4. A few questions on my research proposal
5. What's your take on inductive vs deductive approach?
6. Where else are you applying/heard from?
7. Any questions?
他们还在processing formal offer的时候,我收到了INSEAD的offer,就withdraw了。
五、UNC Chapel Hill OB - Waitlist
2.8通知, 2.14面试 (我提到因为有offer需要早点决定,面试时间就提前了,本来是2.17)
Interviewer: POI
Interview questions:
1. Tell me about yourself; how did you get to know xx?
2. How did you get to work with xxx(另一个人,两个都是POI认识的人)?
3. Why are you interested in xx topic (共同感兴趣的话题)? What are your experiences that connects to this topic?
4. Any questions
感觉主要是比较informal的聊天,因为之前在邮件里也跟POI有过沟通,最后我还跟他讨论了几个我的idea。POI也坦白说今年他没有招生的priority,而UNC OB是导师制,所以可能性不是很大。Anyways, fingers crossed!!
六、INSEAD OB - Offer [已接受]
Interviewer: PhD Coordinator(也是POI)
Interview questions:
1. What research do you plan to do if you join INSEAD? With which faculty?
2. Based on my responses to the first question, asked how would I pursue a research direction I proposed
3. What statistical training have you had? Have you done experiments? What experimental training have you had?
4. Where else are you applying to and have heard back from?
Interviewer: 另一位faculty,应该是adcom成员,但不是POI
Interview questions:
1. The prof first presented his idea and asked how do I like the idea (e.g., what's interesting, suggestions, etc)
2. What are your research interests? Who's work do you find inspiring?
3. Any questions? — 我问了他最近在做什么project,就又讨论了他的俩idea,整个面试主要是讨论prof自己的idea,挺有趣的
第一轮面试是2.17下午两点多接到的coordinator邮件,当天下午三点多开始的面试lol。他们之前已经有过一轮今年的shortlist了,当时我不在里面。coordinator解释说他们没shortlist我是因为搞不清我的research identity是什么,和哪些faculty比较match;然后因为去年我在shortlist上面,所以还是想跟我聊一下(主要原因可能还是今年第一波的offerees至少有两个人选择不接吧哈哈哈)
第二轮面试后三小时就收到coordinator的邮件了,目前在学校process formal offer,激动!
七、UCL OB - Interview
Interviewer: POI+Another prof (两个人应该都是adcom的,估计是他们俩一上午面试所有人)
Interview questions:
1. What are your research interests and who do you want to work with here?
2. What do you find most interesting and challenging about research? What do you want to gain from the PhD program?
3. Follow-up of the second question: Please tell about a long-term project which you find very challenging and how you handled it?
4. Please envision yourself after completing the PhD, what do you want to be like?
5. Any questions?