考点六:like/unlike,前后比较对象对等 错误用法:比较对象不对等;用as+noun. 42. Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies. A) Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken B) unlike spices that are used in cooking, in using spices for medicine, they are taken C) Unlike cooking with spices, taking spices for medicinal use is done D) In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken E) In cooking, the usage of spices is in small quantities, whereas in medicinal usage they are taken D: correct
48. Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Pasco del Rio, is the city's most popular attraction. A) Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio B) Unlike the river in many cities in the United Stated, which is no longer the local point of urban life, in San Antonio the river C)Today the river in many cities in the United States is no longer the focal point of urban life, unlike San Antonio, where it D) In few United States cities today, a river is the focal point of urban life, but the river in San Antonio E) No longer do many cities in United States have a river as the focal point of urban life, but in San Antonio the river focal: adj. ~is used to describe sth that is very imporatant. ~ centre E: correct
89. Unlike the other major planets, Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is for 20 years out of every 230-year cycle, even though it is commonly described as the remotest planet in the solar system. A. Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is B. Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is C. Pluto’s orbit is highly eccentric and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune D. the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric and thus closer to the Sun than Neptune E. the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric, thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is B: correct
105. As with those of humans, the DNA of grape plants contains sites where certain unique sequences of nucleotides are repeated over and over. A. As with those of humans, the DNA of grape plants contains sites where B. As human DNA, the DNA of grape plants contain sites in which C. As it is with human DNA, the DNA of grape plants, containing sites in which D. Like human, the DNA of grape plants contain sites where E. Like human DNA, the DNA of grape plants contains sites in which E: correct
163. Unlike other Mayan cities, Cancun's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to be from using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which were a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities. A. Cancun's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to be from using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which were a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities B. Cancun's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to have come from using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities C. the commercial power of Cancun throughout the lowlands seemed to have come from using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities D. Cancun seemed to be using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which was a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities, in becoming a commercial power throughout the lowlands E. Cancun seems to have used its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities, to become a commercial power throughout the lowlands E: correct
168. Unlike psychiatrists, who are trained as medical doctors, psychologists have historically been forbidden from prescribing their patients drugs, but in 2002 New Mexico began to grant the privilege of prescribing to licensed, doctoral level psychologists who complete an additional training and certification program. A. psychologists have historically been forbidden from prescribing their patients drugs, but in 2002 New Mexico began to grant the privilege of prescribing B. psychologists have historically been forbidden to prescribe drugs for their patients, but in 2002 New Mexico began granting prescribing privileges C. psychologists have historically been forbidden to prescribe their patients drugs, but in 2002 in New Mexico, the privilege to prescribe began to be granted D. historically psychologists have been forbidden from prescribing their patients drugs, but in 2002 New Mexico began to grant the privilege of prescribing E. historically psychologists have been forbidden from prescribing drugs for their patients, but in 2002 in New Mexico, they began granting prescribing privileges B: correct
考点七:相同比较对象的代词指代 错误用法:缺少代词导致比较对象不对等;单复数错;用one/ones代替 33. Many teenagers undergo stress, but results of a recent study indicate that the patterns of stress that girls experience are more likely to result in depression than are those that boys experience. A are those that boys experience B what boys experience C boys’ experience would D boys’ stress patterns do E stress patterns of boys A: correct
41. Mideast immigrants’ rates of entrepreneurship exceed virtually every other immigrant group in the increasingly divers United States economy. A. Mideast immigrants’ rates of entrepreneurship exceed B. Mideast immigrants are exhibiting rates of entrepreneurship exceeding C. Immigrants from the Mideast exhibit rates of entrepreneurship exceeding those of D. The rates of entrepreneurship in immigrants from the Mideast exceed E. The rates of Mideast immigrants’ entrepreneurship exceeds those of C: correct
46. If current trends continue, by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those in 1990, according to official projections. A. will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those B. will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that C. would soar to a level more than one-third higher than is was D. would soar to a level more than one-third higher than those E. would soar to a level more than one-third higher than they were B: correct
65. A decade after initiating the nation's most comprehensive and aggressive antismoking program, per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs annually per person to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as in the nation as a whole. A) per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs annually per person to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as B) annual per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs to about 60, more than twice as great as that C) California's annual per capita consumption of cigarettes declined from over 125 packs per person to about 60, more than twice as great as the drop D) California has seen per capita consumption of cigarettes decline from over 125 packs annually to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as that E) California has seen annual per capita consumption of cigarettes decline from over 125 packs per person to about 60, more than twice as great as that D: correct
74. A recently published report indicates that the salaries of teachers continue to lag far behind other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less a year by the time they reach the age of 50. A. other college-educated professionals, because they make an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less B. other college-educated professionals, by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, to almost $24,000 C. what other college-educated professionals are paid—making an average of nearly $8,000 a year less at the start of their careers and almost $24,000 less D. those of other college-educated professionals—by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers to almost $24,000 less E. those of other college-educated professionals—by an average of nearly $8,000 a year at the start of their careers, and by almost $24,000 E: correct
88. Shrinking faster than any other nation’s, the projected decline of Japan’s population is 17 percent during the next half century. A. Shrinking faster than any other nation’s, the projected decline of Japan’s population is B. Shrinking faster than any other nation, Japan’s population has a projected decline of C. The population of Japan is shrinking faster than that of any other nation and is projected to decline by D. The Japanese population is shrinking faster than any other nation, and it has a projected decline at E. Japan’s population is shrinking faster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline at C: correct
119. Despite there being no fundamental difference in shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia from the ones in other parts of Northern Europe, archaeological evidence shows that Viking ships were lighter, slimmer, faster, and thus probably more seaworthy than the heavier vessels used by the English at that time. A. Despite there being no fundamental difference in shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia from the ones B. Despite no fundamental difference between the shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia from those C. With shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia not fundamentally different from those D. With the shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia having no fundamental difference from the ones E. Although shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia were not fundamentally different from those one/ones(语法说明): 用以避免重复可数名词,在正式谈话或书面语中,不应使用。不能用以取代不可数名词,与抽象可数名词连用也很少见。 The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system. (而不用as the English one) 该题中的tradition应该也是抽象名词,用ones不合适。 E: correct
131. Exceeding even the figures predicted by the most optimistic financial analysts, the automobile company had earnings in the first quarter that more than doubled the previous quarter. A. company had earnings in the first quarter that more than doubled B. company earned more than double in the first quarter what they were in C. company had first quarter earnings that more than doubled those in D. company's earnings in the first quarter were more than double E. company's earnings in the first quarter were more than double those of E: correct
140. A group of paleontologists recently announced that a site in Utah has yielded fossils of some of the biggest armored dinosaurs ever found, and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type that previously was found in North America. A. and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type that previously was B. and that they were at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur type previously C. and the fossils are at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur types that previously were D. fossils that are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type previously E. fossils at least 25 million years older than similar dinosaur types that were previously D: correct
考点八:just as A do, so B do的固定搭配 错误用法:拆分固定搭配,以like/same way/as with等结构混淆 57. Whereas scientists, because of random fluctuations in the weather, can not determine the transition from one season to the next by monitoring temperatures on a daily basis, so they cannot determine the onset of global warming by monitoring average annual temperatures. A. Whereas scientists B. Just as scientists C. Like scientists who D. Inasmuch as a scientist E. In the same way a scientist B: correct
160. Just as the free computer operating system Linux has of late become even more crash resistant, so support for it within the computer industry has been growing. A. as the free computer operating system Linux has of late become even more crash resistant, so B. as with the free computer operating system Linux that has of late become even more crash resistant, so the C. as the free computer operating system Linux has of late become even more crash resistant, so it has been that D. like with the free computer operating system Linux becoming even more crash resistant of late, so E. like the free computer operating system Linux that has of late become even more crash resistant, so it is that A: correct
其它: 倍数+名词 67. Africa’s black rhino population in the mid-1970’s numbered about 2,000, ten times the estimated population of 2,000 in 1997. A. the estimated population B. that of their estimated population C. more than the population’s estimated amount D. more black rhinos than their population estimate E. more than that of their population’s estimated amount A: correct
倍数一般用greater than而不是more than 91. The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s A. extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than B. extinction; its numbers are now five times more than C. extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were D. extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had E. extinction, now with numbers five times greater than OG上的原题,第251题 A, the best choice, uses a singular pronoun, its, to refer to the singular antecedent The gyrfalcon, and it properly uses the construction its numbers are now ... greater than. In B, the construction its numbers are ... more is not idiomatic: there are more birds, but not more numbers. Choices C and D use a plural pronoun, their or they, to refer to a grammatically singular antecedent, The gyrfalcon. Choices D and E wrongly use a phrase introduced by now with to modify The gyrfalcon. In both choices, the phrase confusingly seems to parallel with extinction; a new clause with a present tense verb is needed to state what the gyrfalcon’s numbers are now.
in the same way as sb/sth doing(和前面主语谓语不平行的用法) 99. Scientists have found new evidence of people initially registering emotions like sadness or anger in much the same way as heartburn—by monitoring what’s going on within their bodies. A. of people initially registering emotions like sadness or anger in much the same way as B. of people initially registering emotions such as sadness or anger much the same way as experiencing C. that people initially register emotions such as sadness or anger in much the same way as they experiencing D. that a person initially registers emotions such as sadness or anger much the same way as experiencing E. that a person initially registers emotions like sadness or anger much the same way as C: correct
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-6 14:50:22编辑过] |