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发表于 2023-2-9 00:24:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用Manhattan Prep SC的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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1.留学+考试 最新消息 关注妥妥妥了 (小红书号:323014154)
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朋友们!揽瓜阁语法小分队上线啦~每日材料我们仍旧会发布在ChaseDream GMAT 语法版块。
3. 本次小分队活动为纯公益性活动,为了督促大家学习,采取严格的打卡审查制度,连续三日不打卡的朋友会被无情清退。

1.(71)The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building in which the process occurs.

A) The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building

B) By inflating a huge bubble in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at high temperatures, thus expanding the plastic, the "blown film" technique has the ability to produce a plastic sheet or tubes the same size as the building

C) In order to expand large masses of molten plastic, the "blown film" technique, in which a huge bubble is inflated in a high-temperature cylindrical mass of the plastic; this technique can produce plastic sheets or tubes equal to the entire building's size

D) The "blown film" technique—in which a huge bubble is inflated in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at a high temperature, causing the plastic to expand—can produce a plastic sheet or tube as large as the entire building

E) Involving huge bubbles that are blown into cylindrical masses of molten plastic at high temperatures—thereby expanding the plastic—the "blown film" technique produces a plastic sheet or tube that is capable of having an entire building's size

2.(72)After moving to Switzerland in the 1890’s, Albert Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developing a foundation for his future work in mathematical physics.

(A) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developing

(B) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developed

(C) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training in quantitative analysis, and he developed

(D) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training in quantitative analysis, developing

(E) attending the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis, and developing

3.(73)The rise in sea level, cyclones and storms, and high temperatures can destroy hundreds of species of marine turtles, which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be a complete tragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack in care.

A) which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be a complete tragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack in care

B) which existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it can be a complete tragedy if it became extinct because of human actions and lack in care

C) which have existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it would be a complete tragedy if they were to become extinct as a result of human actions and lack of care

D) which have existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it could be a complete tragedy if they have to become extinct as a result of human actions and lack in care

E) which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it would be a complete tragedy if it must become extinct due to human actions and lack of care

4.(74)The lawyers for the patent holder pressed the federal judge to impose an injunction against the hardware manufacturer, arguing that they should take immediate action in order to prevent further economic damages against their client.

A. they should take immediate action in order to prevent further economic damages against their client

B. the judge act immediately in order to prevent the client from suffering further damages of an economic nature

C. they should act immediately to prevent further economic damages being suffered by the client

D. the judge act immediately in order to prevent them from suffering economic damages further

E. immediate action should be taken to prevent their client from suffering further economic damages

5.(75)Purchasers of television advertising are increasingly discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition from new services that stream content over the internet and traditional movies.

A) are increasingly discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition from new services that stream content over the internet and traditional movies

B) are increasingly discouraged by the fact that viewership is shrinking and that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well as the competition from traditional movies and new services that stream content over the internet

C) increasingly are discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well as by the competition from traditional movies and new services that stream content over the internet

D) increasingly are discouraged by shrinking viewership, the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, the competition from new services that stream content over the internet, and traditional movies

E) increasingly are discouraged because viewership is shrinking, viewers are fast-forwarding through commercials, and the competition from traditional movies as well as new services that stream content over the internet

6.(76)Archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind.

(A) Archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind.

(B) In his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of the discovery by his team of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton.

(C) Writing the award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson chronicled the discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton by his team.

(D) The discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton was chronicled in the award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, being written by the archaeologist Donald Johanson.

(E) In his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton.

7.(77)Mathematical analysis of humpback whale sounds provide evidence that animals other than humans use a hierarchical structure of communication.

(A) provide evidence that animals other than humans
(B) provides evidence that animals other than humans
(C) provide evidence that an animal other than humans
(D) provides evidence that an animal other than a human
(E) provide evidence that animals, like humans,

8.(78)Most present-day people would be shocked to learn that, in the early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothes primarily to boys and blue clothes mainly to girls.

(A) learn that, in the early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothes primarily

(B) learn that, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers in the early twentieth century, pink clothes were marketed primarily

(C) learn, in the early twentieth century when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, that primarily pink clothes were marketed

(D) learn when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, in the early twentieth century, pink clothes, which were marketed primarily

(E) learn, in the early twentieth century, that when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed primarily pink clothes

9.(79)The artwork of Vincent Van Gogh, mostly paintings executed in bright colors with loose, expressive brushstrokes and drawings done in pen and ink, will be shown for the first time in minor museums where they can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for.

A. they can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for
B. they can be appreciated by people for whom a trip to a major city may be too expensive
C. people who a trip to a major city is too expensive for can appreciate it
D. it can be appreciated by people for whom a trip to a major city may be too expensive
E. it can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for

10.(80)Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

(A) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

(B) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

(C) Classical guitar was not prestigious and was not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite the instrument's relative obscurity.

(D) Classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia, who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

(E) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relatively obscure instrument.

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发表于 2023-2-9 09:28:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-9 09:50:00 | 只看该作者
1.(71)The "blown film" technique—which inflates hugebubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order toexpand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as largeas the entire building in which theprocess occurs.

A) The "blownfilm" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperaturecylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability toproduce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building
问题是has capability to

B) By inflating ahuge bubble in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at high temperatures, thusexpanding the plastic, the "blown film" technique has the ability toproduce a plastic sheet or tubes the same size as the building
应该是has the ability to的问题,后面sizebuilding比也不对

C) In order toexpand large masses of molten plastic, the "blown film" technique, inwhich a huge bubble is inflated in a high-temperature cylindrical mass of theplastic; this technique can produce plastic sheets or tubes equal to the entirebuilding's size

D) The "blown film" technique—in which a hugebubble is inflated in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at a hightemperature, causing the plastic to expand—can produce a plastic sheet or tubeas large as the entire building

E) Involving hugebubbles that are blown into cylindrical masses of molten plastic at hightemperatures—thereby expanding the plastic—the "blown film" techniqueproduces a plastic sheet or tube that is capable of having an entire building'ssize
capable of也不对)

上面错误选项里都还有which等修饰主语是technique的错误,那些应该都需要修饰blown film

2.(72)After movingto Switzerland in the 1890’s, Albert Einstein attendedthe Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training inquantitative analysis and developing a foundationfor his future work in mathematical physics.

(A) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich,receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developing

(B) attended theSwiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training inquantitative analysis and developed

(C) attended theSwiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training inquantitative analysis, and he developed

(D) attended theSwiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training inquantitative analysis, developing

(E) attending theSwiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training inquantitative analysis, and developing

3.(73)The rise insea level, cyclones and storms, and high temperatures can destroy hundreds ofspecies of marine turtles, whichhas been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be acomplete tragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack incare.

A) which has beenexisting for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be a completetragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack in care

B) which existedfor millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it can be a complete tragedy ifit became extinct because of human actions and lack in care

C) which have existed for millions of years in the WestIndian Ocean; it would be a complete tragedy if they were to become extinct asa result of human actions and lack of care

D) which haveexisted for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it could be a completetragedy if they have to become extinct as a result of human actions and lack incare
CD中选择的时候看到了wouldcould,这个事儿还没发生呢,用would合适,D还有have to这个问题)

E) which has beenexisting for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it would be a completetragedy if it must become extinct due to human actions and lack of care
4.(74)The lawyersfor the patent holder pressed the federal judge to impose an injunction againstthe hardware manufacturer, arguing that theyshould take immediate action in order to prevent further economic damagesagainst their client.

A. they should takeimmediate action in order to prevent further economic damages against theirclient

B. the judge actimmediately in order to prevent the client from suffering further damages of aneconomic nature

C. they should actimmediately to prevent further economic damages being suffered by the client

D. the judge actimmediately in order to prevent them from suffering economic damages further
(本身逻辑就有问题,argue judge act immediately?)

E. immediate action should be taken to prevent their clientfrom suffering further economic damages
5.(75)Purchasers oftelevision advertising areincreasingly discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that manyviewers fast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition fromnew services that stream content over the internet and traditional movies.

A) are increasinglydiscouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewersfast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition from newservices that stream content over the internet and traditional movies

B) are increasingly discouraged by the fact that viewershipis shrinking and that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well asthe competition from traditional movies and new services that stream contentover the internet
(这里as well as后面少了一个that

C) increasingly are discouraged by shrinking viewership andby the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well as bythe competition from traditional movies and new services that stream contentover the internet

D) increasingly arediscouraged by shrinking viewership, the fact that many viewers fast-forwardthrough commercials, the competition from new services that stream content overthe internet, and traditional movies

E) increasingly arediscouraged because viewership is shrinking, viewers are fast-forwarding throughcommercials, and the competition from traditional movies as well as newservices that stream content over the internet

6.(76)Archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discoveryof a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: TheBeginnings of Humankind.

(A) ArchaeologistDonald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-oldskeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind.
这个discovery of skeleton in book可能会有问题?不如E清楚

(B) In hisaward-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist DonaldJohanson wrote of the discovery by his team of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton.Discovery

(C) Writing theaward-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist DonaldJohanson chronicled the discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton by histeam.

(D) The discoveryof a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton was chronicled in the award-winning bookLucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, being written by the archaeologist DonaldJohanson.

(E) In his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings ofHumankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2million-year-old skeleton.
7.(77)Mathematicalanalysis of humpback whale sounds provideevidence that animals other than humans use ahierarchical structure of communication.

(A) provideevidence that animals other than humans
(B) provides evidence that animals other than humans
(C) provideevidence that an animal other than humans
(D) providesevidence that an animal other than a human
(E) provideevidence that animals, like humans,
8.(78)Mostpresent-day people would be shocked to learnthat, in the early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was firstwidely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothesprimarily to boys and blue clothes mainly to girls.

(A) learn that, inthe early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was first widelydistributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothes primarily

(B) learn that, when colored baby clothing was first widelydistributed to North American consumers in the early twentieth century, pinkclothes were marketed primarily

(C) learn, in theearly twentieth century when colored baby clothing was first widely distributedto North American consumers, that primarily pink clothes were marketed

(D) learn whencolored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers,in the early twentieth century, pink clothes, which were marketed primarily

(E) learn, in theearly twentieth century, that when colored baby clothing was first widelydistributed to North American consumers, they marketed primarily pink clothes
in the early 20century插入的有问题)
9.(79)The artworkof Vincent Van Gogh, mostly paintings executed in bright colors with loose,expressive brushstrokes and drawings done in pen and ink, will be shown for thefirst time in minor museums where theycan be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensivefor.

A. they can beappreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for
B. they can beappreciated by people for whom a trip to a major city may be too expensive
C. people who atrip to a major city is too expensive for can appreciate it
D. it can be appreciated by people for whom a trip to a majorcity may be too expensive
E. it can beappreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for
10.(80)Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often playedin concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentiethcentury, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relativeobscurity.

(A) Classicalguitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until itwas revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been wonover by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
neither nor后面不平行)

(B) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor played oftenin concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentiethcentury, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relativeobscurity.

(C) Classical guitar was not prestigious and was not oftenplayed in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentiethcentury, after he was won over by the sound despite the instrument's relativeobscurity.

(D) Classicalguitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls untilits revival by Andres Segovia, who in the mid-twentieth century was won over bythe instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
its revival by错误,who was won错误)

(E) Classicalguitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls untilAndres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, when he was won over bythe sound of the relatively obscure instrument.
neither nor后面不平行)
发表于 2023-2-9 13:41:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-9 14:24:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-9 14:50:48 | 只看该作者
1D in which 优于which,解释技术;can比capability,ability要简洁
2A 平行
3C 想了半天分号后的it形式主语是指代谁,to become extinct?
4E lawyers’ clients 只有E表达清楚了
C5B increasingly are真的好别扭…
6E modifier位置问题,A骨头不在书里 ; B 骨头队;C discovery 和by team太远;D being written
7B analysis单数,analyses复数。。血的教训
9D it 指代artwork ;for whom
10C  neither nor严格平行;having done逻辑主语不能是guitar

发表于 2023-2-9 14:59:13 | 只看该作者
1.(71)The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building in which the process occurs.

A) The "blown film" technique—which inflates huge bubbles in high-temperature cylindrical masses of molten plastic in order to expand—has the capability to produce plastic sheets or tubes that are as large as the entire building

B) By inflating a huge bubble in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at high temperatures, thus expanding the plastic, the "blown film" technique has the ability to produce a plastic sheet or tubes the same size as the building

C) In order to expand large masses of molten plastic, the "blown film" technique, in which a huge bubble is inflated in a high-temperature cylindrical mass of the plastic; this technique can produce plastic sheets or tubes equal to the entire building's size

D) The "blown film" technique—in which a huge bubble is inflated in a cylindrical mass of molten plastic at a high temperature, causing the plastic to expand—can produce a plastic sheet or tube as large as the entire building

E) Involving huge bubbles that are blown into cylindrical masses of molten plastic at high temperatures—thereby expanding the plastic—the "blown film" technique produces a plastic sheet or tube that is capable of having an entire building's size

D ;  in which 是修饰the entire building 排除C&E, that 指代单数,排除A

2.(72)After moving to Switzerland in the 1890’s, Albert Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developing a foundation for his future work in mathematical physics.

(A) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developing

(B) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis and developed

(C) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training in quantitative analysis, and he developed

(D) attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, received in-depth training in quantitative analysis, developing

(E) attending the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, receiving in-depth training in quantitative analysis, and developing
A, 首先E导致句子不完整排除,其次按照语义来判断三个部分里拿些是可以平行的,平行的部分要保持平性原则
3.(73)The rise in sea level, cyclones and storms, and high temperatures can destroy hundreds of species of marine turtles, which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be a complete tragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack in care.

A) which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it will be a complete tragedy if they had become extinct due to human actions and lack in care

B) which existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it can be a complete tragedy if it became extinct because of human actions and lack in care

C) which have existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it would be a complete tragedy if they were to become extinct as a result of human actions and lack of care

D) which have existed for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it could be a complete tragedy if they have to become extinct as a result of human actions and lack in care

E) which has been existing for millions of years in the West Indian Ocean; it would be a complete tragedy if it must become extinct due to human actions and lack of care
C   时态和单复数可以排除A B E, 虚拟语气的运用可以排除D
4.(74)The lawyers for the patent holder pressed the federal judge to impose an injunction against the hardware manufacturer, arguing that they should take immediate action in order to prevent further economic damages against their client.

A. they should take immediate action in order to prevent further economic damages against their client

B. the judge act immediately in order to prevent the client from suffering further damages of an economic nature

C. they should act immediately to prevent further economic damages being suffered by the client

D. the judge act immediately in order to prevent them from suffering economic damages further

E. immediate action should be taken to prevent their client from suffering further economic damages
B 问题出在them指代的是谁,B很清楚
5.(75)Purchasers of television advertising are increasingly discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition from new services that stream content over the internet and traditional movies.

A) are increasingly discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, in addition to the competition from new services that stream content over the internet and traditional movies

B) are increasingly discouraged by the fact that viewership is shrinking and that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well as the competition from traditional movies and new services that stream content over the internet

C) increasingly are discouraged by shrinking viewership and by the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, as well as by the competition from traditional movies and new services that stream content over the internet

D) increasingly are discouraged by shrinking viewership, the fact that many viewers fast-forward through commercials, the competition from new services that stream content over the internet, and traditional movies

E) increasingly are discouraged because viewership is shrinking, viewers are fast-forwarding through commercials, and the competition from traditional movies as well as new services that stream content over the internet
B    副词increasingly放在哪里 修饰的部分不一样,所以排除CDE,A不满足平行的规则
6.(76)Archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind.

(A) Archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton in his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind.

(B) In his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of the discovery by his team of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton.

(C) Writing the award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson chronicled the discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton by his team.

(D) The discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton was chronicled in the award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, being written by the archaeologist Donald Johanson.

(E) In his award-winning book Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind, archaeologist Donald Johanson wrote of his team's discovery of a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton.
C???? 不知道怎么判断明显的错误
7.(77)Mathematical analysis of humpback whale sounds provide evidence that animals other than humans use a hierarchical structure of communication.

(A) provide evidence that animals other than humans
(B) provides evidence that animals other than humans
(C) provide evidence that an animal other than humans
(D) provides evidence that an animal other than a human
(E) provide evidence that animals, like humans,
B  单复数问题排除ACE,后面同样是单复数问题
8.(78)Most present-day people would be shocked to learn that, in the early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothes primarily to boys and blue clothes mainly to girls.

(A) learn that, in the early twentieth century, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed pink clothes primarily

(B) learn that, when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers in the early twentieth century, pink clothes were marketed primarily

(C) learn, in the early twentieth century when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, that primarily pink clothes were marketed
(D) learn when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, in the early twentieth century, pink clothes, which were marketed primarily
(E) learn, in the early twentieth century, that when colored baby clothing was first widely distributed to North American consumers, they marketed primarily pink clothes
B  首先根据后半部分的平行可以排除掉cde,然后A的they指代不明确
9.(79)The artwork of Vincent Van Gogh, mostly paintings executed in bright colors with loose, expressive brushstrokes and drawings done in pen and ink, will be shown for the first time in minor museums where they can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for.
A. they can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for
B. they can be appreciated by people for whom a trip to a major city may be too expensive
C. people who a trip to a major city is too expensive for can appreciate it
D. it can be appreciated by people for whom a trip to a major city may be too expensive
E. it can be appreciated by people who a trip to a major city may be too expensive for
9.D 主语是the artwork,单数,所以排除AB, WHO A TRIP 排除C,DE的语法点需要确认一下
10.(80)Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.

(A) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
(B) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor played often in concert halls until it was revived by Andres Segovia in the mid-twentieth century, having been won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
(C) Classical guitar was not prestigious and was not often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, after he was won over by the sound despite the instrument's relative obscurity.
(D) Classical guitar did not have prestige nor was it performed often in concert halls until its revival by Andres Segovia, who in the mid-twentieth century was won over by the instrument's sound despite its relative obscurity.
(E) Classical guitar was neither prestigious nor was often played in concert halls until Andres Segovia revived it in the mid-twentieth century, when he was won over by the sound of the relatively obscure instrument.
10. B  neither nor的平行问题
发表于 2023-2-9 19:08:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2023-2-9 20:40:28 | 只看该作者


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