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1.(141)In order to avoid another problem in the mortgage sector, the committee has recommended that lenders fully disclose loan terms, enforcement of stricter credit standards, and to provide more transparency to regulatory bodies.
A. enforcement of stricter credit standards, and to provide more transparency to regulatory bodies.
B. enforcement of stricter credit standards, and providing more transparency to regulatory bodies.
C. enforcing of stricter credit standards, and providing more transparency to regulatory bodies.
D. enforce stricter credit standards, and provide more transparency to regulatory bodies.
E. enforce stricter credit standards, and to provide more transparency to regulatory bodies.
2.(142)The decision means that aircraft will fly more sorties over the Middle East region and allied ships will be deploying to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, and elsewhere, and as required.
A. region and allied ships will be deploying to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, and elsewhere, and as required
B. region and allied ships will deploy to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, elsewhere, and as required
C. region; allied ships will deploy to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, and elsewhere, with a requirement
D. region and that allied ships will deploy to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, and elsewhere, as required
E. region and that allied ships will be deploying to the Adriatic Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, and elsewhere, with a requirement
3.(143)The cardinals remained in the Sistine Chapel for far longer than the Vatican reporters expected, which suggests that the deliberation over the new pope was both spirited and contemplative.
A. which suggests that the deliberation over the new pope was both spirited and contemplative
B. which suggests that the deliberation over the new pope both was spirited and contemplative
C. a situation suggesting the deliberation over the new pope was both spirited and it was contemplative
D. suggesting that the deliberation over the new pope was both spirited and contemplative
E. suggests that the deliberation over the new pope was both spirited and contemplative
4.(144)While some have compared the vehicle to a tank or an oversized child's toy or too large to be a personal car, the company remains undaunted.
A. While some have compared the vehicle to a tank or an oversized child's toy or too
B. Because some have compared the vehicle to a tank or an oversized child's toy or too
C. While some have compared the vehicle to a tank or an oversized child's toy, too
D. As some have compared the vehicle to a tank or an oversized child's toy, too
E. Due to the vehicle being compared to a tank or an oversized child's toy, too
5.(145)The sudden influx of money in the Parascian economy gave rise to a sharp spike in the price for most consumer goods.
A. spike in the price for most consumer goods
B. upwardly spike in the price of most consumer goods
C. spike in the price of most consumer goods
D. spike in most consumer goods
E. upwards spike in the pricing of most consumer goods.
6.(146)The proposed new air travel regulations would require all passengers to possess printed tickets, carry identification with a photograph, and to sign a declaration that they are not carrying any prohibited items.
A. carry identification with a photograph, and to sign a declaration
B. carry identification with a photograph, and signing a declaration
C. to carry identification with a photograph, and signing a declaration
D. to carry identification with a photograph, signing a declaration
E. to carry identification with a photograph, and to sign a declaration
7.(147)In the field of higher education, the first few months of the year are often very busy, because new students are eager to fulfill long-held dreams as the new year begins.
A. new students are eager to fulfill long-held dreams
B. new students are eager as to fulfill long-held dreams
C. new students with eagerness to fulfill long-held dreams
D. new students, eager to fulfill, long-held dreams
E. long held dreams are eager and fulfilled by new students
8.(148)The school budget proposal including funds for a new gym, a larger auditorium, and three new school buses.
(A) including funds for a new gym, a
(B) included funds for a new gym, a
(C) included funds for a new gym,
(D) includes funds for a new gym, also a
(E) includes funds for a new gym, for a
9.(149)Regularly discussing school experiences with parents seems to positively affect test scores in science and math for Asian children, negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, and to negatively affect test scores in both reading as well as math for white children.
A. negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, and to negatively affect test scores in both reading as well as math for white children
B. negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, negatively affect test scores in both reading and math for white children
C. to negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, and negatively affect test scores in both reading as well as math for white children
D. to negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, and to negatively affect test scores in both reading and math for white children
E. to negatively affect test scores in reading for black children, to negatively affect test scores in both reading and math for white children
10.(150)For cows to be angered by the color red is a popular myth: cattle, like many mammals, are actually red-green colorblind
A. For cows to be angered by the color red is a popular myth
B. The notion that cows are angered by the color red is one that is popular but mythical
C. The notion that cows are angered by the color red, which is popular, is a myth
D. For cows, the notion of being angered by the color red is a popular one, but it is a myth nonetheless
E. The popular notion that cows are angered by the color red is a myth