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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第三期——速度越障3系列】【3-11】科技-learning & memory

发表于 2012-4-24 06:30:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Can You Make Yourself Smarter?

Published: April 18, 2012

Early on a drab afternoon in January, a dozen third graders from the working-class suburb of Chicago Heights, Ill., burst into the Mac Lab on the ground floor of Washington-McKinley School in a blur of blue pants, blue vests and white shirts. Minutes later, they were hunkered down in front of the Apple computers lining the room’s perimeter, hoping to do what was, until recently, considered impossible: increase their intelligence through training.

“Can somebody raise their hand,” asked Kate Wulfson, the instructor, “and explain to me how you get points?”

On each of the children’s monitors, there was a cartoon image of a haunted house, with bats and a crescent moon in a midnight blue sky. Every few seconds, a black cat appeared in one of the house’s five windows, then vanished. The exercise was divided into levels. On Level 1, the children earned a point by remembering which window the cat was just in. Easy. But the game is progressive: the cats keep coming, and the kids have to keep watching and remembering.

“And here’s where it gets confusing,” Wulfson continued. “If you get to Level 2, you have to remember where the cat was two windows ago. The time before last. For Level 3, you have to remember where it was three times ago. Level 4 is four times ago. That’s hard. You have to keep track. O.K., ready? Once we start, anyone who talks loses a star.”

So began 10 minutes of a remarkably demanding concentration game. At Level 2, even adults find the task somewhat taxing. Almost no one gets past Level 3 without training. But most people who stick with the game do get better with practice. This isn’t surprising: practice improves performance on almost every task humans engage in, whether it’s learning to read or playing horseshoes.

What is surprising is what else it improved. In a 2008 study, Susanne Jaeggi and Martin Buschkuehl, now of the University of Maryland, found that young adults who practiced a stripped-down, less cartoonish version of the game also showed improvement in a fundamental cognitive ability known as “fluid” intelligence: the capacity to solve novel problems, to learn, to reason, to see connections and to get to the bottom of things. The implication was that playing the game literally makes people smarter.
[386 words]

Psychologists have long regarded intelligence as coming in two flavors: crystallized intelligence, the treasure trove of stored-up information and how-to knowledge (the sort of thing tested on “Jeopardy!” or put to use when you ride a bicycle); and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence grows as you age; fluid intelligence has long been known to peak in early adulthood, around college age, and then to decline gradually. And unlike physical conditioning, which can transform 98-pound weaklings into hunks, fluid intelligence has always been considered impervious to training.

That, after all, is the premise of I.Q. tests, or at least the portion that measures fluid intelligence: we can test you now and predict all sorts of things in the future, because fluid intelligence supposedly sets in early and is fairly immutable. While parents, teachers and others play an essential role in establishing an environment in which a child’s intellect can grow, even Tiger Mothers generally expect only higher grades will come from their children’s diligence — not better brains.

How, then, could watching black cats in a haunted house possibly increase something as profound as fluid intelligence? Because the deceptively simple game, it turns out, targets the most elemental of cognitive skills: “working” memory. What long-term memory is to crystallized intelligence, working memory is to fluid intelligence. Working memory is more than just the ability to remember a telephone number long enough to dial it; it’s the capacity to manipulate the information you’re holding in your head — to add or subtract those numbers, place them in reverse order or sort them from high to low. Understanding a metaphor or an analogy is equally dependent on working memory; you can’t follow even a simple statement like “See Jane run” if you can’t put together how “see” and “Jane” connect with “run.” Without it, you can’t make sense of anything.

Over the past three decades, theorists and researchers alike have made significant headway in understanding how working memory functions. They have developed a variety of sensitive tests to measure it and determine its relationship to fluid intelligence. Then, in 2008, Jaeggi turned one of these tests of working memory into a training task for building it up, in the same way that push-ups can be used both as a measure of physical fitness and as a strength-building task. “We see attention and working memory as the cardiovascular function of the brain,” Jaeggi says.“If you train your attention and working memory, you increase your basic cognitive skills that help you for many different complex tasks.”
[418 words]

Jaeggi’s study has been widely influential. Since its publication, others have achieved results similar to Jaeggi’s not only in elementary-school children but also in preschoolers, college students and the elderly. The training tasks generally require only 15 to 25 minutes of work per day, five days a week, and have been found to improve scores on tests of fluid intelligence in as little as four weeks. Follow-up studies linking that improvement to real-world gains in schooling and job performance are just getting under way. But already, people with disorders including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H.D.) and traumatic brain injury have seen benefits from training. Gains can persist for up to eight months after treatment.

In a town like Chicago Heights, where only 16 percent of high schoolers met the Illinois version of the No Child Left Behind standards in 2011, finding a clear way to increase cognitive abilities has obvious appeal. But it has other uses too, at all ages and aptitudes. Even high-level professionals have begun training their working memory in hopes of boosting their fluid intelligence — and, with it, their job performance. If the effect is real — if fluid intelligence can be raised in just a few minutes a day, even by a bit, and not just on a test but in real life — then it would seem to offer, as Jaeggi’s 2008 study concluded with Spock-like understatement, “a wide range of applications.”

Since the first reliable intelligence test was created just over a hundred years ago, researchers have searched for a way to increase scores meaningfully, with little success. The track record was so dismal that by 2002, when Jaeggi and her research partner (and now her husband), Martin Buschkuehl, came across a study claiming to have done so, they simply didn’t believe it.

The study, by a Swedish neuroscientist named Torkel Klingberg, involved just 14 children, all with A.D.H.D. Half participated in computerized tasks designed to strengthen their working memory, while the other half played less challenging computer games. After just five weeks, Klingberg found that those who played the working-memory games fidgeted less and moved about less. More remarkable, they also scored higher on one of the single best measures of fluid intelligence, the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. Improvement in working memory, in other words, transferred to improvement on a task the children weren’t training for.
[389 words]

Even if the sample was small, the results were provocative (three years later Klingberg replicated most of the results in a group of 50 children), because matrices are considered the gold standard of fluid-intelligence tests. Anyone who has taken an intelligence test has seen matrices like those used in the Raven’s: three rows, with three graphic items in each row, made up of squares, circles, dots or the like. Do the squares get larger as they move from left to right? Do the circles inside the squares fill in, changing from white to gray to black, as they go downward? One of the nine items is missing from the matrix, and the challenge is to find the underlying patterns — up, down and across — from six possible choices. Initially the solutions are readily apparent to most people, but they get progressively harder to discern. By the end of the test, most test takers are baffled.

If measuring intelligence through matrices seems arbitrary, consider how central pattern recognition is to success in life. If you’re going to find buried treasure in baseball statistics to give your team an edge by signing players unappreciated by others, you’d better be good at matrices. If you want to exploit cycles in the stock market, or find a legal precedent in 10 cases, or for that matter, if you need to suss out a woolly mammoth’s nature to trap, kill and eat it — you’re essentially using the same cognitive skills tested by matrices.

When Klingberg’s study came out, both Jaeggi and Buschkuehl were doctoral candidates in cognitive psychology at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Since his high-school days as a Swiss national-champion rower, Buschkuehl had been interested in the degree to which skills — physical and mental — could be trained. Intrigued by Klingberg’s suggestion that training working memory could improve fluid intelligence, he showed the paper to Jaeggi, who was studying working memory with a test known as the N-back. “At that time there was pretty much no evidence whatsoever that you can train on one particular task and get transfer to another task that was totally different,” Jaeggi says. That is, while most skills improve with practice, the improvement is generally domain-specific: you don’t get better at Sudoku by doing crosswords. And fluid intelligence was not just another skill; it was the ultimate cognitive ability underlying all mental skills, and supposedly immune from the usual benefits of practice. To find that training on a working-memory task could result in an increase in fluid intelligence would be cognitive psychology’s equivalent of discovering particles traveling faster than light.
[430 words]

Together, Jaeggi and Buschkuehl decided to see if they could replicate the Klingberg transfer effect. To do so, they used the N-back test as the basis of a training regimen. As seen in the game played by the children at Washington-McKinley, N-back challenges users to remember something — the location of a cat or the sound of a particular letter — that is presented immediately before (1-back), the time before last (2-back), the time before that (3-back), and so on. If you do well at 2-back, the computer moves you up to 3-back. Do well at that, and you’ll jump to 4-back. On the other hand, if you do poorly at any level, you’re nudged down a level. The point is to keep the game just challenging enough that you stay fully engaged.

To make it harder, Jaeggi and Buschkuehl used what’s called the dual N-back task. As a random sequence of letters is heard over earphones, a square appears on a computer screen moving, apparently at random, among eight possible spots on a grid. Your mission is to keep track of both the letters and the squares. So, for example, at the 3-back level, you would press one button on the keyboard if you recall that a spoken letter is the same one that was spoken three times ago, while simultaneously pressing another key if the square on the screen is in the same place as it was three times ago.

The point of making the task more difficult is to overwhelm the usual task-specific strategies that people develop with games like chess and Scrabble. “We wanted to train underlying attention and working-memory skills,” Jaeggi says.

Jaeggi and Buschkuehl gave progressive matrix tests to students at Bern and then asked them to practice the dual N-back for 20 to 25 minutes a day. When they retested them at the end of a few weeks, they were surprised and delighted to find significant improvement. Jaeggi and Buschkuehl later expanded the study as postdoctoral fellows at the University of Michigan, in the laboratory of John Jonides, professor of psychology and neuroscience.

“Those two things, working memory and cognitive control, I think, are at the heart of intellectual functioning,” Jonides told me when I met with him, Jaeggi and Buschkuehl in their basement office. “They are part of what differentiates us from other species. They allow us to selectively process information from the environment, and to use that information to do all kinds of problem-solving and reasoning.”
[414 words]
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A Conversation With Eric R. Kandel

A Quest to Understand How Memory Works

Published: March 5, 2012

At 82, the Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Dr. Eric R. Kandel is still constantly coming up with new ideas for research.

This winter, he has been working on a project that he hopes will lead to a new class of drugs for treating schizophrenia. Last year he collaborated, for the first time, with Denise B. Kandel — his fellow Columbia University research scientist and wife of 55 years — investigating the biological links between cigarette and cocaine addiction. And this month his newest book, “The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind and Brain, From Vienna 1900 to the Present,” is to be released by Random House.

A condensed and edited version of our two interviews follows. As in his new book, the conversation begins with memories of Vienna, his birthplace.

How old were you when the Nazis marched into Vienna?

I was 8 ½. Immediately, we saw that our lives were in danger. We were completely abandoned by our non-Jewish friends and neighbors. No one spoke to me in school. One boy walked up to me and said, “My father said I’m not to speak to you anymore.” When we went to the park, we were roughed up. Then, on Nov. 9, 1938, Kristallnacht, we were booted out of our apartment, which was looted. We knew we had to get out.

Fortunately, my mother had the foresight to apply for visas to the United States earlier. For more than a year, we waited in the terror of Vienna for our immigration quota number to come up. When it finally did, my older brother, Ludwig, and I made the Atlantic crossing alone. Our parents came later. On the trip, it’s amazing how unfrightened I was, considering that even before the Nazis, I was an apprehensive child. You rise to the occasion.

After you won the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, did the Austrians reach out to you?

Yes. Their newspaper people said, “Oh, wonderful, another Austrian Nobel Prize!” I said: “You’ve got this wrong. This is an American, an American Jewish Nobel Prize.” The president of Austria wrote me a note: “What can we do to recognize you?” I said, “I do not need any more recognition, but it would it be nice to have a symposium at the University of Vienna on the response of Austria to National Socialism.” He said, “That’s fine.” I’m very close to Fritz Stern, the historian, and he helped me put the symposium together. Ultimately, a book came out of it. It had a modest impact.

As a student at Harvard in the 1950s, you aspired to be a psychoanalyst. Was this because of your Viennese background?

In part I was drawn to it because it promised much. In the 1950s and early 1960s, psychoanalysis swept through the intellectual community, and it was the dominant mode of thinking about the mind. People felt that this was a completely new set of insights into human motivation and that its therapeutic potential was significant. It was seen as the treatment that solved everything in the world, from schizophrenia to ingrown toenails. It’s amazing how it was oversold. When this turned out to be more hope than reality, things flipped in the other direction. In my case, I didn’t pursue it because I fell in love with research.

Did this overselling discredit psychoanalysis?

I think so. And it’s a shame. There are many fantastically interesting components to it that are worthwhile. The problem of psychoanalysis is not the body of theory that Freud left behind, but the fact that it never became a medical science. It never tried to test its ideas. When you asked, “How come there are not outcome studies?” you were told, “You can’t study this. How are you going to measure it?”

In fact, there were questions it was possible to ask. For instance, under what circumstances does psychoanalysis work better than a placebo? Does it work better than other kinds of therapy? Who are the best therapists for what kinds of patients?

Talk about your Nobel research on the biology of memory.

I’ve long been interested in memory. What does it look like on a physical level? When I was a very young man, my mentor Harry Grundfest said, “Look, if you want to understand the brain you’re going to have to take a reductionist approach, one cell at a time.” He was so right.

So what’s the biggest problem in psychoanalysis? It’s memory! In the late 1950s, I and a colleague, Alden Spencer, had a very significant finding when we recorded the signals a hippocampus nerve cell puts out when it communicates with other cells. A psychologist named Brenda Milner had just shown that complex memory involves the hippocampus part of the brain, which is why we picked that type of cell to study. We were able to stimulate the various pathways coming into the cell and record the synaptic input. We saw how the hippocampus cell worked, but alas, that didn’t give insight into memory.

So in the 1960s, we went to a more reductionist approach. Instead of studying complicated mammalian brain cells, we studied the neural system of a simple animal — Aplysia, a snail with a very large nerve cell. We subjected them to learning and reflex tests similar to those that Pavlov had done. We’d stimulate the animals and see what kind of reflexes were produced, and then we tested them. We discovered that the snail’s reflexes could be modified by several forms of learning, and that learning involved alterations in how nerve cells communicated with one another.

We next looked at short- and long-term memory in the snail. I began to see what happens when you convert short-term memories to long-term ones. It would turn out that short-term memory involves transient changes of the connections between the cells. There is no anatomical change. Long-term memory involves enduring changes that result from the growth of new synaptic connections.

Did this surprise you?

It was astonishing! You could double the number of synaptic connections in a very simple neurocircuit as a result of experience and learning. The reason for that was that long-term memory alters the expression of genes in nerve cells, which is the cause of the growth of new synaptic connections. When you see that at the cellular level, you realize that the brain can change because of experience. It gives you a different feeling about how nature and nurture interact. They are not separate processes.

As neuroscience moves forward, there are all kinds of new possibilities emerging. There are people who are experimenting with ways to erase unpleasant memories. Do you approve?

I have no difficulty about enhancing memory. Removing memory is more complicated. If it’s to reduce the impact of a particular trauma, I have no difficulty with that, but there are other ways to deal with it — cognitive behavior therapy, exposure therapy, drugs. To go into your head and pluck out a memory of an unfortunate love experience, that’s a bad idea.

You know, in the end, we are who we are. We’re all part of what we’ve experienced. Would I have liked to have had the Viennese experience removed from me? No! And it was horrible. But it shapes you.

[1211 words]

The Mystery of Memory (29 minutes)

This half hour documentary takes viewers on a journey of discovery, looking at some of the most exciting scientific research being done today on the biological workings of memory.
Credits: Kikim Media (production)
Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2009


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-24 06:36:45 | 只看该作者

Ron大神曾经说过,GMAT考的是fluid intelligence,而今天的速度文章说fluid intelligence can be trained.
发表于 2012-4-24 09:40:20 | 只看该作者
2‘17   tells us a game  that makes author point out two kinds of intelligence
3’09第一段读了两遍。There are two kinds of intelligence and the details of them.Then the author points out the training of working memory can increase cognitive ability,which means directly increasing fluid intelligence.
2‘19  J’s study is influential and sth about the influence that training the working memory is working well on increasing fluid intelligence.
2'42 The results of the training experiment are provocative and K proposes the new effect of the training from psychological point.
2'28 J and his colleagues do other research to see if K's effect would happen and they succeed.They found the heart of intellectual functioning and what differentiates our species.
MI:A story of Dr.E,who gained Nobel Prize and found the working of our memory.
Introduction:Dr.E's horrible childhood until he moved to America and gained Nobel Prize.
Experiment of memory:Dr. E experimented in the 1950s and failed.Then he began tested nerve cells on snails and found that the short-term memory can make changes in the cells' connection,while the long-term memories cannot.The expression of genes in nerve cells can create new connections,changing long-term memories.
Conclusion:The brain can change because of experience and the process is not separate.Dr.E haven't found how to remove memory and he points out that everyone has precious and unique memory,so we should value it but remove it,though the memory is horrible.
发表于 2012-4-24 09:44:58 | 只看该作者

386 2:06
The issue talks about a experiment oftraining people’s concentration.
A group of people all in blue clothes wereengaged in the experiment, using a line of apple computer. They would see a housewith several windows and a cat appearing in the window to remember which windowthe cat appeared. The tests were arranged in three levels, including level 123.whereas in level 1 people would remember the window that the cat appeared the lastone, in level 2 people would remember two windows ago and in level3 peoplewould remember three widows. Few people past level3, however, we can pass itthrough special training….surprisingly, adults and children all can improvedtheir intelligent through this test, and we can conclude that concentration isimportant to our intelligent…  so…..whenwe do CR…we should concentrate very closely- -…..哈哈我被CR洗脑了

418 2;38
1Pur intelligent is divided into twoways, including cystalled ? one and fluid one. C one is formed when we wereborn, whereas fluid one is formed when we study. However, unlike physicalability, the fluid intelligence is acknowledged impossible to change throughtraining..,
2P:the environment of forming fluidintelligence..? 记得不太清了 itmentioned tiger and tiger’s mother and the environment of school which can formour fuilding intelligence.
3P:why watching cats in window can improvedour intelligence? Because our working inteli is improved through training…..workingintelligence is not only rember a long range of tele-number, but it alsoinvolves the high ability to trait the information in our hand and reach aconclusion of a higher level.
4P:some people do a research? To findworking intelligence can be improved

384 2:14
这个实验有着深远的意义 很多人通过实验发现了同样的效果 无论是小孩还是大人而且他们还将disorders的人进行了实验 发现他们的大脑有所恢复 治疗期好想是8个月
于是就有很多人啊想参加这个实验 为的就是提高自己的working intelligence。。。然后J就说我们的application会依然持续上升的
但是这个实验是100年前做的 他们的计分标准需要修改、、J found the scores dissimal。。。
最后一段是加强结论的 说又给小孩做了一组实验 做的是对照实验 集中精力的小孩move less 并且发现在别的领域他们也有所提高尽管那些领域他们并没有trained

430 2:18 看的时候不太细
1P无论怎么做试验我们都发现了同样的结果 无论怎么把小孩分组然后实验难度会engage you 你做好了2就有3等着你
2P:提到了另一个实验什么方方圆圆 从左到右黑的白的 我没仔细读。。 然后有6个选项让你选
3P:说到了working intelligence的重要性了 在生活的方方面面的帮助你
4P:还是加强结论不仅是working memery的提高了 更是智力跟mental的结合啦。。。

414       2:02 介绍了两个实验跟其结果 最后做出了总结
1P:J&B试图重复K的实验 设计了一个实验还是猫&window的那个 做的好就晋级 做的不好就down level
2P:另一个实验earphone里听到字母并同时在电脑上点 再难一点的就是让你想three letter ago 是什么
3P:发现了这个实验有助于提高智力送了一组学生进去 一周后他们的成绩显著提高
4P:总结 working memory & cognitive control 是我们的智力的两大方面 它是我们人类物种的特殊性 是我们处理问题的依据
马上上课啦 中午回来越障=0=

1211 7:04
讲了一个生物学家的故事 介绍了他童年时期的生平 介绍了他为何选择自己的专业领域介绍他的新研究以及对于移除痛苦回忆的看法
1:笼统的介绍了文章大概说了这个人 是个犹太人 研究心理学OR心理疾病治疗OR some what。。他从未停止过研究 每年都有新研究 去年做了个什么 今年又跟一个人还有他妻子做了个什么然后得了诺贝尔生物学奖
2:说一下是我们采访的精华内容首先介绍了他八岁半时候的生平 因为他是犹太人所以童年收到不少创伤 很多同学不跟他说话 有个人还跑到他面前说我爹不让我跟你说话 他们在公园被打后来被赶出了房子 幸好他麻麻有先见之明 他们拿到了米国的visas 所以他们全家移民美国了 他跟他哥先走的 他说他很惊讶自己居然没有害怕 后来他父母跟着来的吧
3:忘了具体顺序了然后应该是他得奖后 澳大利亚追着他要纪念他 他说不用 只是想把自己的讲座记录下来然后说自己隔壁是个历史学家? 帮他只做了讲座正评价+
4:问他为什么选择心理研究?他作为哈佛的学生 他认为心理学drawn to it more than promise it…就是各种他对心理学的感情觉得心理学很好。。。具体忘了
5:问是不是overselling 毁坏了心理学 他认为是这样的 认为这样shame 说现实中的我们应该问howto measure it 而不是how tostudy it。。 我们评价的标准是它是否比placebo好。。。对病人是不是好。
6:!忘了- -  记得是做了一堆实验来验证什么东西 后来抓了个蛇来继续做实验这个蛇有大的nerve cell。。。 然后得到了他想要的结果 并且这个结果很让他吃惊 他发现心理最重要的就是memory。。。
7:他关于抹除不好记忆的看法负评价 认为外伤好治内伤难医 而且不该治 比如自己 他痛恨作为犹太人的日子 但是他不会将其抹除
发表于 2012-4-24 09:56:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-4-24 10:21:09 | 只看该作者

A man who won the Nobel price in physiology
personal experience:childhood- did not like to talk in the school and under the Vinnese background. So he came to American.
Research:Harvard education for phychoanalyst; memory experiment:a- connect cells with others cell-not success;b-reduction-neural systme from snail-short term changes the connection between cells, long term changes result from new growth of synaptic connections.
Unhappy experience:for theray is good, but the experience shaped  people, we were all part of what we have experienced.

发表于 2012-4-24 10:58:17 | 只看该作者
越障 7‘11
有关获奖的研究 具体有提到之前的研究、他所做的研究,这里什么实验方法什么的我完全看不懂也记不住呀怎么办?
发表于 2012-4-24 11:17:53 | 只看该作者

我能不能用一句话来概括呢...practise makes prefect~
Discuss resources of intelligence- crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
Jaeggi’s study has been widely influential just like others' results similar to Jaeggi’s not only in elementary-school children but also in preschoolers, college students and the elderly.
这段读的有点儿混乱~ 看明白了physical and mental 结合之类的~
Jaeggi and Buschkuehl 想重新做试验看看那结果是否和Klingberg的一样~ 在小孩子身上做实验~ 奖励层级之类的~ 这些学生在一段日子的训练之后,试验效果有显著的提升.

越障:5’55 (PS:关于 "Random House” 兰登书屋~ 第一次听说这个出版社是在电影-The Holiday-恋爱假期里的~ 男主角Jude Law的母亲是兰登书屋的编辑~ 觉得这个名字好好听~ 大家有时间去看一下啦~ 很浪漫的轻喜剧~ 同出演的还有Cameron Diaz、Kate Winslet 我肿么记这些就这么牢的!!!)
讲的是关于Eric教授研究记忆方面的成果~ 也有关于精神分裂症(schizophrenia 新单词~ 混眼熟~)
主人公小时候挺可怜的~ 周围木有犹太族的盆友~ 就被嫌弃了~ 于是不得不离开家乡去了美国~一路上旅途十分艰辛~
但是当获得诺贝尔奖之后~ 澳大利亚的人又把他认回来了~ 可是Eric就不开心了~ 以前抛弃我,现在出名了就找上门了~ 不带这样的~ 俺们是纯种移民美国人~
然后他发现他研究的心理学领域很占优势~ 似乎能解决所有的问题~并且,他十分热爱他所投身的事业~
之后的重要发现就是长短记忆了~ 各有不同的优势~
最后, 他发现, 储存记忆并不难, 难的是移除记忆~ 那段童年的回忆对他很痛苦, 但他并不想遗忘那段回忆~ 因为那段回忆能够激励他~
You know, in the end, we are who we are. We’re all part of what we’ve experienced.
发表于 2012-4-24 12:44:14 | 只看该作者
姐姐每次都准备得好用心,还有audio supplement!赞个~么么~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-24 17:08:08 | 只看该作者


386 2:06
The issue talks about a experiment oftraining people’s concentration.
A group of people all in blue clothes wereengaged in the experiment, using a line of apple computer. They would see a housewith several windows and a cat appearing in the window to remember which windowthe cat appeared. The tests were arranged in three levels, including level 123.whereas in level 1 people would remember the window that the cat appeared the lastone, in level 2 people would remember two windows ago and in level3 peoplewould remember three widows. Few people past level3, however, we can pass itthrough special training….surprisingly, adults and children all can improvedtheir intelligent through this test, and we can conclude that concentration isimportant to our intelligent…  so…..whenwe do CR…we should concentrate very closely- -…..哈哈我被CR洗脑了

418 2;38
1Pur intelligent is divided into twoways, including cystalled ? one and fluid one. C one is formed when we wereborn, whereas fluid one is formed when we study. However, unlike physicalability, the fluid intelligence is acknowledged impossible to change throughtraining..,
2P:the environment of forming fluidintelligence..? 记得不太清了 itmentioned tiger and tiger’s mother and the environment of school which can formour fuilding intelligence.
3P:why watching cats in window can improvedour intelligence? Because our working inteli is improved through training…..workingintelligence is not only rember a long range of tele-number, but it alsoinvolves the high ability to trait the information in our hand and reach aconclusion of a higher level.
4P:some people do a research? To findworking intelligence can be improved

384 2:14
这个实验有着深远的意义 很多人通过实验发现了同样的效果 无论是小孩还是大人而且他们还将disorders的人进行了实验 发现他们的大脑有所恢复 治疗期好想是8个月
于是就有很多人啊想参加这个实验 为的就是提高自己的working intelligence。。。然后J就说我们的application会依然持续上升的
但是这个实验是100年前做的 他们的计分标准需要修改、、J found the scores dissimal。。。
最后一段是加强结论的 说又给小孩做了一组实验 做的是对照实验 集中精力的小孩move less 并且发现在别的领域他们也有所提高尽管那些领域他们并没有trained

430 2:18 看的时候不太细
1P无论怎么做试验我们都发现了同样的结果 无论怎么把小孩分组然后实验难度会engage you 你做好了2就有3等着你
2P:提到了另一个实验什么方方圆圆 从左到右黑的白的 我没仔细读。。 然后有6个选项让你选
3P:说到了working intelligence的重要性了 在生活的方方面面的帮助你
4P:还是加强结论不仅是working memery的提高了 更是智力跟mental的结合啦。。。

414       2:02 介绍了两个实验跟其结果 最后做出了总结
1P:J&B试图重复K的实验 设计了一个实验还是猫&window的那个 做的好就晋级 做的不好就down level
2P:另一个实验earphone里听到字母并同时在电脑上点 再难一点的就是让你想three letter ago 是什么
3P:发现了这个实验有助于提高智力送了一组学生进去 一周后他们的成绩显著提高
4P:总结 working memory & cognitive control 是我们的智力的两大方面 它是我们人类物种的特殊性 是我们处理问题的依据
马上上课啦 中午回来越障=0=

1211 7:04
讲了一个生物学家的故事 介绍了他童年时期的生平 介绍了他为何选择自己的专业领域介绍他的新研究以及对于移除痛苦回忆的看法
1:笼统的介绍了文章大概说了这个人 是个犹太人 研究心理学OR心理疾病治疗OR some what。。他从未停止过研究 每年都有新研究 去年做了个什么 今年又跟一个人还有他妻子做了个什么然后得了诺贝尔生物学奖
2:说一下是我们采访的精华内容首先介绍了他八岁半时候的生平 因为他是犹太人所以童年收到不少创伤 很多同学不跟他说话 有个人还跑到他面前说我爹不让我跟你说话 他们在公园被打后来被赶出了房子 幸好他麻麻有先见之明 他们拿到了米国的visas 所以他们全家移民美国了 他跟他哥先走的 他说他很惊讶自己居然没有害怕 后来他父母跟着来的吧
3:忘了具体顺序了然后应该是他得奖后 澳大利亚追着他要纪念他 他说不用 只是想把自己的讲座记录下来然后说自己隔壁是个历史学家? 帮他只做了讲座正评价+
4:问他为什么选择心理研究?他作为哈佛的学生 他认为心理学drawn to it more than promise it…就是各种他对心理学的感情觉得心理学很好。。。具体忘了
5:问是不是overselling 毁坏了心理学 他认为是这样的 认为这样shame 说现实中的我们应该问howto measure it 而不是how tostudy it。。 我们评价的标准是它是否比placebo好。。。对病人是不是好。
6:!忘了- -  记得是做了一堆实验来验证什么东西 后来抓了个蛇来继续做实验这个蛇有大的nerve cell。。。 然后得到了他想要的结果 并且这个结果很让他吃惊 他发现心理最重要的就是memory。。。
7:他关于抹除不好记忆的看法负评价 认为外伤好治内伤难医 而且不该治 比如自己 他痛恨作为犹太人的日子 但是他不会将其抹除
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/4/24 9:44:58)

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