1. Share sth interesting aboutyourself that others may not know. 2. 你收到一件最有意义的礼物是什么?why? 3. Which track will you choose andhow that relates to your career 4. what (traits and skills that)will help you become a professional in business analysis. 5. One place in St Louis that youare excited to visit. 6. 一个你在Olin 你想进的studentclub or organization
A student has been extremely busy trying to wrap up a project forhis/her internship employer, so unfortunately the student has not devoted asufficient amount of time toward the completion of his/her final paper. Thefinal paper is due tomorrow and the student still has not finished the paper,but the supervisor of the internship has requested that he/she join the team outat a local restaurant to celebrate the finalization of the project. Faced withthis dilemma, what should the student do?