首先,必须读一遍原句。原句的意思就是作者想表达的中心意思 改变逻辑1、并列句连接词变化For——因为(表原因) so——所以(表示结果) And——并且(表并列,两句话逻辑相互独立) Nor——也不是/也没有(表转折) But——但是(表转折) Yet——但是(表转折) 实战如何发现:确认是并列句,并且发现引导词在不断变化——转折关系变成并列关系等等 2、从句引导词变化表示因果:Because/Since/as 表示目的:So that 表示时间:when 还有很多,就不一一列举了 实战如何发现:确认是主从句,并且发现引导词在不断变化——因果关系变成目的关系等等
3、改变因果/推论/数据的核心3.1改变核心名词 Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone. (C) Solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided——facilities should be avoid (E) if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided——duplication shold be avoid 建大医院是浪费的,因为机构应该被避免?还是复制应该被避免呢?
Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment: since the number of students in public schools have grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million, are at a record high. (B) enrollment: the number of students in public schools has grown steadily since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47 million,has reached——Number of student has grown (C) enrollment: students in public schools have grown steadily in number since the mid-1980’s and, at nearly 47million, are at——students have grown 今年学校的学生增加更高录取导致的。更高录取的意思是学生人数增加?还是学生长大了呢? 这就是核心概念的替换。
实战:结构相同,关键出有几个词语细微的变动 ——抽出核心主干SVO,看看相对来说哪个的表意更合理
3.2改变因果/推论/数据关系合理性Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear. (B) An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that worked well in the past, makes missing——executive makes missing sign signs of incipient trouble or misinterpreting ones likely when they do appear. (E) Being heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that has worked well in the past, is likely to make an executive miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.——Being comitted is likely to make executive miss sign 是职员导致了missing sign,还是 太过于坚定导致miss sign 呢? 职员本身是无罪的,只有太过于坚定这一件事情,才可以导致miss sign
实战:同上,结构相同,关键出有几个词语细微的变动 ——抽出核心主干SVO,看看相对来说哪个的表意更合理
1、一般过去时:in 2、现在完成时:since/for 3、过去完成时:by+过去时间点——过去的过去 4、将来时态:next year/time 5、客观事实用一般时 实战:发现句子时态变化——优先找句子当中是否有时间提示词(in/for/since等) file:///C:/Users/asecd/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/02/clip_image001.png ——没有提示词的时候依靠语义确认时间先后 2、相同的副词,v-ing变成having done,时间关系改变(好判断)关于having done:1、这个结构只能做副词 2、修饰当中的时间发生在主句之前 实战:v-ing与having done变化——确认修饰成分与主句的时间先后
3、相同的定语,v-ing和which定语从句(好判断)定语从句可以表达多个时态,但是v-ing一般表示现在正在发生的动作 实战:名词后v-ing和which从句变化——看定语是否要变化时态
1、隐藏完整表意——从句变名词(好判断)Prospecting for gold during the California gold rush was a relatively easy task, because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach for anybody with a pan or shovel. B. because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and volcanic activity that thrust ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds to the surface, and putting gold literally within reach of E. since erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach of
B表意:因为 erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and volcanic activity
E表意因为erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds put gold within reach 那么,金子更容易呗挖掘,是因为侵蚀,冰川运动,火山运动? 还是因为因为侵蚀,冰川运动,火山运动让金子更容易被触及? 相比较下,你会发现E项的表意更加完整。因为是一件事情发生导致了结果,而不是这些名词
实战:同一个位置,名词与从句的变化 ——优先选择表意完整的选项 亦可以参考以下帖子ron的回答 https://www.manhattanprep.com/gmat/forums/as-the-honeybee-s-stinger-is-heavily-barbed-t7194.html
2、隐藏完整动作——实义动词变be动词(好判断)Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago. A. rather than developing independently from B. rather than a type that developed independently from——表意:type从ancestors独立发展 C. rather than a type whose developments was independent of——表意:type的发展是独立的 D. instead of developing independently from E. instead of a development that was independent of 根据平行原则可以删去AD项
实义动词表意:强调完整的动作 be动词:强调状态 实战:删去所有的修饰结构,抽出主谓宾 看到be动词想着:xx是xx 看到实义动词想着:xx做xx 看哪个的表意完整全面
3、隐藏动作发出者——主动变被动(不好判断)a.解释:主动语态:S+v+o有完整的动作发出者,谓语动词,承受者 被动语态(没有by的情况下):s+ be done 有动作承受着,谓语动词 ——差异:隐藏了动作的发出者。隐藏了动作发出者就一定错吗?也不一定,如下: Before scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly in small amounts from the pituitary glands of human cadavers A. scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly B. scientists had learned about making a synthetic growth hormone, they had to remove it painstakingly C. scientists learned how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed(缺少动作发出者by scientist,但是正确选项) D. learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had to remove it painstakingly E. learning how to synthesize the growth hormone, it have to be painstakingly removed by scientists
4、隐藏其他表意——整个表意词语的删除(最后判断)Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Pasco del Rio, is the city's most popular attraction. A) Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio B) Unlike the river in many cities in the United Stated, which is no longer the local point of urban life, in San Antonio the river C)Today the river in many cities in the United States is no longer the focal point of urban life, unlike San Antonio, where it D) In few United States cities today, a river is the focal point of urban life, but the river in San Antonio E) No longer do many cities in United States have a river as the focal point of urban life, but in San Antonio the river DE选项相比,D选项中no longer的表意被删除,导致表意的不完整
实战如何发现:某一选项相比于其他选项,有一个词语/词组被完全删去 ——优先选择表意较为完整的选项
考法1:prep+n作noun modifier的位置不同语义不同 应试策略:prep+n修饰名词越近越好 把prep+n理解意思成xxx的
考法2:prep+n做adverbial modifier,不同位置语义不同 应试策略:1、 prep+n放在句末的时候可能导致歧义,但放在句首的时候没有歧义,只能作状语 2、确认prep+n处于从句还是主句,or 第一个并列句还是第二个并列句中 以 I believe in the morning that sun rises I believe that in the morning sun rises 在主句的prep+n 不能修饰从句动作,在第一个并列句中prep+n 不能修饰第二个动作
最后,感谢dutin大大在语义逻辑方面给予的指导! 贴上两个很有用的材料,source:CD其他大神的总结~