TheUnited States will be affected by whether Taiwan develops a closer relationshipwith mainland China or preserves the status quo,since the island nation is the United States' seventh-largest trading partner.
(A) The United States will be affected by whether Taiwandevelops a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo
(B)Whether or not Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China orpreserves the status quo affecting the United States
(C)Whether or not Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or thestatus quo is preserved, it will affect the United States
(D) It affects the United States whether Taiwan will develop a closerrelationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo
(E)It affects the United States whether or not Taiwan will develop a closerrelationship with mainland China or preserve the status quo
补充一个知识点: whether...or not只能做状语从句, whether是名词性从句
D的疑惑。whether可以作名词性从句, 那么为什么不能whether的整个名词性从句作主语, it当作形式主语呢?