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发表于 2020-2-25 14:48:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  • 先来看一看整体题型的布局 ➡️  依旧保持不变,包含4个部分

  • 我们再来看看听力部分:

  • 听力部分不再以Sections进行区分,而是改用了Parts标记;
  • 删除了例子部分;

  • 题目数量还是40个
  • 各个题型(填空题/选择题/配对题/填表总结题)依旧存在
  • 题目难度不变


  • 接下来再来看看阅读部分:

  • 3篇文章
  • 40个items
  • 题型没变(段落标题、辨别正误、回答问题、完成图表、示意图、配对题、摘要,填空题和多重选择题型)
  • 难度没有上升,保持和以前一样的难易程度




PART 1 Questions 1–10
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Bankside Recruitment Agency

● Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
● Name of agent: Becky 1 .................
● Phone number: 07866 510333
● Best to call her in the 2 .................

Typical jobs
● Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
● Must have good 3 .................skills
● Jobs are usually for at least one 4 .................
● Pay is usually 5 £   ................. per hour

Registration process
● Wear a 6 the interview
● Must bring your 7 the interview
● They will ask questions about each applicant’s 8 .................

Advantages of using an agency
● The 9 receive at interview will benefit you
● Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised
● Less 10  ................. is involved in applying for jobs

第1小题:Jamieson ➡️ 在听力文本中大约2‘25’‘处,男生把单词拼了出来;
第2小题:afternoon ➡️ 在听力文本中男生说他通常早上很忙,所以下午打电话过来;
第3小题:communication ➡️ 在听力文本中男生提到了关于business skills的时候说,Its communiation that really matters;
第4小题:week ➡️ 在听力文本中男生说大概会有一周的工作邀请,之后再延长;
第5小题:10 Pound ➡️ 在听力文本中说hourly rate一般是10英镑;
第6小题:suit ➡️ 在听力文本中女生建议男生borrow a suit to interview,男生同意说it's better to look smart than casual;
第7小题:passport ➡️ 在听力文本中女生问男生是否带passport,男生说是;
第8小题:personality ➡️ 在听力文本中男生说always ask candidates the personality;
第9小题:feedback ➡️ 在听力文本中男生说feedback on your performance;
第10小题:time ➡️ 在听力文本中女生说想找中介帮助节省时间,takes a lot less time。

PART 2 Questions 11–20 Questions 11–14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Matthews Island Holidays

11 According to the speaker, the company
A  has been in business for longer than most of its competitors.
B  arranges holidays to more destinations than its competitors.
C  has more customers than its competitors.

12  Where can customers meet the tour manager before travelling to the Isle of Man?
A  Liverpool
B  Heysham
C  Luton

13  How many lunches are included in the price of the holiday?
A  three
B  four
C  five

14  Customers have to pay extra for
A  guaranteeing themselves a larger room.
B  booking at short notice.
C  transferring to another date.

第11小题:A ➡️ 比较的是从业时间的长短,文本中提到what we do is about many years experience;
第12小题:B ➡️ 游客们能在哪见到tour manage,这是一个对地点的提问,仔细听1‘54’‘左右的文本;
第13小题:A ➡️ 文中提到and the price covers 5 breakfasts and dinners and lunch on the three days when there are orgnised trips;
第14小题:C ➡️ 客人会在改日期的时候付额外的小费,在文中大约2‘55’‘左右出现。

PART 3 Questions 21–30
Questions 15–20
Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Day 1  Hotel dining room has view of the 15 .................
Day 2  Tynwald may have been founded in 16 .................not 979.
Day 3  Travel along promenade in a tram; train to Laxey; train to the 17 .................of Snaefell
Day 4  Company provides a 18 .................for local transport and heritage sites.
Day 5  Take the 19 .................railway train from Douglas to Port Erin
            Free time, then coach to Castletown – former 20  ................ has old castle.

第15小题:river ➡️ 经理介绍在酒店的dining room can see the river;
第16小题:1422 ➡️ 关于surviving reference was in 1422;
第17小题:top ➡️ from there it is an eitht-kilomemter ride in the Snaefell mountain railway to the top;
第18小题:pass ➡️ to explore using the pass which will give you;
第19小题:steam ➡️ with a ride on the steam railway;
第20小题:capital ➡️ used to be the capital of the isle of Man and its medieval castle。

PART 3 Questions 21–30
Questions 21–26
What did findings of previous research claim about the personality traits a child is likely to have because of their position in the family?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H, next to Questions 21–26.

Personality Traits
A  outgoing
B  selfish
C  independent
D  attention-seeking
E   introverted
F   co-operative
G  caring
H  competitive

Position in family
21  the eldest child
22  a middle child
23  the youngest child
24  a twin
25  an only child
26  a child with much older siblings

第21小题:G ➡️ the large one to look after the younger one;
第22小题:F ➡️ 男生说easy to get one with their older or younger siblings;
第23小题:A ➡️ 男生说他自己是youngest one, he is shy,和研究中的开朗不一样;
第24小题:E ➡️ 男生说双胞胎在社交场合中很shy,总是有兄弟或姐妹的support;
第25小题:B ➡️ 男生说they think the world revolves around them;
第26小题:C ➡️ 女生说他们成长的更快,渴望独立做一些事。

Questions 27 and 28
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

27  What do the speakers say about the evidence relating to birth order and academic success?
A  There is conflicting evidence about whether oldest children perform best in intelligence tests.
B  There is little doubt that birth order has less influence on academic achievement than socio-economic status.
C  Some studies have neglected to include important factors such as family size.

28  What does Ruth think is surprising about the difference in oldest children’s
academic performance?
A  It is mainly thanks to their roles as teachers for their younger siblings.
B  The advantages they have only lead to a slightly higher level of achievement.
C  The extra parental attention they receive at a young age makes little

第27小题:C ➡️ 男生说They should take a consideration , family size;
第28小题:A ➡️ Ruth对弟弟妹妹充当老师的职责感到惊讶;

Questions 29 and 30 Choose TWO letters, A–E.
Which TWO experiences of sibling rivalry do the speakers agree has been valuable for them?
A  learning to share
B  learning to stand up for oneself
C  learning to be a good loser
D  learning to be tolerant
E  learning to say sorry

第29小题:B ➡️ 女生在sibling rivalry方面,她成为了 a stronger person;
第30小题:D ➡️ 女生说她和她弟弟学会了put up with each other。

PART 4 Questions 31–40 Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The Eucalyptus Tree in Australia

● it provides 31 .................and food for a wide range of species
● its leaves provide 32 .................which is used to make a disinfectant

Reasons for present decline in number
A) Diseases
(i) ‘Mundulla Yellows’
• Cause – lime used for making 33 .................was absorbed
            – trees were unable to take in necessary iron through their roots
(ii) ‘Bell-miner Associated Die-back’
• Cause – 34 .................feed on eucalyptus leaves
– they secrete a substance containing sugar
– bell-miner birds are attracted by this and keep away other species

B) Bushfires
William Jackson’s theory:
•high-frequency bushfires have impact on vegetation, resulting in the growth of 35 .................
•mid-frequency bushfires result in the growth of eucalyptus forests, because they:
– make more 36 .................available to the trees
– maintain the quality of the 37 .................
•low-frequency bushfires result in the growth of 38 .................‘ rainforest’,
which is:
– a 39 .................ecosystem
– an ideal environment for the 40 .................of the bell-miner

第31小题:shelter ➡️ It gives shelter to creatures;
第32小题:oil ➡️ make the oil to destroy ;
第33小题:roads ➡️ which is being used for the construction of roads;
第34小题:insects ➡️ insects settle on the leaves;
第35小题:grass ➡️ if there are very frequent bushfires in a region, this encourages grass to growth afterwards;
第36小题:water ➡️ while one reason is that the fire stops the growth of other species which would consume water need by Eucalyptus trees;
第37小题:soil ➡️ they harm the Eucalyptus in another ways by affecting the composition of the soil and removing nutrient from it;
第38小题:dry ➡️ has led to what knows as dry rainforest;
第39小题:simple ➡️ This type of ecosystem is usually a simple one;
第40小题:nests ➡️ bell-miner bird which build its nests。


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Nutmeg – a valuable spice

The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a large evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only grew in one place in the world: a small group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in northeastern Indonesia. The tree is thickly branched with dense foliage of tough, dark green oval leaves, and produces small, yellow, bell-shaped flowers and pale yellow pear-shaped fruits. The fruit is encased in a fleshy husk. When the fruit is ripe, this husk splits into two halves along a ridge running the length of the fruit. Inside is a purple-brown shiny seed, 2–3 cm long by about 2 cm across, surrounded by a lacy red or crimson covering called an ‘aril’. These are the sources of the two spices nutmeg and mace, the former being produced from the dried seed and the latter from the aril.

Nutmeg was a highly prized and costly ingredient in European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and preservative agent. Throughout this period, the Arabs were the exclusive importers of the spice to Europe. They sold nutmeg for high prices to merchants based in Venice, but they never revealed the exact location of the source of this extremely valuable commodity. The Arab-Venetian dominance of the trade finally ended in 1512, when the Portuguese reached the Banda Islands and began exploiting its precious resources.

Always in danger of competition from neighbouring Spain, the Portuguese began subcontracting their spice distribution to Dutch traders. Profits began to flow into the Netherlands, and the Dutch commercial fleet swiftly grew into one of the largest in the world. The Dutch quietly gained control of most of the shipping and trading of spices in Northern Europe. Then, in 1580, Portugal fell under Spanish rule, and by the end of the 16th century the Dutch found themselves locked out of the market. As prices for pepper, nutmeg, and other spices soared across Europe, they decided to fight back.

In 1602, Dutch merchants founded the VOC, a trading corporation better known as the Dutch East India Company. By 1617, the VOC was the richest commercial operation in the world. The company had 50,000 employees worldwide, with a private army of 30,000 men and a fleet of 200 ships. At the same time, thousands of people across Europe were dying of the plague, a highly contagious and deadly disease. Doctors were desperate for a way to stop the spread of this disease, and they decided nutmeg held the cure. Everybody wanted nutmeg, and many were willing to spare no expense to have it. Nutmeg bought for a few pennies in Indonesia could be sold for 68,000 times its original cost on the streets of London. The only problem was the short supply. And that’s where the Dutch found their opportunity.

The Banda Islands were ruled by local sultans who insisted on maintaining a neutral trading policy towards foreign powers. This allowed them to avoid the presence of Portuguese or Spanish troops on their soil, but it also left them unprotected from other invaders. In 1621, the Dutch arrived and took over. Once securely in control of the Bandas, the Dutch went to work protecting their new investment. They concentrated all nutmeg production into a few easily guarded areas, uprooting and destroying any trees outside the plantation zones. Anyone caught growing a nutmeg seedling or carrying seeds without the proper authority was severely punished. In addition, all exported nutmeg  was covered with lime to make sure there was no chance a fertile seed which could be grown elsewhere would leave the islands. There was only one obstacle to Dutch domination. One of the Banda Islands, a sliver of land called Run, only 3 km long by less than 1 km wide, was under the control of the British. After decades of fighting for control of this tiny island, the Dutch and British arrived at a compromise settlement, the Treaty of Breda, in 1667. Intent on securing their hold over every nutmeg-producing island, the Dutch offered a trade: if the British would give them the island of Run, they would in turn give Britain a distant and much less valuable island in North America. The British agreed. That other island was Manhattan, which is how New Amsterdam became New York. The Dutch now had a monopoly over the nutmeg trade which would last for another century.

Then, in 1770, a Frenchman named Pierre Poivre successfully smuggled nutmeg plants to safety in Mauritius, an island off the coast of Africa. Some of these were later exported to the Caribbean where they thrived, especially on the island of Grenada. Next, in 1778, a volcanic eruption in the Banda region caused a tsunami that wiped out half the nutmeg groves. Finally, in 1809, the British returned to Indonesia and seized the Banda Islands by force. They returned the islands to the Dutch in 1817, but not before transplanting hundreds of nutmeg seedlings to plantations in several locations across southern Asia. The Dutch nutmeg monopoly was over.

Today, nutmeg is grown in Indonesia, the Caribbean, India, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka, and world nutmeg production is estimated to average between 10,000 and 12,000 tonnes per year.
Questions 1–4
Complete the notes below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1–4 on your answer sheet.

The nutmeg tree and fruit

● the leaves of the tree are 1 shape
● the 2 ..............................surrounds the fruit and breaks open when the fruit is ripe
● the 3 used to produce the spice nutmeg
● the covering known as the aril is used to produce 4 ..............................
● the tree has yellow flowers and fruit

   第3小题:__________被用来制造spice nutmeg
3.根据第一段中的The tree is thickly branched with dense foliage of tough, dark green oval leaves可以知道关于树叶的描写,所以第1小题答案是oval
   根据第一段中的When the fruit is ripe, this husk splits into two halves along a ridge running the length of the fruit,可以得知husk会破裂成两半,因此第2小题答案是husk
   根据第一段中的Inside is a purple-brown shiny seed, 2–3 cm long by about 2 cm across, surrounded by a lacy red or crimson covering called an ‘aril’. These are the sources of the two spices nutmeg and mace, the former being produced from the dried seed and the latter from the aril.可以得知spices mutmeg是由dried seed产生,mace是由aril产生,因此第3小题的答案是seed,第4小题的答案是mace

Questions 5–7
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 5–7 on your answer sheet, write

if the statement agrees with the information if the statement contradicts the information if there is no information on this

5  In the Middle Ages, most Europeans knew where nutmeg was grown.
6  The VOC was the world’s first major trading company.
7  Following the Treaty of Breda, the Dutch had control of all the islands where nutmeg grew.

第5小题:F ➡️ 文中第二段but they never revealed the exact location of the source of this extremely valuable commodity;
第6小题:NG ➡️ 文中第四段In 1602, Dutch merchants founded the VOC, a trading corporation better known as the Dutch East India Company. By 1617, the VOC was the richest commercial operation in the world.没提到是否是第一家主要的贸易公司;
第7小题:T ➡️ 文中第五段The Dutch now had a monopoly over the nutmeg trade which would last for another century.

Questions 8–13
Complete the table below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 8–13 on your answer sheet.

第8小题:Arabs ➡️文中第二段Throughout this period, the Arabs were the exclusive importers of the spice to Europe.
第9小题:plague ➡️文中第四段At the same time, thousands of people across
Europe were dying of the plague;
第10小题:lime ➡️文中第五段In addition, all exported nutmeg  was covered with lime;
第11小题:Run ➡️ 文中第五段if the British would give them the island of Run, they would in turn give Britain a distant and much less valuable island in North America;
第12小题:Mauritius ➡️ 文中第六段a Frenchman named Pierre Poivre successfully smuggled nutmeg plants to safety in Mauritius, an island off the coast of Africa.
第13小题:tsunami ➡️文中第六段a volcanic eruption in the Banda region caused a tsunami that wiped out half the nutmeg groves.


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