52. According to the Better Business Bureau, if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lowest, it violates the New York Consumer Protection Law.
(A) if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lowest, it
(B) if one fails to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest price, it
(C) failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as the lowest
(D) failure to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product as the lowest(C)
(E) failing to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a service or products as that of the lowest
89 Although Ms. Bakara had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other Black people, she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree with her.
(A) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would agree
(B) speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority people, likely most, would have agreed
(C) so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority people, even most, would likely agree
(D) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people, if not most, would agree(D)
(E) do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people, and even most, would likely agree
这题选D,请问A为何不对?likely most用法不对?
163. Because Halley’s comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-six-year interval between passing close to Earth, it may veer onto a collision course with a planet sometime in the distant future.
(A) between passing
(B) of passing
(C) between its passes
(D) of its passes(C)
(E) as it passes
390。 In June, 1981, six teenagers in the village of Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who they say has continued to appear to them over the ensuing years.
(A) claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, who
(B) claimed to have visions of the Virgin Mary, whom
(C) claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, whom
(D) claimed to have visions of the Virgin Mary, who(A)
(E) had claimed to have had visions of the Virgin Mary, whom
这题看了以前的讨论,把they say看成插入语,所以用who,问题
2)我把they say看成省略that的宾语从句可否?这样前面就用whom,选C了??答案是A
675 Studies show that young people with higher-than-average blood pressure and their families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to develop a severe form of the condition.
(A) and their families have a history of high blood pressure
(B) whose families have a history of high blood pressure
(C) and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family
(D) whose families have a history of high blood pressure running in them(B)
(E) with a history of high blood pressure running in their family
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-28 7:49:35编辑过] |