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刚刚拿到了IVEY 2021 MBA的录取,20,000奖,寻找一起攻读的小伙伴,希望面经对准备申请的小伙伴有所帮助。
个人背景: western本科,BMOS-Finance,加拿大创业经验4年+加拿大公司管理经验4年,目前是公司VP
今年1月开始考虑申请MBA,时间上比较尴尬,因为本科毕业后一直工作,没有考虑过深造,没有考过GMAT. 仓促准备了两个月,又遇到了疫情,连续两次考试appointment被取消,最后被迫考的online GMAT, 650分。拿着这个分数硬着头皮申请了
Ivey - 5月7日递申,5月21日skype面试,5月27日收到录取
1. So, I've told you about myself, tell me about you
2. Why MBA, Why Ivey
3. What do you do for fun at spare time
4. Short-term and Long-term goal
------ behavior questions -------
5. What did you do when you have a conflict with your team members, example
6. As a leader, give me an example when you made a change of process at work
7. Failure or mistake you made during work 追问,how you handled them
8. Give me an example of when you received negative feedback, how did you handle them
9. One thing that people misunderstood about you, 追问,have you done something to change that, 继续追问, did it work, and what's your motive behind it
10. Give me an example of when you have to make a decision with limited information
11. A situation when you felt frustrated, why and how you handled the situation
12. What are the sources you consume news, what are the latest trends you've been following
13. What would be a good case study you can think of
14. Q&A
我的感受是,常规问题一定好好准备,肯定会问跑不了。要有清晰的思路,展现出你对未来明确的规划,同时和申请时的essay一定要一致,面试官会很认真的读essay的。我认为重点是把essay里没能覆盖到的做一个展开。behavior问题是真正考验工作经验的部分,几乎每个问题都会继续追问。遇到追问不要慌,反而这是个好兆头,证明面试官对这个问题感兴趣,你有机会可以展开了聊。我准备面试的时候花了很多时间思考和整理behavior这块的亲身经历,一定要用good example,千万不要跑题,答非所问就比较减分。