3-12号收到ad了 原来olin是会打电话的。。不管人在哪里都会打的,打不通会发邮件告诉你的,不用急啊 祝大家好运!要是有录了的朋友可以来私信我我们加个微信 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 昨天刚做完Kira的面试,账号刚被激活就来分享啦,顺便攒攒人品~~ 问题和其他面经里提到的基本没有出入,我是自己把问题总结了一遍,大致准备了一下回答。 第一次用kira的朋友不要担心啊,上面会有practicequestion可以practice很多遍,帮你适应这个问答的使用。 我碰到的都是30sec准备,45sec回答,回答时间有点点紧,千万不要紧张啊~我就是中间有两个问题有一点点卡壳。 下面就是我碰到的问题了,希望对大家有帮助: 1. Whyyou are attracted to Olin 2. 3 things that we should know about you 3. why St. Louis 4. funniest thing that recently happened to you: 5. Explainhow you choose the master of science in finance program(可替代)and what you are hoping to discover through the curriculum? 6. Think about a leader or a mentor youhave worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help youimplement the skills and attributes you most admire? 7. Class President写作 最后的写作是5min 最后求offer啊~~~