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发表于 2017-8-14 11:55:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
现在越来越tricky。找定位不好找的话 用逻辑吧

考官知道你会错想哪个 。现在越来越tricky。利用你的预判做反心理,在文章里去埋下炸弹,所以不要主观臆向。
主干;-->用文章结构去节时间;-->解题去找题干的逻辑-->快速掌握文章问的什么.托福是禁止你多想多推的, 字面意思是什么样就选什么样。NG:深入对整个句子的意思理解和文章构架之间的。
           每天NS训练提高: 阅读能力;英语思维;逻辑&Summary
每天不能停, 做题量要大且重复重复刷! 建议在不同section中把一个section类型一起高强度集中刷题。
!每天有问题 E:错了,是推理题;正确答案恩理解了; !why?? -->回到当时情景,为啥选那个选项;--> 比较我选错的和正确的选项有什么不一样?-->然后再上升到是不是所有的推理题是不是可以用同样的方式去做。  不停问自己问题 以小见大。//错多说明:熟练度不够(题型就那几个)看你的时间加错误率。一定要分析 写原因和注意的地方(不能反同样的错误)

  • 全局概念(几个段的逻辑发展)(不一定都要读完,记住阅读部分的功能是反面还是解释说明,他存在的位置)
  • 逻辑结构法:段落上看是什么关系 ,比如段2,3都是例证;做一个general的framework; 先关注文章结构(几个段落的关系,段落间的先不管);
  • 提示?!!不用把文章画框架和结构!不会托福不会对整篇文章框架理解有什么ideas的(考整篇文章框架和观点之间关系,是GMAT的RC!不是考能力概要类的)(整篇文章概要框架论点之间关系中心句之间关系是如何递进推进不是托福考的哦)

  • 平时训练:1词汇和内容理解+2训练做题 读完期刊: 口头summary, 文章结构梳理,看段落怎么develop观点的。推到这个。

  • ( 背词汇 单词往后面拍)背单词叠罗汉方式. 每天输入(词汇后做,看一些文章)
  • 卡时间pace。时间和计划! 一定要更高的目标。前期25分钟,执行。这周20分钟,下个礼拜必须17,一定要有更高的目标要求自己
  • ----------------------------------
1st 读懂!!  字面意思(主谓宾+修饰)
2rd 选择! 问题(利用好问题不要只用来定位可惜了哈 4大题型对问题利用是不同的:4大题型答案的正错选项特征也是不同的!注意出题的时候,包括题目的这个选项 他都是词和词之间的关系。ex:你有water你也有peperl两个词,你要看他说的两者方向是不是一致的:都说有水还是有pepperor还是说有水但没有P,你要根据他出题的选项来。
                 选项 VX选择和排除(使用:排除为主啊)(正确答案和错误答案)
                        (正确答案:不要用文章关键去定位好吗!要么关键词出现在文中好几句话,要么就不是答案所在句。对正确答案选择是定位找对的难难难 N让我们转换思维吧SAT和last的文难)
                        (找错找错 这样阅读才能提高!!why 主谓停修饰停?因为句子:SVO+修饰∴看好主谓和修饰,句子意思就搞定了把每个选项做到--主谓停 修饰停把选项拆成很多块去分析
                        (错误项没有对应(意思)的内容:1没有对应实质性意思V,N, adj, adv(ex:tend to,describe,occurs没有实质性) 2 没有对应的比较than as as,隐含比较:different,seem,v contrast, compare)3 没有对应的极端信息(never any the most) 打叉最快排除点(逻辑,阅读)违背原文(原文说1有A 选项说不是1没有A)修饰错误(我有兰书和红尺子 选项说我有红书和蓝色的尺子)
         如何选选择 怎么提高速度和正确率!
3   读哪里(这个只能提速)通读?关键句读?不读?(每个题型读文章哪个地方可以提速 减少读的量么么)  ABC//efg 出题原理去提速  做题前要去读文章的哦

  • 直接读/直译(快速)
  • SVO+修饰  抓住修饰谁  ETS要考细节不仅考主干
  • 词汇:
  • 1不认识的动词理解成有或者没有,如果表示观点就直接理解成认为或反对
  • 2 表示修饰的advadj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
  • 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有修饰的是好和不好但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A

直译后理解能力++什么词修饰谁。句子读懂了意思 EI词汇OK句子插入OK阅读理解OK插播GRC: 阅读题出法比CR单一很多很多的;做商科管理者,要去扬长。句式结构和语法才能读懂。
阅读速度慢: 词汇语法 句式构架!//读的内容太多了:解题方法不熟
N2 选项的出法~

【因果关系词】 since because cause because of result  as a result,  result in, result from,as,  so, so that, hence, therefore, thus, outcome   accordingly, consequence  consequently subsequently reason factor explain explanation; account for, responsible for, in that/ being that/ seeing that; owing to due to thanks to; ascribe to
【隐形因果词】 1、“发展促进”类单词:enable/stimulate/motivate/prompt/encourage/perfect/help/contribute to等 2、“导致”类单词:lead to/cause/give rise to/induce/trigger/breed/engender等 3、“影响破坏”类单词:affect/impact/damage/ruin/interfere/destroy等 4、“由来”类单词:come from/ initiate from/derive from等 5、“关联”类单词:is associated with/accompany/is linked to/is tied with/have to do with/relevance等 6、“依赖”类单词:depend on/rely on等

【相似性比较词】【Similarity】 as, like, same, similar, resemble, likewise, equal, match, analogy, correspondingly, identical,  stil, imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, agree on, concur on,  consensus【差异性比较词】【difference】 change, unlike, oppose opposite; contrary,contrast,compare,converse,instead,rather than,differ,distinct,distinguish,various,incompatible
【最高级/比较级】 -est/-er; more/most; maximum/minimum
3、【转折逻辑】【Contrast】 but, however, while (and) yet  whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, although, even though, admittedly, despite, notwithstanding
albeit虽然,in spite of,regardless, while it may be true,of course,in fact,actually

指代逻辑】【Reference】 this/that/these/those/such/they/he/she/we/it
5、【并列逻辑】【addition】 and/or too also again between among,both,other,one … another,some… others,alternative,as well as,either …or,from ... to,not only…but,also,hand,besides,aside from此外,except,other than, likewise, similarly, coupled with外加, furthermore, further, in addition, moreover,what is more, meanwhile 6、【顺序逻辑】【Sequence】 (考的不多) 【时间顺序】【time】 【第一】first/at first/first of all/to begin with/ to start with /in the first place/initially 【第二】second/secondly/in the second place 【第三】third/thirdly/in the third place 【然后】next/then/soon/after/afterward/subsequent/later/ follow 【最后】last/at last/last but not least/finally/eventually/to conclude/in conclusion/in the end/in summary/all in all/ to sum up/in sum /overall/to summarize/to be brief/briefly/on the whole/in a word /in short/at length 【现在】now/present/recent/current/today/modern/contemporary/so far 【古代】early/before/prior/past/ago/used to/once/former/previous/initial 【同时】at the same time/meanwhile/simultaneously/concurrently/ 【立刻】immediate/instant /rapid/prompt 【持久】permanent/forever/always/last/durability/long/survive/continue/still 【位置顺序】【space】 【上】over/beyond/above/up/top/peak 【下】under/below/down/beneath/bottom 【左】left 【右】right 【中间】middle/between/amid/among/center 【里面】into/inside 【外面】outside 【前】front/before 【后】opposite/behind/rear/back/against 【远方】further/in the distance/out of sight/away from 【旁边附side/beside/around/surrounding/alongside/next to/by/near/nearby/adjacent/neighbor 【其他】here/there/across/along/elsewhere/east/west/north/south/throughout
7、【举例逻辑】【example】 for example, such as, for instance, to illustrate,as an illustration to, demonstrate, chiefly ,especially,in particular,particularly, namely specificallyfor one thing,case/in this case,like that is,in other words,fact,e.g.
8、【否定逻辑】【negative】 【明显否定关系】 no/not/none/neither/never/deny/rarely 【隐性否定关系】 fail to/absence/lack/little/few/evaporate/difficult/hard/difficult 【否定构词】 a-/ab-/abs- in-/il- mis- dis- mal- contra- anti- -less


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-19 21:35:12 | 只看该作者
9-29: 从考点出发,不读全文
句子结构而不是组成自己认为合理的意思:句子意思不知道加强语法训练-à 单词认识,句意理解,题目不对:考点题型方法(对问题了解和选项排除  选项要找到最快排除点!不要把错的当错的)
时对时不对:解题方法不稳定(比如inorder to,好的方法用100题也是对的,不是限制的自己打开思维!)

句子插入题原理AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG句子要连成一段,句和句每句都有联系 形成句子的链即段落AB.BC._DE.EF.FG 承上启下的句子是最好的:插入句 CD 要插在最相关的位置(说到CD内容最多的句子, 插入句MN
E: The transition from forestto treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic one. Within a vertical distance of just a few tensof meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs,herbs, and grasses.   [size=12.6316px] [size=12.6316px]just a few tens of meters,[size=12.6316px] 说明d特别(b复杂不等于特别哦)
Paragraph3This isparticularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to attain greater heights on ridges, whereasin the tropics the trees reach their greater heights in the valleys.
The word “attain” in the passage is closest in meaning to     转折的前后 是对应的哦,(at加强 atain拿到:达到 对应 reach) re开头的是撤退排除词根词缀不同意思
○require ○resist ○achieve ○endure   
In the tropics, the valleys appear tobe more favorable 有利because他们不轻易干涸 they are less -prone to dry out反义 ( so prone不能改变干涸的意思排除cd ), they have less frost, andthey have deeper soils.
突出主题词如果是修饰找修饰部分VV 动词变来名词or形容词变成的名词
找和他附近词最近的: densely选项呼应concentrated tangledmasses twist together
Surging growth :accelerating   staggering tasks confronted the people of 南美北美
不要过度推理 various 不同,和overwhelming的整体over 后者整体性压倒性比不同的 相对好:相对性相对性 找呼应不要离开句子 会估计出很难的词 针对句子意思,因为词呼应句子内容  myriad tonal effects from  aliquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliancemanyNoticeable loud unusual 不是,many bizarre animalthat 吃土,可以很久不吃,有毒又好吃。 海洋不是 rare过度推理了,odd正确
  • In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany was the most noted exponent(找对应的内容 整个句子是正面态度of this style. producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces,which were widely copied in their time and are highly  ? today。
  • valued有价值的(有正面态度的词)要根据单词意思呼应! universal(万能的通用的不是wide广泛,就算是广泛的意思也不能只看一个单词 要看整句意思) uncommon preserved词汇只看英英

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-4 07:53:10 | 只看该作者
4 阅读理解(包括6选3)不难
1st 读懂!!  字面意思(主谓宾+修饰)
2rd 选择! 问题
                 选项 VX
                       (找错找错 这样阅读才能提高!!把每个选项做到--主谓停 修饰停把选项拆成很多块去分析
3   读哪里(这个只能提速)通读?关键句读?不读?
   ? (全局概念(几个段的逻辑发展)(不一定都要读完,记住阅读部分的功能是反面还是解释说明,他存在的位置)

  • 直接读/直译(快速)
  • SVO+修饰  抓住修饰谁
  • 1不认识的动词理解成有或者没有,如果表示观点就直接理解成认为或反对
  • 2 表示修饰的advadj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
  • 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有修饰的是好和不好但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A
------------------------------------------------------------------1st 刚开始:?
1 阅读理解题
【Paragraph 1】Groundwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes for long periods, before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?
○It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time.
○It prevents和文章相反的 most groundwater from circulating.(groundwater that circulates能循环 as part of the water cycle.)
○It has the capacity to store large amounts of water.
○It absorbs most of the water it contains from rivers.û

1没有对应(意思)的内容:(1没有对应实质性意思的V,N, adj, adv(ex:tend to,describe,occurs没有实质性) 2 没有对应的比较(than as as,隐含比较:different,seem,v contrast, compare)3 没有对应的极端信息(never any the most))
2违背原文(原文说1有A 选项说不是1没有A)
3修饰错误(我有兰书和红尺子 选项说我有红书和蓝色的尺子)
*就上面3个错误点(没有其他错误选项特征了)找错找错 这样阅读才能提高!!打叉最快排除点(逻辑,阅读)

  • 做阅读把每个选项做到--主谓停 修饰停 (一个主谓要停下来,一个修饰要停下来)/∵去找排除点去学会看选项(看选项不是整体看的,整体看是没有水平的L 是一点一点去看、分析的,把选项拆成很多块去分析)
  • 11. What is themain purpose of paragraph 7?
    ○To explain whywater can flow through rock
    ○To emphasize thelarge amount of empty space in all rock
    ○To point out thata rock cannot be both porous and permeable
    ○To distinguishbetween two related properties of rock
  • expect 问法都是阅读理解题;infer乱七八糟的事实信息题细节题啊inorderto题,main idea, 文章框架题问法都是阅读理解题

2 词汇题符合原文意思,去看词汇)
【Paragraph 4】In lowland country almost any spot on the ground may overliewhat was once the bed of a river thathas since become buried by soil; if they are now below the water’s upper surface (the water table), the gravels and sands ofthe former riverbed, and its sandbars, will be saturated with groundwater.

7. The word “overlie”in the passage isclosest in meaning to
3 E.I题 句意改写题~
【Paragraph 9】The relative amount of these two kindsof water varies greatly from one kind of rock or sediment to another, eventhough their porosities may be the same. What happens depends on pore size.Ifthe pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy forsurface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are smallenough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome theforce of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmlyheld.
12. Which of thesentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essentialinformation.
Surface tension isnot strong enough to retain drops of water in rocks with large pores but itstrong enough to hold on to thin films of water in rocks with small pores.
Water in rocks isheld in place by large pores and drains away from small size pores throughsurface tension.
Small pores andlarge pores both interact with surface tension to determine whether a rock willhold water as heavy drops or as a thin film.
If the force ofsurface tension is too weak to hold water in place as heavy drops, the waterwill continue to be held firmly in place as a thin film when large pores exist.
4 句子插入题
Paragraph 5Abovethe tree line there is a zone that is generally called alpine tundra. Immediately adjacent to the timberline,the tundra consists of a fairly complete cover of low-lying shrubs, herbs, andgrasses, while higher up the number and diversity of species decrease untilthere is much bare ground with occasional mosses and lichens and some prostratecushion plants. Someplants can even survive in favorable microhabitats above the snow line. Thehighest plants in the world occur at around 6,100 meters on Makalu in theHimalayas. At this great height, rocks, warmed bythe sun, melt small snowdrifts.█V

13. Look at thefour squares [█] that indicatewhere the following sentence could be added to the passage.
This explains how,for example, alpine cushion plants have been found growing at an altitude of6,180 meters.
Where would thesentence best fit?
14.【Directions】An introductory sentence for a briefsummary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting theTHREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Somesentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are notpresented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question isworth 2 points.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-4 10:04:54 | 只看该作者
读懂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 核心能力一  直译 一个个念出单词中文意思  

Groundwater is the word used todescribe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. Byfar the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; 地下水是一个单词被使用来描述这个水,这个水在整个一个地底下都是充满和饱和的。this is thegroundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric wateris water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation(rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes forlong periods, before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seemsincredible that there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water.
  • 1不认识的动词理解成有或者没有,如果表示观点就直接理解成认为或反对(V不认识依然可以理解句意~)(他出题本来就是名词和名词方向N名词不会改写的啊哈哈哈重点是认识容易改写的动词和修饰!)(他动词本来就是要改写的诶:有改成有,没有改成没有)
  • 2 表示修饰的adv,adj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
  • 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有,修饰的是好和不好但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A
  • ---------------------------------
1 不认识怎么处理(还是指导句意哈哈哈哈)(V不认识依然可以理解句意~)(他出题本来就是名词和名词方向)(他动词本来就是要改写的诶)
       1Verb (1本身V逻辑意思就表示有和没有2类;2出题的时候 会根据动词出方向一致或相反的选项
Groundwater is the word used todescribe water that saturates( =有,方向一致的the ground, filling地下水是有的在所有的空间中 all the available spaces. Byfar the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is thegroundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric (OM的水)wateris water that has soaked into有的循环前后没有否定词(考试出题时候B选prevent是表示没有的方向反了) the ground from the surface, from precipitation(rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes forlong periods, before emerging (有在了表面)at the surface again. At first thought it seemsincredible that there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water.  *我们理解句子意思就行了又不是文学要具象化 V:有

The necessary space is there, however,in many forms. The commonest spaces are those among the particles—sand grains and tiny pebbles—ofloose, unconsolidated sand and gravel. Beds of this material, out of sightbeneath the soil, are common. They are found wherever fast rivers carryingloads of coarse sediment once flowed. For example, as the great ice sheets thatcovered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, hugevolumes of water flowed from them. The water was always laden with(水是有pebble的) pebbles,gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flowslowed down.
*注意出题的时候,包括题目的这个选项 他都是词和词之间的关系。ex:你有water你也有pebbles两个词,你要看他说的两者方向是不是一致的:都说有水还是有pepperor还是说有水但没有P,你要根据他出题的选项来。
1. Which of thefollowing can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?(不管定位!!)
○It cannot holdrainwater for long periods of time. 没有雨水很长时间û    from precipitation(rain and snow)
○It prevents mostgroundwater from circulating.û   the groundwater that circulates
○It has thecapacity to store large amounts of water. √ .there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water(看不出正就从反来)

○It absorbs=没有了 most ofthe water it contains from rivers.没有水û但原文有水 ∴方向反了
VV为什好做题?∵出题就这么出的 有种错误选项叫违背原文,这个错项是围绕动词的方向在出题
  • 2 表示修饰的adv,adj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
  • 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有,修饰的是好和不好但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A
  • --------------------
  • 语法结构~~~~~ 修饰对象是谁 三重复原则
  • 理解TPO文章!耶耶耶 根据读懂要求去每篇tpo每句话的结构:主谓谁修饰谁 然后背词汇提高速度去
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-5 09:18:05 | 只看该作者
【Paragraph 2】The upper timberline, like the snow line, is highest in the tropics and lowest in the Polar Regions. It ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropics and 3,500-4,500 meters in the moist tropics. Timberline trees are normally evergreens, suggesting that these have some advantage over deciduous trees (those that lose their leaves) in the extreme environments of the upper timberline. There are some areas, however, where broadleaf deciduous trees form the timberline. Species of birch, for example, may occur at the timberline in parts of the Himalayas.

4. Paragraph 2 supports which of the following statements about deciduous trees?
○They cannot grow in cold climates.
○They do not exist at the upper timberline.
○They areless likely than evergreens to survive at the upper timberline.
○They do not require as much moisture as evergreens do.?
Wind velocity also increases with altitudeand may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformedshapes at high altitudes. Some scientists haveproposed that the presence of increasing levels of ultraviolet light withelevation may play a role, while browsing and grazing animals like the ibex maybe another contributing factor. Probably the most important environmentalfactor is temperature, for if the growing season is too short and temperaturesare too low, tree shoots and buds cannot mature sufficiently to survive thewinter months.

9. Which of thesentences below best express the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essentialinformation.
○Because of theirdeformed shapes at high altitudes, trees are not likely to be seriously harmedby the strong winds typical of those altitudes.
○As altitudeincreases, the velocity of winds increase, leading to a serious decrease in thenumber of trees found at high altitudes.
○The deformedshapes of trees at high altitudes show that wind velocity, which increase withaltitude, can cause serious hardship for trees.V
○Increased windvelocity at high altitudes deforms the shapes of trees, and this may causeserious stress for trees.??
【Paragraph 6】The most striking characteristic of theplants of the alpine zone is their low growth form. This enables them to avoidthe worst rigors of high winds and permits them to make use of the highertemperatures immediately adjacent to the ground surface. In an area where lowtemperatures are limiting to life, the importance of the additional heat nearthe surface is crucial. The low growth form can also permit the plants to takeadvantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover. In the equatorialmountains the low growth form is less prevalent.
11. The word “prevalent”in the passage isclosest in meaning to 是不是只能靠认识单词来排除了?
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-5 11:14:09 | 只看该作者
第二C  三核心之一--读懂

重复修饰对象In seeking to describe theorigins of theater, one must rely primarily on speculation, since there islittle concrete evidence on which to draw.
in seeking to ..介词短语 修饰 one(修饰要在同一句话 前后就近的单词哦 记得重复)
EI 会修饰到其他词
1 修饰成分前一定要重复读一下他的修饰对象

2. 在谓语动词前重复读一些主语
正装: 谓语动词前核心名词 是主语

The airline company, following through重复谁 on recent warnings重复 that it might start reducing service, announced重复 that it was 重复eliminating jet service to nine cities介词这里修饰动词了不是服务, closing 重复some unneeded operations, and grounding 重复twenty-two planes.

The list of animals that exhibit从句的谓语不管 a preference for using either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.

托福的句型 会多样()  词汇也有要求


证明你是一个很稳定的人做事情耐得住性子,学术能力很强, 不要话痨

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-5 16:16:52 | 只看该作者
  • 看出主谓&直译每个修饰对象  读懂把握句式结构
  • 从句:原来句子里比如主语S;announce后的N宾语;同位语N去解释另一个N;形容词adj去修饰一个N用一个单词表达的东西结果用了一句话表达,叫XX从句。(主从:that句子;动词后的句子:宾从;同位语从;形容词从句=定从)  
  • 出题怎么出你就怎么去读:
  • 记得去重复修饰对象和修饰内容哦:EI题错项特征是修饰乱来修饰B:following  去搭配operationX.而原文是修饰company的。错项:1修饰乱修饰 2有和没有方向相反
  • 3 在代词位置直接重复读一下指代对象。理解句意更清楚(和指代题)
  • 代词在主语位置是呼应的, 当小猫走进教室,它看上去挺干净:猫。 主语呼应
  • As the snow is deeper andlasts longer in the valleys, trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges,even though they are more exposedto high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there.
  • It(形式主语这里:) has been suggested that Pakicetus fedon fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted(没有) for life in the open ocean. It probably bred and gave birth on land.
  • 这里是3篇就有2篇的标配:形式主语 it is interesting that we hold a party.  it is interesting to hold a party. 形式上的,是有指代对象的it & that we hold a party;it指to hold a party. that这个事情是被提议的:that P是吃鱼的,在S的水里,而且P是不会去适应生活在开阔海(有P没有开阔地的)
  • 找准词和词之间方向,因为出题的时候原文没有的内容是很容易找出来的;反的内容来自于动词,so,看清名词和名词间的关系。选项都是反的单词都是名词和名词之间关系的正负号,有和没有;3修饰错误。读句子要针对他出题三个错误点去读。切记
  • 主语呼应:
  • -------------------------------------------------------------------
  • The airline company, following through重复谁 on recent warnings重复 that it might start reducing service, announced重复 that it was 重复eliminating jet service to nine cities介词这里修饰动词了不是服务, closing 重复some unneeded operations, and grounding 重复twenty-two planes. 航空公司会宣布说航空公司正在降低飞机服务 降低到了9个城市 航空公司会去关闭一些不需要的运营,航空公司会..22架飞机
  • 三重复(初期:要完整的读懂意思 改掉所有陋习后期:修饰对象是有意识的会速读)
1 主谓之间离得很远(中间插入修饰)谓语动词一定要重复主语
The airline company, following(doing修饰) through on recent warnings that(同位从句,后面是对warning的解释说明) it might start reducing service结束, announced
谓语出现) that(本来用一个名词做宾结果用了一个句子:宾从(V后面的词))从句主语 it was eliminating jet service (到九个城市to nine cities介词词组可以做形容词修饰jet service// or adv修饰最近动词was eliminating), closing(3个平行并列) some unneeded operations, and grounding twenty-two planes.(试试看修饰eliminate:减少到了9个城市?better,要在修饰成分前重复修饰对象哦//修饰服务:我减少的服务是什么服务呢?是到9个城市的服务被我减少了?)(, closing.., and grounding之前一定要重复主语:it即航空公司/航空公司会去减少飞机服务减少到9个城市,航空公司会去关闭一些不需要的运营而且航空公司会关闭22架飞机
2 定语从句不总是最近的 是要看谓语动词单复数的/主谓太远 不是1的following,2插入的是定从;list被扩展是包括了更低等的脊椎动物
The list (of animals that主 exhibit(从谓语不care)a preference展现出偏好是修饰动物的! for using either the right or the left handN (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) )has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.
Emily Dickinson’s letters主语, (修饰的介词:to Susan Huntington Dickinson, done的修饰不看:written over a period beginning a few years before Susan’s marriage to Emily’s brother and that ends shortly before Emily’s death in 1886 and outnumbering her letters to
anyone else.
4主谓太远 不是1doing2的定从 而是插入介词词组 +句子的平行并列
不读中文找修饰对象:  在1997年晚期的Chamber,chambers是在金字塔的,金字塔是属于PM的,PM是在G的,chambers(主语)被关闭了,关闭是针对游客的,chamber被关闭是因为清洁和修理,这个叫做句子意思读懂!看懂80%的修饰……修饰简单简单!:把他最近的词(一般是其修饰对象)重复一下
(In late 1997介词词组:要么修饰
the chambers, the chambers/ inside(介词修饰房间的) the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza/ were助动 closed(to visitors修饰关闭) to visitors for(因为修饰were close C被关闭是因为清洁和修理) cleaning and repair because(解释关闭的原因) moisture主 exhaled≈有(done)by tourists had raised (有时态谓语动词)the humidity within(修饰了湿度) them to such levels(介词1修饰最近名词them=Chambers2修饰最近动词raise to such level√修饰raise:提升到了这个程度) 以至于that salt from the stone(修饰salt的)来自stone是crystaling的 was crystallizing and fungus was growing(onthew是修饰growing的) on the walls. 游客有了这个湿气,这个湿气提升了湿度,湿度是在他们=房间里面的主谓是谁修饰是谁 搞定。错项:1修饰乱修饰 2有和没有方向相反
长期的结果是包括.. of是修饰长期结果:长期结果是属于温室效应的,温室效应是逐渐变暖的地球的气候,主谓远一定要重复主语 边读边重复心理画主语等一气呵成的线(谓语动词前重复主语,修饰成分前不重复修饰对象)包括融化处于北极冰盖子和上升属于海平面。
Possible long-term consequences (of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual
warming of the Earth’s climate
, include melting 宾 of the polar ice caps and 也是包括a
rise宾 in sea level(修饰rise:在海平面的上升).

用141516+17的真题:做题的思路和方式没有变化的。文章的句型比tpo更多比如倒装的句子 it形式主语 强调等。托福是规定每篇文章有这些句型的(定从状从各种句式的平行并列的呼应+长修饰的大句子(主谓中间有很多修饰)+词汇要求)解决的办法:找主谓和修饰对象。阅读只是在句式的要求上面难了很多词汇要求没变的。但是110+你需要词汇哦。但是听力的出题点不难(分层,对比考特征,并列,强调)G:干脆, 思维方式直接,用最重要的几点给人说完。
听力:在阅读体系上面,听力的出题点和阅读出题点是有相同点的 搞定。

When this occurs, the first step has been takentoward theater as an autonomous activity, and thereafter entertainment and aesthetic valuesmay gradually replace the former mystical and socially efficacious concerns. this指句子 不考了已经
5. The word “this”in the passagerefers to
○the acting out ofrites
○the divorce ofritual performers from the rest of society
○the separation ofmyths from rites
○the celebration ofsupernatural forces
找主谓画修饰现在开始。做14年真题。每句画,直译。14年后句式结构更难了~~来吧加油。 110+要速度要速度熟练度~~

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-6 11:46:33 | 只看该作者
A 去找有没有同义改写:water对应moisture
B little  sunlight 没有
D 没有mountain
第三章 三核心之二--选项
一 判断选项的总原则

1. 原文决定选项题型
2.正确答案要顺着原文 看有没有对应的意思不是单词。
  •    没有对应的内容(意思)
  • 违背原文的(prevent的那个题)
  • fromEI  修饰错误
二 具体题型具体分析

1 反推-先看选项,再看文章
方案一 :第一步
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-6 22:21:12 | 只看该作者
6. 6谓语动词会有很多 谓语V平行并列 多个平行并列读懂句意;读出声 声音感官~视觉感官
The computer company reported strong second-quarter earnings←( that
surpassed Wall Street's estimates )and (得重复主语电脑公司)announced the first in a series of
price cuts ←(intended to increase sales further.)
(修饰是形容词副词不做主语的) 倒装,宾语后置的句式结构 主谓很远的句式结构要看懂哈(重复主语)倒装(介词词组+谓语动词+主语):来自于there 句型。there is a man in the room.主语是a man.
there 是有指代的倒装句型。指代in the room在那里就是在房间。在那里是一个男人在房间,在那里=在房间
去掉代词指代是in the room is a man=among the reasons属于介词词组前置句型 主语在后面
介词结构:(Among修饰! the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last
three decades) were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and
commercial development, and a marketing and distribution system based on
importing produce from Florida and California
It形式主语 必考形式主语   ★直译超级快:无结构和意思的障碍。句子一读完全就懂需要多久?3重复3H
IT: 1句子之间单数名词呼应 2 后面有么有that 和 to do的结构
It (前面没有句子主语呼应的∴他指的是that的一整句话)was only after Katharine Graham became publisher of The Washington Post in 1963 that it =华盛顿报moved into the first rank of American newspapers, (that这件事情在KG成为发行商属于华盛顿邮报在1963年之后)(而且这件事情是说it=华盛顿报 搬到了美国报纸的第一名)
and it was under her command that the paper won high praise for its unrelenting(且that这件事情是在他的命令下完成的,这件事情是华盛顿邮报赢得了高的奖励 奖励是因为这个报纸的无情抨击了水门丑闻事件)
reporting of the Watergate scandal.
9. 倒装 主语太长了
在最确信的indications在地球,indications是属于sunspot cycles的 其中就是我们的一个率 在这个率是树生长的率 树生长被看见以年轮的方式 年轮是可见的 在交叉部分是属于树的 树桩的。
(Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles 3)is believed to be (谓语词组2)the
rate(主语1) (at which trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of
their trunks.修饰rate的)
10定从怎么去找而不是是就近名词,定从谓语单复为准+同位语离被修饰主语很远 中间插大修饰
同位语。EI同义改写的单词意思还是比较基础关键你要知道这些词是修饰谁的(修饰的词是跟着谁的来区分选项)一个SA的鸟 这个鸟f(有=吃)对应w的t和其他的小昆虫 当南美鸟在swing上下的时候,swing上下是来自于f是属于高的树,
A South American birdN是同位语中间有长修饰
that forages for winged termites and other small
insects while swinging(要么修饰昆虫要么南美鸟) upside down from the foliage of tall trees关键你要知道这些词是修饰谁的, the graveteiro主语 belongs to谓语 the ovenbird family, a groupN做修饰是同位语(修饰ovenbird family of New World tropical birdsû          (g属于ovenbird family, ovenbird family是一个组,这个组是属于新世纪的热带鸟,定从问题修饰对象,是谓语动词决定修饰对象单复that includes
that includes more than 230 species and is represented in virtually every kind
of habitat.
11.句子的主语永远在of前面 即使是形容词也是省略了名词罢了
many of students/ some of students /one of students 结构主语不是students,而是manystudents) 不然意思重复L许多学生属于学生Lof一定是修饰,从修饰开始介词词组一定是不可能做主语的L
Nearly 99 percent 主(of five hundred million different species of living creatures
that appeared on Earth have vanished.
12. 宾语后置 (谓语动词后面跟宾语的,宾语会放到修饰成分后面)12代词 主语之间呼应+定从+宾语后置
媒体分析现在已经有??作为聚焦点。宾语呢?宾语后置了 (have表示时态,而有实质意思的才是谓语V 把时态和V一起读是谓语的完整表达形式) 许多分析是属于竞选费用的分析 它所聚焦的点是把  高成本低道德属于竞选的钱 作为聚焦点
Media analyses (of campaign expenditures have had/ as focuses一看就是修饰/ the high
costs and low ethics宾语 of campaign finance, but they(句子主语MA) have generally overlooked
the cost of actually administering elections, which(指的是the cost) includes facilities, transport,
printing, staffing, and technology. 媒体分析通常都会忽视成本属于实际的一些监督的选择, cost包括...
1 主谓之间离得很远(中间插入修饰)谓语动词一定要重复主语 2 定语从句不总是最近的 是要看谓语动词单复数的/主谓太远 不是1的following,2插入的是定从; 3没有谓语;4主谓太远 不是1doing,2的定从 而是插入介词词组 +句子的平行并列 5同位语,同位和主谓很远;6谓语动词会有很多 谓语V平行并列 多个平行并列读懂句意;7必考倒装看清主谓 8必考形式主语 9倒装 10定从怎么去找而不是是就近名词,定从谓语单复为准+同位语离被修饰主语很远 中间插大修饰 11句子的主语永远在of前面 即使是形容词也是省略了名词罢了12代词 主语之间呼应+定从+宾语后置
3,4个小时不停的说 开始!!

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-11 22:24:52 | 只看该作者
第三章 三核心之二---选项
一  判断选项的总原则
1. 排除为主(105左右)
2. 不同题型排除选项
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