The FrankfurtSchool of Finance & Management Foundation doctoral programme is offeringDoctoral Scholarship positions including a tuition waiver and a monthly stipendfor living expenses for students interested in accounting or managementcontrol.
ABOUT THE PROGRAMME: The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management invitesambitious candidates to apply for its doctoral programme with a concentrationin Accounting. Frankfurt School is one of Germany's leading business schools.In terms of research output, its Accounting department ranks #1 in Germany andamong the top 15 in Europe.
The doctoral programme is structured to provide in-depth training in researchmethods, foundations of economic theory and econometrics. The school offers anexcellent research environment in terms of guidance and collaboration withexperienced faculty members as well as generous resources for independentresearch, conference and seminar visits. Knowledge of the German language isnot a prerequisite.
QUALIFICATIONS: The Accounting faculty invites outstanding graduates holding amaster's or bachelor's degree in business administration or a related field whoaspire to launch an academic career. Students are expected to fully devotetheir work time to their doctoral studies for at least four years.
All scholarships will be granted on the basis of academic criteria only.
APPLICATIONS/FURTHER INFORMATION: The application deadline is 15thof January 2018.
For more information, please visit our websites:
or forspecific information regarding the accounting department