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1.(231)A number of my old classmates is coming to the reunion, but the number of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week are quite large.
A. is coming to the reunion, but the number of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week are
B. are coming to the reunion, but the number of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week are
C. are coming to the reunion, but the number of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week is
D. are coming to the reunion, but the numbers of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week is
E. is coming to the reunion, but the number of impediments to my travelling to Arkansas next week is
2.(232)In contrast to vertically integrated companies that control every step of the supply chain for a limited product line, producing and marketing one product in a variety of ways enables horizontally integrated companies to increase market coverage and control a larger segment of the industry.
(A) producing and marketing one product in a variety of ways enables horizontally integrated companies to increase market coverage and control
(B) producing and marketing one product in a variety of ways enables horizontally integrated companies to increase market coverage, controlling
(C) the producing and marketing of one product in a variety of ways enables horizontally integrated companies to increase market coverage, controlling
(D) horizontally integrated companies, by producing and marketing one product in a variety of ways, are able to increase market coverage and control
(E) horizontally integrated companies, by producing and marketing one product in a variety of ways, are able to increase market coverage and controlled
3.(233)The spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on if the overall economy is healthy, whereas non-durable goods like food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.
(A) The spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on if the overall economy is healthy, whereas non-durable goods such as food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.
(B) Regardless of the economy, spending on non-durable goods such as food and shelter remains constant even though spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles is a cyclical pattern that depends on whether the overall economy is healthy.
(C) Spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles follows a cyclical pattern that depends on the health of the overall economy, whereas spending on non-durable goods such as food and shelter remains constant regardless of the economy's health.
(D) Whether the overall economy is healthy determines the cyclical pattern of spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles, whereas non-durable spending such as food and shelter remains constant regardless of the economy.
(E) The cyclical pattern of spending on durable goods such as household appliances and automobiles depends on whether the overall economy is healthy but non-durable goods such as food and shelter remain constant regardless of the economy.
4.(234)Many financial analysts consider an upward trend in a firm’s current ratio a sign of improving liquidity.
A. a sign of
B. as a sign of
C. to be a sign of
D. a sign of their
E. as being a sign of
5.(235)The governor’s team of advisors, including her education and political strategists, has not been available for comment since the release of her controversial education reform proposal.
A) has not been available for comment since the release of her controversial education reform proposal
B) have not been available for comment since the governor released her controversial education reform proposal
C) has not been available to make comments since releasing her proposal on controversial education reform
D) have not been available for comment since releasing her controversial education reform proposal
E) has not been available to make comments since the release of her proposal on controversial reform in education
6.(236)With brains shaped by evolution to respond primarily to immediate physical peril, individual human beings often ignore or underestimate the gravity of more nebulous threats, such as climate change, yet are no less menacing.
(A) individual human beings often ignore or underestimate the gravity of more nebulous threats, such as climate change, yet are no less menacing
(B) individual human beings are prone to ignore, or else to underestimate, the gravity of more nebulous yet no less menacing threats, such as climate change
(C) individual human beings, often ignoring or underestimating the gravity of more nebulous threats, such as climate change, are no less menacing
(D) the gravity of threats, such as climate change, that are more nebulous yet no less menacing are often ignored, or else underestimated, by individual human beings
(E) the gravity of more nebulous threats, such as climate change, are no less menacing, yet are often ignored or underestimated by individual human beings
7.(237)In the small, closed Bedouin world, in which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing a carrier and their families, subsequently lowering their chances for marriage should word get out that a genetic disease runs in her family.
A. in which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing a carrier and their families, subsequently lowering their
B. in which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing a carrier and her family,subsequently lowering her
C. which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing a carrier and her family, subsequently lowering her
D. in which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing a carrier and her families, subsequently lowering her
E. which secrets are hard to keep, there is the danger of stigmatizing carriers and their families, subsequently lowering their
8.(238)It is impossible to truly understand a different culture neither having grown up in that culture nor immersed oneself in it for an extended period of time.
A. neither having grown up in that culture nor
B. if you haven’t grown up in that culture or
C. having not grown up in that culture nor
D. having neither grown up in that culture nor
E. without either having grown up in that culture or
9.(239)Municipal governments are beginning to confront the growing pension liabilities; this leads local politicians throughout the country to become increasingly vocal about restraining costs and limiting services.
A) the growing pension liabilities; this leads
B) their growing pension liabilities; leading
C) the growth in their pension liabilities, which leads
D) their growing pension liabilities, leading
E) their growing pension liabilities, that leads
10.(240)In 1800, nearly 25 years after his discovering of methane gas, Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist, had developed what would become known as the voltaic pile, the first electric battery.
(A) his discovering of methane gas, Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist, had developed what would become known as the voltaic pile, the first electric battery
(B) his having discovered methane gas, Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist, developed the first electric battery, which will later become known as the voltaic pile
(C) his discovery of methane gas, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta developed the first electric battery, later known as the voltaic pile
(D) discovered methane gas, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta's discovery of the first electric battery, later known as the voltaic pile
(E) his discovery of methane gas, Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist who developed the first electric battery, which would later be known as the voltaic pile