我2月5号考,现在也刚刚在看题库,和你分享一下: favor: the primary responsibility of schools should be teaching academic. (then talk about the importance of fundamental education, i.e., math, physics, literacy etc. on basis of which can people learn to fulfill duty for a specific job) against: First some people may argue that it should be the reponsibility of their parent to teach children ethical and social values. But the fact is that more parents neglect such education especially when both are out working hard to maintain the family in the competitive society. Moreover, consider the amount of time we spent in the schools and how confusing we were in our youth, the duty of teaching ethical and social values cannot be exempted from the schools, at least they should guarantee to provide an unbiased and democratic environment. The recent gun-shooting tragety in U.S is a bloody lesson.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-3 23:49:30编辑过] |