1. Delivery 评分标准中要求的语音和流畅不用多说,直接送上几个亦鸥上发音最好听最地道的几个大神的录音给大家膜拜一下-- 【Shurui】 http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/12119381.html 【Sunsangdi】 http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/12170118.html 【Odetta88888】 http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/292895.html 【Xg8833920】 http://www.yeeaoo.com/recommendrec/12245253.html
2. Language Use 三单、时态错误和人称混乱这些低级错误在大神的录音中几乎不会出现,中式表达也比较少见。另外大神不会无数次使用同样的句型,比如we can .../if ... I will ... 。下面举几个中式表达的例子,大家在自己的答案中注意避免。 | | | 锻炼身体 | Practice sport, do practice | Work out | 自己做饭可以吃的更健康 | If I cook by myself, I will eat more healthily. Cooking by myself can make me eat more healthily. | I tend to eat healthily if I do home cooking. I’m more likely to eat the right way if I cook by myself. | 自己学习更高效 | Studying independently is more efficient. | I’m more efficient when I do independent study. | (提建议)我觉得我的朋友应该多练习 | I think my friend should/must practice more often. | It would really help if he practices more often. | | If the library has a lot of books, … | If the library has a big book collection, … |
附上语言质量非常高的答案 答案1:http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/47566.html 地道表达-- Being a leader means great responsibility; I tend to lose my appetite and creativity; If that happens, it’s not too far away from losing my job; I’m bad at handling relationships withpeople; I can feel extremely uncomfortable when talking to someone I’m not familiar with.
答案2:http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/22413.html 地道表达-- fashion trend, garment, define fashion, T-shirt and jeans are fashionable …
答案3:http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/78554.html 地道表达-- I know exactly what I like; I’m allergic to …; I can’t imagine telling everyone ...
3. Topic Development 在前两项做的差不多的情况下,内容的质量就是决定胜负的关键。亦鸥上以内容取胜拿到高分(26分)的大神是【powerbreen】,他说的答案内容都非常值得推敲 (http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/11931076.html)。 1)好答案必须切题 我只想说一句,千万要好!好!审!题!口语题都不难,千万别在逻辑上丢分。 问题1:Where would you recommend your foreign friend to visit in your town? 【跑题答案】I would recommend my friend to visit Yunnan Province ... Erin吐槽:听到Yunnan province瞬间跑题,说好的in your town呢? 【切题答案】http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/12239593.html Erin点评:开头就点名了我要邀请我的朋友去我们城里的某个地方。
问题2:Describe the most important day in your life, and explain why it was important. 【跑题答案】The most important day in my life is my birthday. I really want to thank my mom for giving birth to me ..... Erin吐槽:想说哪个birthday?important在哪里?? 【切题答案】http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/263862.html Erin点评:参加哥哥的婚礼,既提到了婚礼的细节又表达了自己的感受。
问题3:You attended a school recently. One aspect of the school is badly in need of improvement. What is it? Why does it need enhancement now? 【跑题答案】I think my school needs to improve the library, because if the library is improved, we can read a lot of books, hold groups dicussions or even do our assignments there. I think it's very important ..... Erin吐槽:不改善显然图书馆也可以做这些事情。现在的图书馆是什么样的,为什么要让学校改善它?改善之后和现在会有什么不同? 【切题答案】http://www.yeeaoo.com/record/257921.html Erin点评:先说学校现在有什么问题,再说怎么改善。
问题:Describe a friend of yours, and explain how you became friends. 【答案1】We have similar interests because we both love movies. For example, we often talk about Titanic ... Erin吐槽:Titanic谈论一两次还行,难道总是谈论同一部电影?? 【答案2】She's my best friend, and she's very loyal. Every time I'm in trouble, I will ask her for help.
【优秀答案1】http://yeeaoo.com/record/266091.html Erin点评:把认识朋友的过程描述的特别详细。 【优秀答案2】http://yeeaoo.com/record/245234.html Erin点评:踢球受伤之后好基友每天来照顾自己,Tom具体做了什么都说的很明白,而不是简单地 说‘每次我手上Tom都回来照顾我’。
【优秀答案3】http://yeeaoo.com/record/135661.html Erin点评:‘站在painting面前整个人都感觉到正能量‘是不是很有画面感?
3)好答案一定语调有起伏,有感情 每个学校总有那么几个上课催眠效果特别好的老师。说英文和说中文一样,说不成演讲也得说得正常哈。 【优秀答案1】http://yeeaoo.com/record/1193840.html Erin点评:听起来像是很认真地在给朋友提建议。 【优秀答案2】http://yeeaoo.com/record/12018106.html Erin点评:一直都有语调起伏,听起来很舒服。
【优秀答案3】http://yeeaoo.com/record/12168590.html Erin点评:语调的起伏让答案听起来非常很容易follow。
后记— 勤奋练习肯定没错,但是只有多思考才是有质量、高效的练习。希望本文对各位正在苦练口语的小鸥们有帮助,在练新的题目之前不如花点时间反思一下自己已经练过的题目吧:)